L There was man in the country of Ausitis whose name was Job. He was a man of truth and integrity, just, pious, and
2 who abstained from every thing that was evil. He had seven sons and three daughters; and his cattle were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five
3 hundred breeding asses. His attendants were numerous, and his works great in the country. He was also a man of illustrious birth, among the people of the east.
4 Now his sons had a custom of meeting at each others houses, and making an entertainment, each on his day, taking along with them their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
5 And soon as the days of the entertainment were over, Job sent for, and purified them early the next morning, and offered sacrifices for them according to their numbers; a young bull for a sin offering for each of them ; for Job said, Perhaps my children have in their mind conceived evil before God. Tji this manner therefore Job acted after every of those days.
6 And it came to pass that on the same day, when lo! the angels of God came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan also came witii them ; and the Lord said to Satan,
7 Whence comest thou ? And Satan in reply said to the Lord. Having gone round the earth, and roved the whole of it under
8 heaven, I am come here. And the Lord said to him, Hast thou harboured in thy mind any thing against my servant Job ? For there is not like him on the earth, a man unblameable, true,
9 pious, abstaining from every thing evil. And Satan in reply- said before the Lord, Doth Job worship the Lord for no-
10 thing ? Hast thou not made a hedge about all that he hath, abroad and at home, and about all that belong to him round about, and blessed the works of his hands, and multiplied his
11 cattle on the earth? But put forth thine hand and touch all
12 that he hath, he will indeed openly renounce thee. Then the Lord said to Satan, Behold all that he hath I deliver into thine hand ; but himself thou must not touch.
13 So Satan went out from the Lord, and after that, on the same day, when the sons and. daughters of Job were drink-
14 ing wine at dieir elder brother's house, lo! a messenger came to Job, and said to him, The oxen were ploughing and the
15 asses feeding near them, and the plunderers came and carried them off. Thy servants also they slew widi the sword,
16 and I alone having escaped, am come to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, another messenger came, and said to Job ; Fire hath fallen from heaven and burned up the sheep, and devoured the shepherds likewise; and I, alone having
17 escaped, am come to tell thee. While this one was still speaking, another messenger came and said to Job, The horsemen, having formed three bands against us, surrounded the camels and have carried them off, and slain thy servants with the sword; and I, alone having escaped, am come to
18 tell thee. While he was still speaking, another messenger came, and said to Job, While thy daughters were eating and
19 drinking at their eldest brother's, a great blast of wind came up suddenly from the wilderness, and took the four corners of the house, so that the house fell upon thy children, and they are dead, and I, alone having escaped, am come to tell thee.
20 Upon this Job rising up rent his clothes, and shaved his
21 head, and falling on the ground he worshipped and said, Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall depart hence. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. As
22 it pleased the Lord so hath it come to pass. Blessed be the name of the Lord. In all these things which befel him, Job trans- gressed not against the Lord, nor imputed indiscretion to his God.
II. Again on the day when the angels of God came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan also came among them to
2 present himself before the Lord. And the Lord said to Satan, Whence comest thou ? And Satan said before the Lord, Having traversed that under heaven, and roved through the whole
3 of it, I am come here. And the Lord said to Satan, Thou hast therefore attended to my servant Job; that there is not of those on the earth a man like him, guiltless, true, unblameable, abstaining from all evil. Still he retaineth his innocence; so that thou hast ordered the destruction of his property, without
4 accomplishing thy purpose. In reply to which Satan said to ' the Lord, Skiu for skin. All that a man hath he will give for
5 his life. Only put forth thy hand, and touch his bones and his
6 flesh, he will indeed openly renounce thee. Then the Lord said to Satan, Behold I deliver him up to thee, only preserve
7 his life. Thereupon Satan withdrew from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with foul ulcers from head to foot, so
8 that he took a shell to scrape away the ichor, and sat down in an unclean place without the city.
9 And much time having elapsed, his wife said to him, How long wilt thou persist saying, Behold I will wait yet a little longer, in hope and expectation of my deliverance ? For behold the memorial of thee—those sons and daughters, whom I brought forth with pangs and sorrow, and for whom I toiled in vain, are vanished from the earth; and thou thyself sit- test among the putrefaction of worms, all night long in the open air, while I am wandering about, or working for wages, from place to place and from house to house, wishing for the setting of the sun, that I may rest from the labours and sorrows I endure. Do but say something for the Lord and die.
10 Whereupon he looking stedfastly at her said, Like one of the women without understanding hast thou spoken ? If we have received good things at the hand of the Lord, shall we not bear up under afflictions ? In all these things which befel him, Job transgressed not with his lips against God.
11 Now when his three friends heard of all the calamities which were come upon him, they came to him each fro-m his own country, namely, Eliphaz the king of the Thaimanites, Baldad the sovereign of the Saucheans, and Sophar the king of the Minaians. Having made an appointment they came to
12 him to comfort and take care of him, but seeing him at a distance they did not know him. Then raising their voices they wept aloud, and having rent each his robe and sprinkled themselves with dust, they sat down by him seven days and
13 seven nights. And none of them spoke. For they saw that the stroke was grievous and very great. After this Job opened his mouth and cursed his day, saying,
III. Perish the day in which I was born—and the night in
4 which they said, It is a male! Let that night be darkness: let not the Lord from above regard it, nor splendour come upon
5 it: but let darkness and the shadow of death cover it: upon it
6 let there come a thick darkness. May the day be execrated! And as for that night, may a pitchy darkness sweep it away! May that never come into the days of the year; nor be num-
7 bered among the days of months. But as for that night, may it be sorrow, and may there never come upon it gladness or mirth!
8 But let him curse it who curseth the day—him who is to at-
9 tack the great sea monster. May the stars of that night be ob. scured in darkness : may it long for light but never reach it;
10 nor see the rising of the morning star: because it shut not up the door of my mother's womb : for that would have removed
11 sorrow from mine eyes : for why did I not end my days in the womb?- Or when I came forth from the belly why did I not in-
12 stantly perish? Why was I dandled upon the knees? And why
13 have I sucked the breasts? I might now have lain still and been
14 quiet; I might have gone to sleep and been at rest; with despots of the earth who gloried in their swords: or with chiefs
15 who abounded in gold—who filled their houses with silver;
16 or like an untimely birth sent forth from its mother's womb:
17 or like infants which never saw the light. There the wicked have ceased to be a terror: there the weary have got rest for
18 their body : and they of old who are assembled there together;
19 have never heard the exactor's voice. Small and great arethere
20 on a level—the servant, with his dreaded lord. For why is light given to them in misery; or life to souls distressed with
21 sorrow, who long for death but find it not; though they dig for
22 it as for treasures; and would rejoice exceedingly if they should
23 clxmce to find it. For God hath shut up death from a man; to
24 whom it would have been a repose. For my groaning cometh before my meat; aad I pour forth tears, begirt with sorrow.
25 For the terror, which I dreaded, is come upon me; and that,
26 of which I was afraid, hath befallen me. Did I not cultivate peace? was I not quiet? was I not at rest? Yet wrath is come upon me—
IV. Here Eliphaz the Thaimanite interrupting him, said,
2 Should frequent replies be made to thee in distress? But
3 who can bear the vehemence of thy words? For if thou hast instructed many; and strengthened hands which were weak;
4 and raised up with words them who were fainting; and given
5 courage to knees which were strengthless: but now, when trouble hath come upon thee and touched thee, thou art impa-
-6 tient: is not cither thy fear grounded on folly—or thy hope?
7 And this calamity the effect of thy conduct? Recollect therefore. Who ever perished, being innocent? Or when were the
8 righteous utterly destroyed? As I have seen men ploughing improper grounds : they who sow such places shall reap sor-
9 rows. By the decree of the Lord they shall perish; and by the
10 blast of his ire be utterly consumed. The strength of a lion and the roaring of a lioness and the boastful pride of dragons
11 have been extinguished. The myrmekoleon hath perished for
12 want of food: ;md young lions have forsaken each other. But had there been any truth in thy words; none of these evils would have happened to thee.
13 Should not my ear receive unusual things coming from him? At a dreadful sound by night, when terror appalleth
14 men, I was seized with a horror and trembling, which gave a
15 violent shog to my bones. A wind indeed blew full in my
16 face, and my hair stood erect and my flesh quivered. I started up, but could perceive nothing: I looked, but there was no form before my eyes. I only heard a sound and a voice, say-
17 ing: " What! can a mortal be pure before the Lord, or a man
18 by his works be blameless? If in his servants he placeth not
19 confidence, and in his angels perceiveth some blemish: how should he treat them who dwell in houses of clay, (of which
20 clay we indeed are) but as worms? but from morning till noon and they are no more. Because they could not help themselves 21 they were destroyed. Forheblowed on them and they wither-
V. ed: they perished because they had not wisdom. Appeal
now, will any one answer. Or shalt thou see any of the holy
2 angels? Passion indeed transporteth the foolish, and envy
3 killeth the wanderer. Now I have seen the foolish taking root,
4 but their sustenance was quickly consumed. Let their children be but far from safety, and insulted at the gates of minors,
5 there will then be none to deliver them. For what they have collected the righteous shall eat. Nor will they themselves be
6 exempt from wrongs, shbuld their power be exhausted. For trouble cannot come forth out of the earth; nor will affliction spring up from mountains.
