Micah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 628

The Books of the Prophets



1-13 16 I0 I! Yoko the swift stccds to tha chariot, O I lady residing in Lakish ! You caused the Hrst loss to Bath-Zion, For iu you were found Israel’s sins. Send divorce to the ladies of Gath, Those fair girls deceived Israe1’s Kings! But yet I will bring you a Master, Proud Lady, to govem you right. Shave, and shear, for the children you loved I Like the bald eagle, make yourself bald, For from you they are carried away! 3 Qzxnmriuiiun nf Siuinlxlzrz. Woe to the planners of mischief I Who work out their sin from their beds, And effect it when daylight appears, Because they have power in their hand I Who covet for t'ields,—and then steal! And houses and seize them by force; Who plunder a man and his house, And defraud a man of his estate! thus says the Loran, ‘ I plan for this family grief, From which you cannot keep your necks, Nor march along haughtily by I For now is the period for grief. ' Then a verse will be raised on yourselves, With a wailing and piteous sigh; We are spoiled} they will say, ‘ we are spoiled The lot of our People is changed; Why has He departed from us? And torn us away from our fields P ’ So for you there is none casts the line, To decide for the troop of the Loma, Tun Cxowo. ' Stop drivelling, you driveller, spout not. Cease to drivel to us of these things; Can you never abandon reproofs? ’ The Pxorum. Is it said in the Household of jacob, T hat the LORD‘s Spirit has been restrained ? Are not these things produced by Himself? But would not my words do you good, It you followed them right as you ought P But my people now rise to assail, They strip off the cloak with the coat, Turn to fight with the peaceable walker; Cast my people’s wives from their sweet homes; And dishonour their children for ever! Arise and be gone I For this is not your Homel For defilement corrupts, and corrupting destroys! If a man in the spirit of falsehood and lies Comes and patters to you of your wine and debauch, For this People, he is the right Preacher!

I No·ra.—Ch. 1, verses xo to 16. My poetically describing the sorrows of Israel Lady of Sorrows’ -F. F. 628

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0628

The History of the People of Israel