Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1082

The New Testament



sec whether Elijah will come and save

But another taking a. spear pierced His side, when blood and water came cut. jesus, however, having again called out with a loud voice, resigned His spirit. Ely: Szgxxzl in ibn ®mxci§xi¤xr. l51 And en the veil of the temple was tom into two from the top to the bottom; while the earth was

52 shaken, and the rocks were split. [The tombs were also opened, and many bodies of the saintly sleepers were

5 3 raised; and coming out of the tombs, after His resurrection, they entered the holy city, and were seen by many.}

54 Then the captain, and those who were along with Him, guarding]esus, perceiving the earthquake and these other events,became dreadfully fright- In very truth this

Aud manywomen, who had followed jesus from Galilee, attending to Him, were looking on

56 from a distance. Among _these were Mary, the Magdalene; and Mary, the mother of james and joses; as well as the mother of , the sons of Zebedee. @1;,2 Eniumlmrmtt. 57 When the evening arrived, there came from Arimathwa, a rich man, namedjoseph, who had himself also

58 been taught by jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for the bodcj xég esus. Then Pilate ordered the , ` y to be

5g given up. joseph accordingly taking the corpse, wrapped it in a line linen

60 shroud, and placed it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock; andhaving rolled a large stone to the door of the tomb, he went

6: away. Mary, the Magdalene, and the other Mary, however, kept sitting opposite the tomb. akin Qssursnzz mzlil Sur:. y & gg éNoon the mornig follwing the preparation for the festival, the chief riests and the Pharisees assembled

Sir, we re- member that this Impostor said when He was alive, ‘ After three days I

64 shall rise again} Order, therefore, the tomb to be secured until the third day; for fear His disciples, coming, should steal Him, and say to the mob, ‘He arosefrorn thedeadf Thus thelast imposture will be worse than the first. I Ch. xxvil. vers. 52-—53 are evidently an

early note ef a transcrlber, and not a part of the original text.—·F.F. exclaimed Pilate 65 go away : secure it as you They accordingly went and 66 secured the tomb, sealing the stone in company with the guard. Elie llzsurrzriimt. After the Sabbaths} towards the 28 dawn of the day following the Sab- baths, Mary, the Magdalene, and the other Mary, came to examine the tomb. And a violent earthquake was 2 then felt; for an angel from the Lord, descending from heaven, approaching the stone, rolled it from the door, and sat upon it. His aspect resembled 3 lightning, and his garments were white like snow; and in dread of him the 4 guards trembled, and became as dead. 'I`hernessenger,addressingthewomen, 5 You need fear no— thing; I know that you are looking for jesus the crucined. He is not here; 6 He has risen, just as He told you. Come, look at the place where the Lord lay! Then go quickly, tell His 7 disciples that He has risen from the dead. And at once He will precede you into Galilee; you will see Him there, as I have told you. In fear, mingled with intense delight, 8 they accordingly took their departure with all speed from the tomb, and ran on to report to the disciples. But 9 jesus suddenly met them, saying, and they, ap- proaching Him, seized His feet, and paid Him homage. said jesus to them; ro go on, and acquaint My friends; so

that they may return to Galilee, where they shall see Me. Qrihixtg the ®narhs. Now while they proceeded, some of xr the guards at the same time, going into the city, reported all these events to the chief priests. They accordingly rz assembled with the elders; and after consultation together, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, in- I-lis dis- :3 ciples came at night and stole Him while we were asleep. And if this tale 14 should be heard by the Governor, we will make it right with him, and set They accordingly t5 took the money, and did as they were 4Sab-

which is retained. Readers should remember that all the seven days of the in the old Hebrew Kalendar.-·F. F. IO82

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1082

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