7 (a) But man is born for trouble, as the young of the vul-
8 turesoar aloft, (b) No, indeed; but notwithstanding this, let me supplicate the Lord. And call upon the Lord, the master of all,
9 who doth great and unsearchable things—things glorious and
10 wonderful, not to be numbered. Who giveth rain on the earth
11 and sendeth water on all under heaven. Who setteth on high them who are low, and raiseth up them who have been ruined.
12 Who changeth the counsels of the crafty, so that their hands
13 can perform no enterprise. Who entangleth the wise in their
14 wisdom, and defeateth the counsel of the artful. In the day time, darkness shall meet them, that they may grope at noon
15 day as at night, and that they may perish in battle, and the
16 weak escape from the hand of die mighty. And that the feeble may have hope, and the mouth of the wicked be stopped.
17 But happy the man whom the Lord correcteth. Therefore despise not thou the correction of the Almighty. For he causeth
18 pain and again removeth it: and him whom he smote, his
19 hands have healed. From six distresses he will deliver thee,
20 and in the seventh evil shall not touch thee. In famine he will deliver thee from death, and in battle save thee from the edge
21 of the sword. He will hide thee from the scourge of the tongue: 'and thou need'st not be afraid of impending ills. At
22 the wicked and unrighteous thou shalt laugh: and of savage
23 beasts need'st not be afraid; for the beasts of the field shall be
24 at peace with thee. Thou shalt know that thy family is at peace,
(a) An objection, (b) The answer.
25 and that the provision for thy household shall not fail. Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great: thy children shall
26 be like the grass of the field. And thou shalt come to the grave like ripe grain cut in due season; or like a heap from a threshing floor, carried home in time.
27 Behold these are the things which, by investigation, we have found to be so. These are things which we have heard: apply them to thyself, if thou hast done any thing.
VI. To this, Job in reply said, O that some person would
2 weigh my passion: and poise in a balance against it, my cala-
3 mities. But these would outweigh the sand of the sea, though
4 you seem to think my words too vehement: for the arrows of the Lord are in my body, the fury of which drinketh up my blood : when I attempt to speak they pierce me.
5 What! will a wild ass bray without cause ? Will it do so, except when in search of food? Or will an ox low having fod-
6 der in his stall? Can bread be eaten without salt, or is there any
7 relish in vain words? For my temper cannot be calm, while
8 my meat is horrible as the smell of a lion. O that he would grant!—that my request might be complied with!—that the
9 Lord would grant me what I long for! Let the Lord, having
10 begun, wound me, but not utterly destroy me. Let but the grave be my city, having got on its walls I will not be slack to enter, for I have not disputed the holy commands of my God.
11 For what is my strength that I should bear up ! what my time
12 that my life is prolonged? Is my strength the strength of
13 stones, or is this flesh of mine made of brass? Or have I not
14 confided in him ? But help is far from me.—Mercy hath bidden me adieu. When the superintending care of the Lord over-
15 looked me, my nearest friends did not regard me: like a failing
16 brook, or like a wave of the sea, they passed me by. They who had assiduously paid me court, now made me a slight visit, like
17 snow or hoar frost, which melting at the approach of heat, the
18 place where it was is not known. Thus was I forsaken by all, and being undone, I became an outcast.
19 Take a view of the ways of the Thaimanites, ye who mark out the Sabean tracks! and they who trust in cities and wealth
20 must blush. But now when you have come to me, it is without 22 compassion—just to see my wound and be terrified. But why? Have I asked any thing of you, or do I crave any help
23 from you?—to save me from mine enemies—or deliver me out of the hand of the mighty?
24 Teach me and I will hold my tongue. If I have erred, tell
25 me plainly. But my words, it seems, are devoid of truth, because I do not beg assistance from you.
26 Your reproof can neither stop my speaking, nor can I bear
27 the tone of your oration: because, you not only fall upon the
28 orphan, but also insult your friend. But now having looked
29 you in the face I will not lie. Sit down I pray you, and let there be no more reproaches. Indeed you again meet a righte-
30 ous man. For there are no reproaches on my tongue, and as for my palate, doth it not relish wisdom?
VII. Is not the life of man on the earth a state of trial, and his
2 days like the days of a hireling ? Is he not like a servant, who ina shade is afraid of his lord? Or like a hireling waiting for
3 his hire? Just so have I waited months in vain, and wearisome
4 nights have been doled out to me. When I lay me down to rest, I say, When will it be day? And soon as I rise; I again say, When will it be evening? I am full of pains from evening till
5 morning; and my body swarms with the putrefaction of worms: and I moisten the clods of earth with the ichor of ulcers.
6 Though my life is swifter than a word; yet it is destroyed with
7 vain hope. Remember therefore that my life is but a breath;
8 and that mine eyes shall never return again to sec good. The eye of him who seeth me now shall not see me again. Thine
9 eyes are upon me and I am gone. I am like a cloud swept clean away from the sky. For when a man goeth down to the man^
10 sion of the dead; he can never reascend again—he can never return again to his own house^ nor shall his place know him
11 any more. For this cause then I will not refrain my mouth: I will speak though I am in anguish: though distressed, I will
12 unfold the bitterness of my soul. Am I a sea or a dragon, that
13 thou hast set a guard over me? Did I say my bed will comfort
14 me—I will converse with myself privately on my bed? Thou
15 terrifiest me with dreams and affrightest me with visions. Wilt thou drive away my life from my spirit; and yet keep my
16 bones from deadi? For I am not to live forever, that I should
17 bear patiently. Withdraw from me; for my life is vanity. For what is man, that thou hast magnified him; or that thou payest
18 attention to him? Wilt thou keep a watch upon him till the
19 morning. And judge him to the time of going to rest? How long wilt thou not let me alone: nor let me go, that I may
20 swallow my spittle? If I have sinned what can I do? O thou who knowest the hearts of men; why hast thou set me up as
21 thy mark to shoot at? Am I indeed a burden to thee? Why hast thou not made an oblivion of my transgression; or a puri-
22 fication for my sin? Now therefore let me depart into the earth: and when thou risest in the morning, I am no more.
VIII. Here Baldad the Sauchean interposing said, How long
2 wilt thou speak such things? The breath of thy mouth is pro-
3 fuse of words. Will the Lord in judging pass an unrighteous
4 judgment ? Or will he who made all things pervert justice ? If thy children have sinned in his sight, he hath dismissed them
5 for their transgression: But rise thou betimes and supplicate
6 the Lord Almighty. If thou art pure and upright, he will hear thy prayer; and render to thee the reward of righteousness.
7 Let thy beginning therefore be ever so small, thy end will be
8 unspeakably great. For inquire of the former generation; and
9 search diligently among the race of fathers; (for we are but of yesterday and know nothing—for our life on the earth is but
10 a shadow) will not they teach thee, and declare; and from the
11 heart utter these maxims—"Can the papyrus grow without wa-
12 ter? Or can grass grow rank without drink? While grass is low it should not be mown. Before drinking doth not every
13 herb wither?" Such therefore shall be the end of all who forget
14 the Lord: for the hope of the ungodly shall perish. For his house shall be uninhabited : and his tent shall flie away like a
15 spider's web. Though he prop up his house, it cannot stand:
16 Though he take hold of it, it will not abide, for is he somewhat green underneath the sun ? Though a tender branch may start
17 up from his rottenness; his bed is on a heap of stones : and
18 can he live among flint stones? Should he wish to drink, the place will disappoint him.
19 Hast thou not seen such things—that such is the catastrophe of the wicked ? But out of the ground he will cause ano-
20 ther to spring up : for the Lord will not cast off the innocent,
21 nor from the ungodly accept a gift: but he will fill the mouth
, of the upright with laughter, and their lips with songs of thanks- 22 giving: and their enemies shall be clothed with shame: and
the dwelling of the wicked shall come to naught. IX. To this Job replied, Of a truth I know that it is so. For
3 how can a mortal be righteous with the Lord ? For were it his pleasure to come to trial with him; he could not join issue to an-
4 swer one charge of his in a thousand. For he is wise in heart and strong and great. Who is hardy enough to stand up against
5 him who maketh mountains old insensibly—who overturned!
6 them in his anger—who shaketh the earth to its foundations,
7 so that the pillars thereof totter—who commandeth the sun and
8 it riseth not; and who sealeth up against the stars—who alone hath outspread the heaven; and who walketh on the sea as on
9 a pavement—who is the maker of the Pleiads and Hesperus,
10 and of Arcturus and the chambers of Notus—who doth things great and unsearchable; things glorious and wonderful not to
11 be numbered? When he passed over me I did not see him.
