75 Bible Questions

Your Instructors Pray You Won't Ask

75 Bible Questions

You've Been Misled!

Unless you're "one in ten thousand" as Christians go, you've been misled. Maybe it hasn't been deliberate on the part of your Bible teachers, but it's true. In Christian college classrooms, pulpits, and Sunday schools throughout the land, people are being misinformed about Christianity, year after year.

What I'm talking about is humanism. People who think they are hearing "the good, old-time religion" are being indoctrinated by well-meaning (and sometimes not so well-meaning) teachers who are either outright humanists or who have been compromised by some of humanism's most important doctrines.

The trouble is, very few people are willing to put their faith to the test. They really don't want to think about the possibility that they've been misled. They don't want to sit down and examine their beliefs in the light of what the Bible has to say. Christians pretend that they know what the Bible has to say, but they absolutely refuse to ask themselves (or anyone else) the key questions, and then search for the Bible's answers.

What are these key questions? There are at least 75 of them. Actually, that's only a beginning, but 75 are enough to prove to almost anyone who really believes that the Bible is God's inspired Word that what he has been told the Bible teaches is false.

Catalog Description

Unless you're "one in ten thousand" as Christians go, you've been misled. Maybe it hasn't been deliberate on the part of your Bible teachers, but it's true. In Christian college classrooms, pulpits, and Sunday Schools throughout the land, people are being misinformed about Christianity, year after year. By posing 75 key questions (along with the Bible's answers), Gary North rips the mask from much of contemporary Christendom to reveal its true face: a baptized humanism. This book is ideal for group study.


PART I-Sovereignty: God's or Man's
Introduction to Part I

Could Pharaoh Have Repented?
Does God's Absolute Predestination Make Him Unfair?
If We Can't Work Our Way INTO Salvation,How Can We Work Our Way OUT?
How Can God GUARANTEE Good for His People without PREDESTINATING Good?
How Can We Escape the Love of God?
If We Can "Fall from Grace," Isn't Christ's Intercession Ineffective?
Are We LESS than Conquerors?
Doesn't God Make "Vessels Fittedfor Destruction"?
When Did God Decide to Give UsEternal Life?
Isn't Our Heavenly Inheritance Fully Guaranteed?
Aren't Our Good Works Predestined?
Didn't Jesus Deliberately Hide His Message so People Wouldn't Repent?
Could Judas Have Refused to Betray Jesus?
Don't Evil Men Also Glorify God?
Can Satan Repent and Be Saved?
Aren't Men Ordained in Advance to Eternal Life?
Doesn't God Compel Men to Believein Jesus?
Didn't God Choose Us Long before We Accepted Him?
How Can an Unregenerate ManAccept Christ?
Could the Authorities Have Acted Righteously and Released Jesus?
Isn't God's Grace Irresistible?
Isn't the Will of God Absolutely Sovereign?
Isn't Faith in Christ the Gift of God?
Did Christ Die for All Men?
Supplement to Part I Historic Creeds
Recommended Reading
PART II-Law. God's or Man's
Introduction to Part II
Isn't It Immoral for People to HaveSex with Animals?
How Can We Love God butIgnore God's Law?
Is Profession of Faith Enough, or Do Our Acts Also Count?
If Men Won't Obey God's Law, Are They Saved?
Are We "Once Saved, Always Saved"?
How Can We Accurately Define Sin if We Deny God's Law?
Does God Answer Prayers of Lawbreakers?
Do We Really Love the Brethren if We Disobey God's Laws?
How Can We Identify Christians if We lgnore God's Law?
How Can We Know if We Are "Dead to Sin" if We Ignore God's Law?
How Can We "Walk in Newness of Life" if We Disobey God's Law?
How Can We Stop "Serving Sin" if We Disobey God's Law?
Since God's Law Can't Kill Us, Won't It Help Us to Live?
How Can Sin Still "Reign" in Us if We Obey God's Law?
Aren't Those Who Disobey God's Law "Instruments of Unrighteousness"?
What Does "Under Grace, Not Law Mean?
Are We Free to Ignore God's Law if We Are "Under Grace"?
Is a Christian's "New Spirit" Opposedto God's Law?
Is the Law of God "Carnal" or Holy,Just, and Good?
How Can We "Walk after the Spirit" if We Disobey God's Law?
Isn't a "Carnal Mind" One Which Is Opposed to God's Law?
How Can We "Mortify the Flesh" if We Disobey God's Law?
Didn't Paul Believe That the Specifics of God's Law Still Apply?
How Can We Separate the "Moral Law" from God's Laws?
Doesn't Faith in Christ Establish God's Law?
Recommended Reading
PART III - Kingdom: God's or Man's
Introduction to Part III
Aren't Those Who Obey God's Law the "Salf of the Earth"?
Isn't a "City on a HiIl" to Be an Example for the World?
Should We Limit the Areas to Be Illuminated by Our "Light"?
How Can Christians Be Resurrected before the Millennium?
Doesn't God's Kingdom Grow Slowly Until it Fills the Earth?
Doesn't "Leaven" Mean Victory?
Didn't Christ's Kingdom Beginbefore the Crucifixion?
Wasn't Satan Cast out of Heaven During Jesus' Earthly Ministry?
Isn't Faith Progressively Productive Until Christians Win?
How Can Satan Rull the World if Power Comes from Righteousness?
Aren't Christians Supposed to Crush Satan?
What Can Possibly Interrupt Christ's Dominion?
Isn't Christ's Kingdom in This World?
Doesn't the New Testament Teach That Christians Are Powerful?
Aren't Christians Supposed to Execute Judgment?
Why Shouldn't Christians Become Civil Rulers and Enforce God's Law?
Doesn't the Bible Require an Appeals Court?
Won't the Resurrection Take Place after the Millennium?
Won't Men Live Longer as God's Kingdom Progresses?
Doesn't Christ's Kingdom Expand over Time?
Doesn't God Want His "Heirs" to Inherit Everything?
Didn't the Prophets Foresee the Church Age?
Didn't David Foresee the Church Age?
Didn't Moses Foresee the Church Age?
Aren't There Two Kinds of Salvation?
Recommended Reading
Appendix A–How to Get Your Answers
Appendix B–What Are Biblical Blueprints?

Copyright @1984, 1988 by Gary North Second Edition, 1988 All rights reserved. Written permission must besecured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles. Published by Institute for Christian Economics PO. Box 8000, Tyler, Texas 75711 Distributed by Dominion Press 7112 Burns Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76118 Typesetting by Thoburn Press, Tyler, Texas Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-930462-03-3