12 When he passed by me, I did not know how. If he dismiss who shall bring back ? Or who shall say to him, What hast
13 thou done ? For he himself slighted anger—by him the mon-
14 sters under heaven were bowed down. But if he will come to
15 a trial with me, or will take cognisance of my affairs; (for if I be righteous will he not hearken to me—shall I not supplicate
16 his decision ? And if I call and he will not answer, I do not
17 believe that he hath hearkened to my voice ?) Let him not break me with a tempest.
18 But he hath multiplied my wounds without cause. For he suffered! me not to take breath, and hath filled me with bitter-
19 ness. For because he is strong, he prevaileth. Who then can
20 withstand his decrees ? For if I am righteous shall my mouth be wicked ? And if I am blameless, shall I go away crouching?
21 For if I have acted wickedly, I am not conscious to myself: Nevertheless my life is taken away.
22 Say then, wrath destroyed! the great and powerful: that the
23 wicked fall by an untimely death. But the righteous are laugh-
24 ed to scorn: for they have been delivered into the hands of the wicked. He covereth the faces of the judges of that wrath. If it is not he, who is it ?
25 Now my days are swifter than a courier. They are gone 26 without being perceived. Js there any track left by ships in
27 their passage ? Or of an eagle flying in pursuit of its prey ? Now if I say, Let me forget speaking, let me bow down my face and
28 groan: I shudder in all my limbs; for I know that thou wilt
29 not let me alone though innocent. Now since I am wicked,
30 why have I not died ? For though I have washed myself with
31 Snow, and purified myself with clean hands: thou hast sotho-
32 roughly plunged me in filth that my very robes abhor me. For thou art not a man as I am, with whom I can contend; that we
33 may come together to a trial. O that there were a mediator
34 betwixt us—one to determine between and hear us both. Let him remove his rod from me; and let not the dread of him ter-
35 rify me—Let me not be terrified, but speak, (for in that case X. I am not master of myself) weary of my life I would pour
forth with groans my words before him: oppressed as I am I
2 would speak in the bitterness of my soul, and say to the Lord, Teach me not to be impious. Now, for what cause hast thou
3 thus condemned me? Is it agreeable to thee that I should commit iniquity; seeing thou hast rejected the works of thy hands;
4 and favoured the counsel of the wicked"? As a mortal looketh dost thou look down ? Or as a man looketh wilt thou behold ?
5 Are thy days as the days of a mortal; or thy years, the years
6 of a man; that thou hast sought out mine iniquity, and diligently
7 traced my sins ? For thou knowest that I am not impious: but
8 who can deliver out of thy hands ? Thy hands have fashioned me and made me. After that thou hast changed thy mind and
9 smitten me. Remember that thou hast made me of clay, and
10 art turning me again into mould. Hast thou not churned me
11 as milk, and curdled me as cheese; and clothed me with skin
12 and flesh; and fenced me with bones and sinews, and granted me life and favour, and by thy visitation preserved my spirit ?
13 As thou hast these things in thyself; I know that thou canst do all things, and that with thee nothing is impossible.
14 If I indeed have sinned inadvertently, thou hast me in
15 custody, and hast not acquitted me of transgression. If I indeed am impious, wo is me. And if I be righteous, I cannot
16 hold up my head, for I am full of ignominy. For I am hunted as a lion for slaughter. For turning again furiously thou de-
17 stroyest; me. Renewing the examination against me, thou hast exercised against me great wrath ; and hast brought against
18 me tortures. Why then didst thou bring me forth from the womb ? And why did I not die without an eye seeing me ;
19 and befcome as if I never had existed ? Why was I not carried
20 from the womb to the grave ? Is not the term of my life of
21 short duration ? permit me to enjoy a little repose : before I go, whence I shall not return; to a land dark and gloomy—to
22 a land of everlasting darkness ; where there is no light—no seeing the life of mortals.
XI. Here Sophar the Minaian answering said, He who speak- eth much should be answered : else the fine speaker thinketh himself just; and the short lived offspring of woman is blessed.
3 Be not profuse of words, because there is none to answer thee:
4 nor say I am pure in works and irreprehensible before him.
5 But how would the Lord speak to thee; were he to open his
6 lips against thee ? Indeed were he to unfold to thee the power of wisdom ; because it must needs be double to what are with thee: then thou wouldst know that what have come upon thee from the Lord are answerable to the sins which thou hast committed.
7 Canst thou trace the footsteps of the Lord ? Or hast thou
8 reached the extent of what the Almighty hath done ? The heaven is high, what then canst thou do? And there are things deeper than the mansion of the dead ; what dost thou know ?
9 Of greater extent than the measure of the earth or the breadth
10 of the sea. Now were he to overturn all these, who could say
11 to him what hast thou done ? For he knoweth the works of the wicked, and on seeing wickedness will not overlook it.
12 But man vainly floateth about in words—but a mortal born
13 of woman is like a wild ass. For if thou hast made thy heart
14 pure, and lift thy hands to him : if there be any iniquity in thy hand, put it far from thee ; and let not injustice lodge in thy
15 dwelling. For thus will thy countenance brighten like pure water : thou wilt disrobe thyself of filth, and no more be ter-
16 rifled: thou shall forget thy trouble like a wave that is past and not be afraid : and thy wish will spring up like the morn-
17 ing star; and life will arise for thee from noon day : and thou
18 shah be in a state of security because thou hast hope. And
19 out of sorrow and care, peace will shine upon thee. For thou
VOL. II. T t
shalt rest at ease, and none shall be at war with thee : and 20 many, changing their conduct, will intreat thy favour. But safety shall forsake them: for their hope shall be their destruction; and the eyes of the wicked shall melt away. XII. To this Job replied, You, forsooth, are men, and wis-
3 dom will die with you. But I indeed have understanding as
4 well as you. Fora just man and one irreprehensible hath been
5 made a mocking stock. For it hath been ordered that for a time he shall fall beneath others : and that his houses shall be wasted by transgressors. Nevertheless let no wicked man in-
6 dulge a confidence that he shall escape condemnation. Whoever provoke the Lord to anger shall not they also undergo a trial?
7 But ask, I pray thee, the beasts of the field, if they could speak to thee—and the birds of the air, if they could tell thee—
8 speak to the earth, if it could converse with thee—even the
9 fishes of the sea can tell thee. Who then among all these doth not know that the hand of the Lord hath done these things?
10 Is not the life of all living beings in his hand—and the breath of every man?
11 The ear indeed discerneth words and the palate tasteth
12 meats. By length of time wisdom is acquired, and by long life,
13 experience. With him is wisdom and power—with him coun-
14 sel and understanding. If he demolish who can rebuild? If he
15 shut against men, who can open? If he withhold water he drieth the earth. And when he let it loose, he overthrew and
16 destroyed it. With him is strength and power—with him
17 knowledge and understanding. He hath led counsellors away
18 captive. And confounded the judges of the earth. It is he who settleth kings on thrones and girded their loins with a girdle—
19 who sendeth priests into captivity and overthrew the sove-
20 reigns of the earth—who changeth the lips of liege men and
21 knoweth the wisdom of elders—who poureth contempt on
22 princes and hath healed them who were low—who revealeth deep things from darkness; and hath brought to light the shades
23 of death—who leadeth nations into error and destroyeth them—
24 who prostrateth nations and conducteth them—who changeth the hearts of the rulers of a land and hath caused them to wan-
25 der in a way which they knew not: That they might grope in
darkness without light; and that they might stagger like a drunken man. XIII. Behold these things mine eye hath seen and mine ear
2 heard: for I know all that you know and am not inferior to
3 you in knowledge. Nevertheless I would speak to the Lord;
4 and argue before him, were it his pleasure. Now you are all
5 bad physicians and curers of maladies. Could you hold your peace, it would be your wisdom.
6 Hear now the argument of my mouth and the pleading of
7 my lips. Are you not speaking in the presence of the Lord? And
8 do you in his presence utter deceit in a solemn manner? Or
9 will you keep back any thing? Judge for yourselves. For will it be well for you, if he mark your steps? For though feigning
10 all these things you apply them for him : he will, notwithstanding this, reprove you. And if you secretly respect persons; will
11 not his awful majesty confound you; and the terror of him fall
12 upon you? And your boasting be dissipated like ashes; and your bodies be reduced to clay.
13 Keep silence that I may speak, and have some respite
14 from wrath. Taking my flesh in my teeth I will put my life in
15 my hand. Though the Almighty, as he hath begun, may sub-
16 due me: yet I will speak and plead before him. And this will contribute to my deliverance : for no deceit shall come before him.
17 Hear, hear my words: for I will proclaim them in your
18 hearing. Behold I am near my trial. I know that I shall ap-
19 pear just. For who is there who will emplead me? For now I will be silent and expire.
20 Now two things thou art to grant me : then I will not hide
21 myself from thy presence—withdraw thy hand from me : and
22 let not the dread of thee overwhelm me with terror. Then call and I will answer thee : or speak and I will make thee a reply.
23 How many are my sins and mine iniquities? Teach me what
24 they are. Why dost thou hide thyself from me and hast ac-
25 counted me thine adversary? Canst thou be afraid of one who is like a leaf moved with a breath of wind? Or. as against dried grass carried away with a blast, dost thou set thyself against
26 me? For thou hast written evil things against me; and laid to
27 my charge the inadvertencies of youth; and put my feet in a
clog and watched all my doings; and hast tracked the soles of my feet. XIV. He who is-bom of a woman waxeth old like a leathern
1 bag: or like a garment which is moth eaten; for he is mor-
2 tal, short lived and full of disquiet: or like a flower which fell when in bloom. He glideth away indeed like a shadow and
3 can make no stay. And is it not such a one thou hast called to account; and caused such a one to come to trial before
4 thee ? For who can be free from stain ? Surely none. Whe-
5 ther the course of his life on earth be one day ; or months be numbered out for him, he cometh to the term thou hast set,
6 but cannot pass it. Turn away from him, that he may take
7 rest, and comfort his life like a hireling. For there is hope for a tree; for if lopped, it may sprout again, and the tender branch
8 may not fail. And if its root become old in the earth, or die
9 on a rock : its stem by the scent of water may blossom ; and
10 produce a crop like a tree lately planted. But when a man dieth
11 he is gone: when a mortal falleth, he is no more. For in a course of time a sea is spent; and 'a river when unsupplied is
12 dried up : and man when composed in the grave cannot rise again—until the heaven be folded up; they shall not be awakened from their sleep.
13 O ! that thou hadst kept me in the mansion of the dead ; and hid me till thine indignation should cease : and that thou wouldst set me a time when thou wouldst remember me ;
14 (for though a man die he may be revived, after finishing the days of this life of his,) I would wait patiently, until I come
15 again into existence. Then call and I will answer. But reject
16 not the works of thy hands. Now thou hast numbered up my de-
17 vices, and not one of my inadvertencies could escape thee. Thou hast sealed up mine iniquities in a bag; and set a mark on every
18 transgression, which I inadvertently committed. But not to mention that a falling mountain will continue its fall; even a
19 rock may by force be removed from its place. Waters have worn stones smooth; and waters have washed away mounds
20 of earth; and thou hast destroyed the patience of man. Thou hast brought him to an end, and he is gone : thou hast set thy
21 face against him and dismissed him. And diough his children be multiplied, he knoweth it not: and if they become few in 22 number, he doth not perceive it. His flesh hath been for nothing but to suffer pain; and his soul only to suffer grief. XV. Here Eliphaz the Thaimanite taking up the argument
2 said, Will a wise man give the wind of knowledge for an answer ; though he hath therewith filled his labouring belly ?
3 Or in pleading use arguments which he ought not; and words
4 in which there is no profit? Hast thou not cast oft fear, and
5 used such arguments before the Lord ? By the arguments of thine own mouth thou art guilty ; and hast not discerned the
6 arguments of the mighty. Let thine own mouth and not me convict thee : thine own lips indeed will testify against thee.
7 What! wast thou born before men ? Or wast thou brought
8 into being before the hills ? Or hast thou heard the established system of the Lord ? Or hath God used thee as his coun-
9 seller ? Or hath wisdom made application to thee ? For what knowest thou, which we do not know? Or wh'at dost thou
10 understand, which we do not ? Among us indeed are elders
11 and aged men, more venerable for years than thy father. Thou hast been chastised less than thy sins deserve. Thou hast spo-
12 ken with excessive haughtiness. To what a pitch of boldness is thy heart raised; or at what have thine eyes taken aim; that
13 thou shouldst vent wrath before the Lord, and utter such
14 words from thy mouth ? For who being mortal can be irre- prehensible ? Or can the offspring of woman be righteous ?
15 If in his holy ones he placeth not confidence ; and the heaven
16 is not pure in his sight; how abominable and filthy must man be; who drinketh iniquity in, like water! ,
17 But let me tell thee—hear what I have seen—let me tell
18 thee what the wise say, and their fathers have not concealed—
19 They, to whom alone the earth was given; and no stranger
20 came among them. "The whole life of the wicked is spent in anxiety. Though a certain number of years is given to the
21 oppressor : yet the sound of terror is in his ears. When he
22 seemeth to be at peace his destruction shall come. Let him not hope to return out of darkness; for he is already doomed
23 to the edge of the sword; and destined to be food for vultures. He knoweth within himself that he waiteth for a fall;
24 and a dark day will torture him. Distress and anguish will overwhelm him ; like a general at the head of troops falling 25 upon him. Because he lifted up his hands against the Lord;
26 and hardened his neck against the Lord Almighty : therefore he ran upon him contemptuously, with the thick boss of his
27 buckler. Because he covered his face with fatness; and made
28 collops of fat upon his thighs: let him therefore lodge in deserted cities; and go into uninhabited houses : and what they
29 had got ready, let others carry off. Let him neither be enriched, nor what he hath continue. Let him never cast a shadow
30 on the ground, nor escape out of darkness. Let the wind blast
31 his bud, and his blossom fall prematurely. Let him not hope to
32 continue, for vanity shall be his portion. Let his branch lopped unseasonably, die ; and let not his young shoot flourish.
33 Let him be gathered like unripe grapes before his time, and
34 fall like the olive blossom." For death is the testimonial of a wicked man : and a fire shall consume the tents of bribery.
S3 He shall conceive sorrows and bring forth vanity, and his belly
shall produce an illusion. XVI. To this Job replied, I have heard many such things,
3 ye miserable comforters all! what! have words of wind a regular succession ? Or can they give thee offence, considering
4 thine answer ? I indeed could speak as you do. But were your soul in my soul's stead, would I insult you with words and
5 shake my head at you ? And should there be strength in my
6 mouth ; would I not spare moving my lips ? For if I speak shall I not bemoan the wound ? And if I hold my peace, shall
7 I be any the less wounded ? But now when he hath made me
8 a poor rotten fool; thou indeed hast fallen upon me. My lie is become a witness, and hath risen up against me—it hath
9 answered me to my face. When in his wrath he threw me down and gnashed his teeth at me ; the darts of his executi-
10 oners fell upon me. When with the darts of his eyes he had transfixed me—with his spear had brought me on my knees:
11 they with one consent rushed upon me. The Lord hath indeed delivered me up to the unrighteous ; and turned me over to
12 the ungodly. When I was at peace he broke me up—taking me by the hair he shook me—he set me up as a mark. Tbey
13 surrounded me with javelins, darting them into my reins—
14 without mercy they poured my gall on the ground. They shot me, one deadly wound on another—they ran against me 15 with all their might. They sewed sackcloth on my skin: and
16 my strength was extinguished in the dust. My belly was burned up with wailing ; and on mine eyelids were the shades
17 of death :' yet there was no iniquity in my hands. And my prayer was pure.
18 O earth, cover not the blood of my flesh, nor let there be
19 a place for this cry of mine. Even now, behold my witness is in heaven; and he who hath a perfect knowledge of me is on
20 high. O that my suit could come before the Lord, and that
21 before him mine eye could drop a tear! That a man could plead
22 before the Lord, as a son of man may with his neighbour! But my numbered days are come, and I must go the way> by which
XVII. I"cannot return. I am dying with a tortured spirit, and
2 wishing for a burial, but do not obtain it. I am supplicating in distress, yet what have I done ? Strangers have stolen my
3 substance—who is the man ? Let him be brought to trial with
4 me. Because thou hast hid their heart from understanding, thou
5 shouldst not for this cause exalt them. Shall he reckon misfortunes for his portion—and were his eyes melted for his chil-
6 dren ? But thou hast made me a by-word among nations, and
7 I am become a subject of laughter for them. For mine eyes are
8 dim with sorrow, and I am closely besieged by all. At this the upright are astonished. " Now the righteous should prevail
9 over the wicked: and he who is faithful should hold on his
10 way: and he who hath clean hands should take courage." On these maxims you all rely. But come now; for I do not find
11 truth among you: my days have passed in groans, and my very
12 heart strings are broken. I have put night for day. Is light
13 near on account of darkness ? For though I have waited patiently, the mansion of the dead is to be my house, and my bed
14 is made in darkness. I have called on death to be my father—
15 and on corruption to be my sister and mother. Where then have I any ground of hope ? Or shall I see those good things
16 of mine ? Shall they go down with me to the mansion of the dead ? Or shall we go together beneath the mound ?
XVIIL Here Baldad the Sauchean interrupting him said, How long will it be e're thou wilt stop? Forbear that we may speak.
3 Why should we like beasts be silent before thee? Passion hath
4 taken possession of thee. What! If thou die, shall the earth be uninhabited ? Or the mountains overturned from their foundations ?
5 The light of the wicked shall indeed be extinguished ; and
6 from them a spark shall not ascend. The light in his dwelling shall be darkness, and the lamp for him shall be extinguished.
7 " Let the weakest plunder his substance, and his o\vn counsel
8 subvert him. His foot is caught in a trap; in a net let him be
9 entangled, and let snares come upon him.'* He will strengthen
10 the thirsty against him. "A gin is hid for him in the ground,
11 and the trap for him by the way side. May surrounding sorrows destroy him, and many come round his foot in sore famine."
12 For him indeed a direful destruction is prepared. " May the toes of his feet be eaten up, and death devour his comeliness.
14 May health be expelled from his dwelling, and distress lay hold
15 on him with the authority of a king." It will make its abode in his tent; in his night all his finery will be strewed with sulphur.
16 Underneath his roots will be dried up; and above, his product
17 will fall. "May the memorial of him be destroyed from die
18 earth. When his name shall be published abroad, may they
19 drive him from light to darkness." He will not be acknowledged among his people, nor will his household be safe under
20 the cope of heaven. But in his possessions others shall live secure. They who came after groaned for him, but horror seized
21 them who were before. Such are the houses of the unrighteous, and such the place of them who know not the Lord.
XIX. To this Job replied, How long will you make my soul
3 sorrowful? You are indeed destroying me with words. Know at least—because the Lord hath dealt thus with me; you speak
4 against me—without shame you fall upon me. Take it for granted that I have erred (though my error remaineth with myself) in speaking words which I ought not: and that my words
5 are erroneous and unseasonable: but grant also, That you mag-
6 nify yourselves against me, and insult me with reproach. Know then, That it is the Lord who hath terrified me, and raised his
7 bulwark against me. Behold I laugh at reproach—I will not
8 speak—I will cry aloud, There is no judgment. I am fenced about and cannot get out. Before me he hath placed darkness.
9 He hath stripped me of my glory, and hath taken the crown 10 from my head. He broke me on every side and I fled: and he
11 hath cut down my hope like a tree. When he exercised great
12 wrath against me, and counted me as an enemy: With one consent his troops fell upon me—they who were in ambush
13 beset my ways. My brethren stood aloof from me, they acknowledged strangers rather than me ; and my friends were not com-
14 passionate. My nearest relations paid me no attention: and
15 they who knew my name forgot me. As for my domesticks
16 and maid servants, in their view I was a stranger. When I
17 called my servant, he did not answer me. When with my mouth I entreated and supplicated my wife, and called affectionately
18 the children of my concubines: they renounced me forever.
19 When I insist, they speak against me. They who saw me, ab-
20 horred me: and they whom I loved rose up against me. The flesh next my skin, became rotten, and my bones begin to be
21 corroded. Pity me, pity me, O my friends, for the hand of the
22 Lord hath touched me. Why do you persecute me as the Lord doth, and are not satisfied with my flesh ?
23 O that my words were written and recorded in a book for-
24 ever! That they were engraven with a graver of iron on lead,
25 or on rocks! For I know that he is eternal, who is about to dis-
26 solve me on earth, to raise again this skin of mine which draw- eth up these things. For from the Lord those things have been
27 done to me, of which I alone am conscious—which mine eyes have seen, and no other; and which have all been done to me
28 in my bosom. Now if you will say, What shall we say against him ? And what ground of accusation shall we find in him ?
29 Stand in awe, I beseech you, of the developing scene; for wrath will come upon the unrighteous, and it shall then be known, where their filthiness is.
XX. Then answered Sophar the Minaian and said,
2 I did not suppose that thou wouldst return such an answer,
3 but do not you feel it more than I? Am I to hear my modesty corrected? And is a spirit from its consciousness to answer
4 me ? Thou hast never known such things heretofore, from the
5 time man was placed on the earth! " But the mirth of the wicked is sudden ruin, and the joy of transgressors, destruction, though his gifts mount up to heaven, and his sacrifice reach the clouds.
7 For when he thinketh that he is now firmly established, .then
shall he be utterly destroyed; and they who have seen him will
8 say, Where is he? Like a dream which is gone, he cannot be
9 found. He is vanished, like a spectre in the night. The eye which saw him, shall see him no more; and his place shall no
10 more observe him. Let minors destroy his children, and his
11 own hands light up the signals of distress. His bones were full of his youth, but with him it shall go to rest beneath the
12 mound. If wickedness be sweet in his mouth, he will hide it under his tongue. He will not be sparing of it, nor forsake it, but will gather it together in his mouth; therefore let him not be able to help himself. The poison of an asp is in his belly.
15 Riches collected unrighteously shall be vomited up. Out of his
16 house let an angel drag him. May he suck the venom of dra-
17 gons! and may the tongue of the viper slay him ! may he never see the milking of his kine, nor the distribution of his
18 honey and butter! He hath wearied himself foF emptiness and vanity—for riches, of which he shall not have -a taste, which
19 are like a bur, neither to be chewed nor drunk. Because he broke up the families of princes; and plundered dwellings and
20 suffered them not to stand. There is no security for his posses-
21 sions ; nor shall he be saved by what he valueth highly. Not a scrap of his provisions is left. His good things shall not, on
22 this account, be renewed. In the fullness of his sufficiency he shall be afflicted,and all mannerof distress shall come upon him.
23 If by any means he be permitted to fill his belly ; may he send against him fiery indignation, and pour upon him sorrows!
24 Let him not escape from the edge of the sword ! May the bra- sen bow wound him, and the dart pass through his body, and
26 stars light on his dwellings! May terrors stalk around him, and total darkness await him! An unkindled fire devoureth
27 him. May his guest also afflict his family! may the heaven
28 disclose his iniquities, and the earth rise up against him! May destruction bring his house to an end ! Upon him may there
29 come a day of wrath !" This is the portion of a wicked man from the Lord, and this his possession, from the superintending Being.
XXI. To this Job replied, hear, hear my words. Can I not have
3 this consolation from you? Bear with me, and when I speak do
4 not deride me. What! Is my pleading with man? Or, why shall 5 I not be inflamed with indignation ? Look on me and be amaz-
6 ed, having laid your hand on your cheek. For at the bare recol-
7 lection I shudder: and tortures rack my flesh. Why do the
8 wicked live and grow old, abounding in wealth? Their crops
9 are to their wish, and their children before their eyes. Their houses flourish and they have no dread; and a scourge from
10 the Lord is not upon them. Their k'me bring not forth untimely births, but go their time safely, and cast not their
11 calves. They abide continually like a flock, and their little ones
12 frolick about them. They take up the psaltery and kithara,
13 and are charmed with the sound of the song; and having spent their life in festivity, they are composed to rest in the peaceful
14 grave. Yet he saith to the Lord, " Depart from me, I desire not
15 to know thy ways. What is the Almighty, that we should serve him: and what the advantage, that we should wait on
16 him?" For (heir prosperity was by their own hands.
17 Now doth not he observe the works of the wicked? and should not the lamp, at least of wicked men, be extinguished, fnd destruction come upon them? And pangs seize them, on
18 account of anger: and they be like chaff driven by the wind,
19 or like dust swept away by a whirlwind? His substance should fail from among his children. He should retribute to
20 him. And he should know4t. His eyes should see his own de-
21 struction: and he should not escape from the Lord. Because his desire is in his family with him; therefore die number of their months should be cut short.
22 Is it not the Lord who teacheth wisdom and understanding,
23 and doth he discriminate murderers? One is to die in his full
24 strength, all his life being successful and prosperous; his entrails are cloathed with fat, and his bones abound with marrow.
25 Another dieth with bitterness of soul, having never tasted any
26 thing good. But they are both composed alike under ground, and putrefaction hadi covered them.
27 I know you charge me with presumption, that you will say, Where is the house of the chief, and where is the covering of the tents of the wicked?
29 Ask them who travel the high ways, or their monuments,
30 you cannot miss them. Because the wicked is reserved for a day of destruction : let them be carried to prison for the day 31 of his indignation. Who shall tell him his way to his face, and
32 who shall retribute to him what he hath done? Even when he should be carried to the burying place, he had caused a watch
3-3 to be kept over his tomb. The flints of the torrent have been sweetened for him, and every man shall go after him, as innu-
34 merable have gone before him. How then do ye comfort me with vanity ? There is nothing from you to give me consolation.
XXII. Upon this, Eliphaz the Thaimanite answered, and said,
2 Is it not the Lord who teacheth wisdom and understanding?
3 What! Is it any advantage to the Lord, if thou, in works, art irreprehensible ? or any profit, that thou shouldst keep a straight
4 course ? Or will he, instituting a suit against thee, argue and
5 come to a trial with thee? Is not thy wickedness great, and thy
6 sins innumerable? Thou hast taken pledges of thy brethren for
7 nought, and hast stripped the naked of their cloathing. Thou hast not given drink to the thirsty: but hast robbed the hungry
8 of their morsel. Thou hast respected the persons of some and settled them in the land; but hast sent widows away empty,
10 and done injustice to orphans. Therefore snares have beset thee, and an unexpected war hath made thee shudder. The light hath become darkness to thee, and water hath overwhelm-
12 ed thee when asleep. " Doth not ^he who dwelleth on high,
13 observe; but hath he humbled the haughty?" Yes, thou hast said, How can the Almighty know ? Can he judge in darkness?
14 A cloud is his covering, so that he cannot be seen, though
15 he traverse the circuit of heaven. Thou wilt not keep the ancient way, which righteous men trod, who were borne aloft,
17 and whose foundations were the surgy stream. As for them who said, What can the Lord do to us, or what can the Al-
18 mighty bring upon us? (He, who had indeed filled their houses with good things, though the counsel of die wicked is
19 far from him.) When the righteous saw them, they smiled,
20 and he who was blameless laughed them to scorn. Had not the whole of them disappeared, a fire would have consumed the residue.
21 Become hardened now, if thou remainest; and shalt thou be rewarded with good things ?
22 Receive, I pray thee, from his mouth, the terms of deliver-
23 ance, and lay up his words in thy heart. If thou wilt return and humble thyself before the Lord, having removed iniquity far from thy dwelling, thou shall be placed on a mount, founded
25 on a rock, and be like the rock of the torrent Sophir. Then will the Almighty be thy defence from enemies; and he will
26 make thee pure as silver tried by fire. Then indeed thou shalt have confidence before the Lord; and mayst look up to heaven
27 with cheerfulness. And when thou prayest to him, he will hearken to thee, and will enable thee to pay thy vows ; and he will assign thee an habitation of righteousness, and light shall shine upon thy ways.
29 Because thou hast humbled thyself, thou wilt say, Such a one was insolent—but he will save him whose eyes are lowly.
30 He indeed will save the innocent. Save thyself therefore, with clean hands.
XXIII. In reply to this, Job said, I know very well, this trial
2 is not in my disposal. And that his hand is made heavy by my
3 groaning. But O that some person would let me know, that I
4 might find him, and come to an issue; that I might order the trial of myself, and that he would stop my mouth with argu-
5 ments. That I might know what remedies he will prescribe for
6 me, and understand what he will announce to me ! Though he may come against me with great majesty, he will not employ
7 it in threatening me. For truth and argument proceed from
8 him ; and he would bring my cause to an issue. For if I am to go first and am no more, how do I know what will be at the
9 last ? When he wrought on my left, I comprehended not; he
10 may encompass my right and I not see. For he already knovv-
11 eth my way and hath tried me like gold. And I will come out
12 at his commands; for I have kept his ways, and will not turn aside from his commands, nor transgress in my bosom: indeed
13 I have hid his words. But if he hath judged thus, who can
14 gainsay him ? For he hath done what was his pleasure. For this cause my shuddering is at him ; and on being chastened,
151 thought of him. For this cause I am to be awed at his pre-
16 sence—I am to meditate on and be in dread of him. It is the Lord indeed who hath softened my heart, it is the Almighty
17 who hath made me shudder. For I had no knowledge of darkness coming upon me ; and he had hid from my view thick darkness before me.
XXIV. But why have set times escaped the notice of the Lord; and the wicked transgressed all bounds; and ravaged
3 both the flock and the shepherd? They have driven away the ass of the fatherless; and taken the widow's cow for a pledge.
4 They have turned the weak out of the right way; and with one consent the meek of the land are hidden and are gone away like asses in a field. They are sprung up above me in then- own order.
6 To one, bread is sweetened for his children : others have reaped before dawn a field not their own—exhausted of strength have worked the vineyards of the wicked without wages and without food.
7 They have caused many to sleep naked without covering—
8 they have stripped them of clothing necessary for life. These are wet with the dew of the mountains: and having no shelter they cling to a rock.
9 They have torn the orphan from the breast: and him who had fallen they have pressed down.
10 They have by injustice caused some to be naked; and robbed the hungry of their morsel.
11 They have entrapped some unjustly in straits, and the path of justice they did not know.
12 Some are expelled from the city and their own houses: and the soul of babes heave heavy groans.
13 Now why hath he not called these to account while on earth? Though they did not acknowledge—though they did not know the way of justice; did they not still go on in their
14 courses? And hath he who knew their work's delivered them up to darkness? And will he be as a thief in the night?
15 When the eye of the adulterer watched for darkness; saying, No eye shall discover me—when he having put a mask
16 on his face digged through houses in the dark : (during the day they had shut themselves up—they had no acquaintance
17 with light) because the morning is to all these as the shadbw of death—because the terror of the shadow of death should
18 acknowledge them; is it swift on the face of the water?
The portion of these on the earth should be cursed and their plants exposed dry on the: ground : for they plundered the sheaf of orphans. Now was such a one's sin brought to remembrance?
Though he was dark as the darkness of night; retribution should be made for what he hath done: and every wicked man should be broken; like a tree which cannot be healed. '21 Because he did not treat the barren with tenderness; and had no compassion fora poor weak woman. But overtlirew the 'helpless with wrath : therefore when he riseth he should have no security for his own life: when sick, he should have no hopes of recovery : but should perish by his disorder.
24 As his exaltation afflicted many: he should wither like mallows by heat: or like an ear of corn which fell of itself from the stalk.
25 Now if this is not the case; who can say I have spoken falsehoods : and set my words at naught?
XXV. Hereupon Baldad the Sauchean answered and said,
2 What! Js there any apology, or fear with him;-who made
3 the universe and is supreme? For let none suppose, because robbers have a respite; that snares shall not come from him on
4 any. For how can a mortal be just before the Lord or any off-
5 spring of woman make himself clean? If he setteth the moon beside him, it shineth not: and the stars are not pure in his
6 sight. Grant then tliat man is rottenness and that the son of man is a worm.
XXVI. To this Job replied,
2 Whom dost thou assist, or whom art thou going to help ? Is it not him, who hath mighty power and whose arm is
3 strong? For whom hast thou been acting as counsellor? Is it not for him who hath all wisdom? Whom art thou about to
4 follow? Is it not him, whose army is beyond compare? For whom hast thou announced dictates? And whose'breath is it
5 which proceeded from thee? Are giants going to rise up from beneath the water and the places in its neighbourhood? The mansion of the dead is naked before him : and destruction hath no covering.
.7 He it is, who stretcheth out Boreas over empty space—
8 who suspendeth the earth upon nothing—who bindeth up
9 water in his clouds; and the cloud under it is not rent—who taketh possession of the front of his throne and over it spread-
10 eth his cloud. His decree hath drawn a circle on the face of
11 the water; at the confines of light and darkness. The pillars of heaven flutter and are struck with consternation at his rebuke.
12 By his power he calmed the sea; and by his knowledge the
13 monster was overthrown. The bars of heaven were terrified at him; and by a decree he doomed to death the apostate dragon.
14 Behold these are parts of his ways. But let us hear the least breath of reason for him. As for the strength of his thunder; who knoweth when he shall employ it?
XXVII. Furthermore Job proceeded and by way of preface said,
2 As God liveth, who hath thus condemned me; even the
Almighty who hath made my life bitter: while I have the power
of breathing and the breath of God is in my nostrils; my lips
shall not speak wickedness, nor shall my soul contrive mischief.
5 Far be it from me to acknowledge you to be right; for till
I die, I will not give up mine innocence. And for asserting my
righteousness I make no apology; for I am not conscious to
myself of having done amiss.
7 Should not mine enemies then be as the overthrow of the wicked? And they who rise up against me as the destruction of transgressors?
8 Now whatever hope a wicked man hath, that he persisteth; shall he who hath trusted in the Lord be indeed safe? Or will God hear his prayer? Or when trouble cometh upon him, hath he any assurance before him? Or upon his calling, will he hearken to him?
11 But now let me tell you what is by the hand of the Lord.
12 What are from the Almighty I will not falsify. Behold you all know that you heap vanity on vanities, saying,
" This is the portion of a wicked man from the Lord: and the possession of oppressors, which shall come to them from
14 the Almighty. If their children be many they shall be for . slaughter; and if they grow up to men, they shall be beggars.
15 Those who are about him shall die by pestilence: and their
16 widows none shall compassionate. Though he heap up silver as dust; and store up gold as clay : the righteous shall take
18 charge of all these; and men of truth shall enjoy his wealth. His
19 house is gone like moths or like a cobweb. He shall lie down rich but shall not continue so. He hath opened his eyes, and
20 all is gone. Sorrows flowed in upon him like water. In a night
21 a tempest swept him away. A burning wind shall take him up
22 and go he must. It shall blow him away out of his place. He will dash upon him and will not spare. Should he by flight flee from his hand, he will cause them to clap their hands at him and will hiss him out of his place."
XXVIII. There is indeed a place, from which silver is got;
2 and a place from which gold is strained. Iron indeed is made out of the earth, and brass is hewn from a quarry like stones.
3 He hath assigned a station for darkness: but every boundary he assigned is diligently explored—stones, darkness and the shadow of death ; the channels of brooks choked up with sand : where to such as know not the right way; strength is
5 unavailing and they are removed from among men. As for the earth out of which bread cometh; from underneath it something like fire hath been turned up. The stones thereof is the place of the sapphire. And the dust thereof supplieth man with
7 gold. A path is explored which no bird knew; and which the vulture's eye hath not seen—which the race of boasters have
9 not travelled; and over which the lion hath not stalked. One hath stretched forth his hand with a pick and hath overturned mountains from the roots. Another hath broken through the whirlpools of rivers : and mine eye hath seen every precious thing. Another hath laid bare the bottoms of rivers and
12 given manifest proofs of his power. But where is \visdom to
13 be found? And where is the place of understanding? A mortal knoweth not the way thereof; nor hath it indeed been found
14 out by men. The abyss said, It is not in me : and the sea said,
15 It is not in me. Would not one give for it all he hath got? But silver cannot be weighed as its price; nor can it be pur- chased with the gold of Sophir—with the precious onyx or the
17 sapphire. Gold and chrystal cannot equal it in value; nor can jewels of gold be a barter for it. Things above need not be
18 mentioned : but prize thou wisdom above all things below.
19 The topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it in value : nor is it to be
20 rated by pure gold. But where can wisdom be found? And
21 where is the place of understanding? It hath escaped the
22 ledge of every man; and is hid from die birds of the air. De-
23 struction and death said, We have heard the fame of it. God
24 is perfectly acquainted with its way and knoweth its place. For he surveyeth the whole world; and knoweth all on the earth—
25 all that he hath made—the weight of winds and the measures of water.
26 When he had made and seen and numbered them j and
27 also a way for the pealing thunder: then did he see it and declare it: and having prepared and traced it, he said to man, "Behold the worshipping of God is wisdom : and to abstain from evil is understanding."
XXIX. Job still further continued his speech, with this exor-
2 dium, O ! that I were reinstated as in times past! As in the
3 days of the months when God preserved me—when his lamp shined over my head—when by his light I walked through
4 darkness—when I was making my ways conspicuous—when
5 God watched over my family—when I was thick set with
6 branches, and my servants were around me—when my ways abounded in butter, and my mountains flowed with milk—
7 when I walked early through the city ; and a seat was set for me in the streets!
8 The young when they saw me hid themselves; and all the
9 aged stood up. The nobles forbore talking and put their finger
10 on their mouth. And while they who heard me were blessing
11 me, their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth. When the ear heard me it blessed me ; and the eye when it saw me,
12 turned aside: for I saved the poor from the hand of the migh-
13 ty ; and assisted the orphan who had no helper. The blessing of him who was perishing came upon me : and the mouth of
14 the widow blessed me. I put on righteousness and cloathed
15 myself with justice as with a mantle. I was eyes to the blind
16 and feet to the lame. I was a father to those in distress; and
17 the cause which I knew not I searched out. And I broke the jaws of the unrighteous; and plucked the prey from betwixt their teeth.
18 Therefore I said, My youth shall advance to old age. Like
19 the stock of a palm, I shall live long. My root is spread out by the water; and the dew will abide on my produce. This vain glory of mine shall attend me : my bow is directed by 21 his hand. They who heard me paid close attention ; and at my
22 counsel they were silent. To my decree they added nothing,
23 But were overjoyed when I spoke to them. As the thirsty
24 earth receiveth rain, so did they my speech. If I smiled on them they could scarce believe it. And the light of my coun-
25 tenance was not lost. I chose their way and sat as chief, and dwelt as a king among warriors—as one who comforteth the afflicted.
XXX. But now the meanest have me in derision : now, those undertake to admonish me ; whose fathers I held in contempt:
2 whom I did not think worthy the dogs of my flocks. What indeed was the strength of their hands to me ? Destruction would have been lost upon them. By reason of want and famine it was useless. Already they were fleeing ineffectually from distress and misery—they were crouding round the samphire on the sounding shore; and feeding on sea weeds as their food; despicable and contemned and in want of every thing good, they through extreme want were chewing even the roots of trees.
5 Against me thieves have risen up, whose habitations were
7 the clefts of rocks. Amidst this tuneful choir, are to be heard the brawls of them who lived under hedges. A race of fools and despicable wretches, whose name and honour are extinguished from the earth.
9 But now I am become their song: and they have me for their by-word: and have abhorred me and stood at a distance: and have not spared to spit in my face.
11 Because he opened his quiver and afflicted me : therefore they have cast off" the restraint, which they were under at my
12 presence. At the right of their brood they have taken their stand: they have stretched out their foot; and vindicated
13 against me their destructive ways. My ways are destroyed; for I am stript of my robe.
14 With his darts he hath pierced me—he hath used me at his pleasure. I am become loathsome by sorrows. My sorrows roll back upon me. My hope is gone like a breath,
16 and like a cloud, my safety. And now my soul is melting within me.
Days of sorrow take hold of me; and at night my bones are melted and my sinews are quite dissolved.
18 With great force he took hold of my garment; and girded me about like the collar of my vest. Thou hast accounted me
20 as dirt: and my portion is in dust and ashes. Though I have cried to thee, thou hearest me not: but they stood up and observed me ; and came upon me without mercy.
22 Thou hast chastised me with a heavy hand; and placed me among sorrows ; and cast me away far from safety. For I know that death will destroy me : for earth is the house for
24 every mortal. For O! how I wish that I might lay violent hands on myself; or beseech another to do this for me.
25 As for me I indeed wept for every one in trouble ; and
26 sighed, when I saw a man in distress. But when I expected
27 prosperity: behold days of affliction came upon me. My bowels have boiled and could not rest: days of misery have
28 prevented me. I have gone mourning without restraint; and
29 have stood in the congregation and cried. I have been made a
30 brother to jackals, and a companion to ostriches. My skin is
31 become very black; and my bones are burning with heat. My kithara is turned into mourning, and my song to wailing for myself.
XXXI. I made a covenant with mine eyes, that I would not 2 gaze on a virgin : yet what portion hath God dealt out from above ? And what, alas ! the lasting portion on high ? " Destruction is for the wicked and banishment for transgressors."
4 Why will he not behold my way and number all my steps ?
5 Have I walked with scoffers or hath my foot hasted to deceit?
6 For I have been weighed in a just balance ; and the Lord
7 knoweth mine integrity. If my foot hath deviated from the way or my heart gone astray after mine eyes; or if with my
8 hands I have touched bribes: may I sow and others eat; and let me have no root in the land.
9 If my heart hath gone after another man's wife, or if I have lain in wait at her gates; let my wife gratify another, and mine
11 infant children be dishonoured. For the defiling of another
12 man's wife exciteth a fury of wrath not to be restrained. For it is a fire burning in all the limbs; which will not go out, till it hath utterly consumed.
13 If I have slighted the cause of my man servant or maid'servant when they had a controversy with me, what shall I do when the Lord maketh inquest ? And when he visiteth, what answer shall I make ? Was not I formed in the womb as they 16 were? And were wre not alike fashioned in the belly? Far from depriving the poor of what they had, or causing the heart of a widow to fail; if I have eaten my morsel alone, and have not shared it with the orphan; (for from my youth I as a father nourished them, and was their guide from my mother's womb)
19 If I have seen the naked perishing and have not clothed them; and if the poor have not blessed me, and their shoulders been
21 warmed with the fleece of my lambs ; If I have raised a hand against the fatherless, because I had around me greater support : may my shoulder bone be dislocated, and my arm broken at the elbow. For the fear of the Lord restrained me, and the burden of that I could not endure.
24 If I have made gold my measure, or placed my confidence in precious stones: or if I have exulted because my wealth was great, or laid my hand on what was not counted out to
26 me : or, (do we not see the refulgent sun sometimes eclipsed, and the moon continually changing? for it is not in them:) if then my heart hath been secretly enticed, and I have laid my hand on my mouth and kissed it; let this be reckoned to me as the greatest transgression, that I have lied in the presence of the Lord, the Most High.
29 If I have rejoiced at the downfal of mine enemies, and my heart hath said, Aha! Let mine ear hear myself cursed, and let me be a by-word among the people, when I am afflicted.
31 If my maid servants have often said, O that we had some of his flesh meat to eat! while I was living luxuriously: (indeed the stranger lodged not in the street, and my door was open
33 to every comer:) If when I sinned inadvertently, I concealed my sin; for I was not so awed by the multitude as not to mention it before them—(Now if I had suffered a poor man to go from my door with an empty lap, who could have heard me with patience?) And if I had not feared the hand of the Lejd I would have put on my shoulders the writing which I had
37 against any one, and have acknowledged it as a crown: But if I did not tear it in pieces and give it up, without taking any
38 thing from the debtor: if ever my ground hath cried out against me, and the furrows thereof joined in the complaint: if I have eaten alone the strength thereof without money, and by rapine
40 caused the heart of the owner of the soil to grieve: let nettles spring up for me instead of wheat, and bramble bushes instead of barley.
XXXII. Here Job closed his speech, and his three friends ceased from making further reply to him; for he was righteous in their sight. Then was kindled the wrath of Elius the son of Barachiel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, of the country of Ausitis. His wrath was kindled against Job to a high degree, because he had declared himself just before the Lord: And with the three friends he was very angry, because they were not able to answer Job's defence: though they had charged him with being wicked.
4 Now Elius had waited to answer Job, because they were older than he. But when he saw that there was no answer in the mouth of the three men, he was fired with indignation; therefore Elius the son of Barachiel the Buzite taking up the argument, said,
I indeed am young and you are old; therefore I kept silence
7 and was afraid to give my opinion. For I said, Is it not age which speaketh ? And by many years they have gained wisdom.
8 But there is a spirit in mortals ; and it is the inspiration of
9 the Almighty which tcacheth. They who live longest are not the wisest, nor is the knowledge of judgment confined to the
10 aged. Wherefore I said, Hear me, and I will tell you what I
11 know. Listen attentive to my words, for I will speak in your
12 hearing that you may examine them. Even now I could wish to attend to you: but behold there is none who convicteth Job—
13 none of you who refuteth his arguments: that you might not
14 say, We the Lord's advocates have found wisdom. And you have left a man at liberty to use hereafter the same arguments.
15 They were daunted. They answered not again. They
16 have antiquated their own speeches. I waited patiently: for I had not spoken. Because they stopped and made no reply, therefore Elius interposing, saith, I will speak again, for I am full of words—for I am pained with a spirit within me—for I
am like a vessel full of new wine, in fermentation, without vent; 20 or like the labouring bellows of a smith. I will speak that I
may have ease, by opening my lips. For I should not be awed 22 by man: nor put to the blush because of a mortal. For I am
not apt to admire persons. Will not worms devour them as
well as me. « XXXIII. Now therefore, Job, hear thou my words, and listen
2 attentively to my speech; for lo ! I have opened my mouth,
3 and my tongue hath begun to speak. My words shall proceed from a pure heart; and the sentiments of my lips shall be pure.
4 It is the divine spirit, which made me, even the inspiration of
5 the Almighty, which teacheth me. If thou art able, give me an
6 answer; come to trial, and let us stand face to face. Thou art formed out of clay, and so am I: we are both made of the same
7 material. By the dread of me thou wilt not be terrified; nor
8 will this hand of mine be heavy on thee. Now thou hast said in my hearing—I heard the sound of thy words: for thou
9 saidst, " I am pure, I have not sinned ; I am irreprehensible, for I have not transgressed. But he hath invented an accusation against me, and hath accounted me as an enemy. He hath
12 put my foot in a clog, and watched all my ways." For how, dost thou say, I am righteous, yet he hath not hearkened to me. For He, who is over mortals, is eternal.
13 And dost thou say, Why in my trial, hath he not hearken-
14 ed to me on every matter ? For the Lord may have spoken
15 once, and again.—In a dream, for instance, or in a nightly vision : As when a dread horror,falleth on men, during their
16 slumbers on a bed ; then doth he open the understanding of men. With such appearances of terror he frighted them, to turn man away from iniquity.
17 Again he hath saved his body from a fall, and hath rescu-
18 ed his soul from death; and hath not suffered him to fall in battle.
19 Again he hath rebuked him with sickness on a bed, and
20 benumbed all his bones; so that he cannot take any nourish-
21 ment, (though his soul longeth for food) until his flesh become
22 rotten, and he can show his bones bare. When his soul hath come near to death, and his life near to the mansion of the
23 dead, though there may be a thousand messengers of death,
not one of them can mortally wound him. If he determine in 24 his heart to turn to the Lord, when he shall have shewn man his charge against him, and pointed out to him his folly, he will support him, that he may not fall to death, and renew his body like the plaistering on a wall, and will fill his bones with marrow ; and make his flesh soft like that of an infant, and re-
26 store him to full strength among men. And when he hath prayed to the Lord, and shall enjoy acceptable things, he will come with a cheerful countenance and with thanks : and ren-
27 der justice to men. Then will such a man blame himself, and say, What I have done ! He hath not chastened me, as my
28 sins deserve! Save my soul, that it may not go to destruction, and let my life see light.
29 Behold in these three ways the Almighty doth all these
30 things with man. He hath indeed delivered my soul from death; that in light my life may praise him.
31 Listen attentively, Job, and hear me : keep silence that I
32 may speak. If thou hast any thing to say, answer me: speak;
33 for I wish thee to be justified. If not: hearken to me : keep silence and I will teach thee.
XXXIV. Then Elius proceeded and said,
2 Hearken to me, ye wise men, and ye who have knowledge
3 listen attentively. For the ear trieth words and the palate tast-
4 eth meats. Let us take upon us the right of judging: Let
5 us know among ourselves what is good. For Job hath
6 said, " I am righteous : the Lord hath removed from me
7 the trial; and hath disappointed me of my trial. My wound
8 is grievous without transgression." What man is there like Job, who drinketh up scorning like water—who hath neither sinned, nor been guilty of impiety—nor associated with the
9 workers of iniquity to walk with impious men? For thou shouldst not say, There shall be no visitation of man. He shall
10 indeed have a visitation from the Lord. Therefore hearken to me, yc who are wise in heart. Far be it from me to be profane before the Lord ; or before the Almighty to disturb the course of justice.
11 "But he should render to every man according to each one's work; so that in his own paths every man may find
12 him." But dost thou think that the Lord will do improper things? Or will the Almighty who made the earth, pervert
13 judgment? Now who is this maker of the world and of all the
14 things therein? For were it his pleasure to confine, and keep to himself, the wind, all flesh would expire together; and every mortal would return to earth, of which they were formed.
16 See that thou be not chastened. Hear these things; listen
17 attentively to the sound of words. Consider that he who hateth iniquity; and that he who destroyeth the wicked, being eternal, is just.
18 .He is irreverent, who saith to a king, Thou transgressest:
19 to princes, you are acting impiously. Who hath no respect for the person of an honourable man; nor knoweth how to honour
20 nobles by respecting their persons. "But it should be in vaSn for them to cry or to entreat a man, for they behaved wicked-
21 ly in turning aside the weak. For he is the observer of mens* actions, and nothing that they do can escape his notice: nor can there be a place, where the workers of iniquity can be concealed." (a)
23 (b) That he will not yet set himself against a man; is because the Lord superintendeth all in ways unsearchable; glorious and wonderful, not to be numbered.
25 (a) "As he knoweth their works t he should bring on night
26 and they should be humbled. But hath he extinguished the wicked though they are visible before him? Because they turned aside from the law of God and did not acknowledge his judgments, when they cause the cry of the poor to ascend
29 to him, he should hearken to the cry of the poor." (b) But when . he giveth rest, who shall call him to account? When he hicleth
his face, who can see him? Both against a nation, and against a
30 man at the same time, he maketh a hypocritick man king; because of the perverseness of a people.
31 Because one saith to the Almighty, " I have taken, I will
32 not again take a pledge : I will look beyond myself; do thou shew me : If I have done iniquity, I will do so no more."
33 Will he for thee punish that iniquity? Because thou must deny—because thou must draw the conclusion, not I: therefore speak what thou kuowest. For they who are wise in heart will
. * say the same : and a wise man hath heard this word of mine. 35 Job indeed hath not spoken with wisdom : his words arc Vol. ii. v y
not with understanding. Therefore let Job learn and no more make reply like the foolish; that we may not add to our transgressions. For iniquity will be charged to our account; if we multiply speeches before the Lord. XXXV.. Then Elius proceeded and said, ,
2 What thinkest thou of this in thy pleading? Who art thou that thou shouldst say,
3 " I am righteous before the Lord? Or wilt thou say, " What can I do if I sin ?"
4 I will answer thee and these three friends of thine. Look up to yonder heaven and see; and observe the clouds, how
6 high above thee they are. If thou hast sinned, what canst thou do? And if thou hast multiplied transgressions, what canst thou
7 effect? If thou art righteous, what canst thou give him? Or
8 will he receive any thing at thy hands? Thy wickedness may affect a man like thyself: and thy righteousness, a son of man.
9 On the account of a multitude, they who are falsely accused will scream : They will call aloud because of the arm of ma-
10 ny, but none said, Where is the God who made me; who re-
11 gulateth the watches of the night; who distinguisheth me from
12 the beasts of the earth and from the birds of the air? There let them scream. He indeed may not hearken even at the abuse of bad men.
13 (a) " Since it is not the Lord's desire to see improper things— since he, the Almighty, is the observer .of them who do injus-
14 ticejhe should save me :" (b) but be judged before him. Can'st
15 thou praise him as things are? Because he doth not regard Job's anger; and hath not severely animadverted on some ofience :
16 therefore Job vainly openeth his mouth; he loadeth his speeches with folly.
XXXVI. Then Elius proceeded further and said,
2 Bear with me a little longer that 1 may teach thee: for I have
3 still something further to say: taking my knowledge from abroad and from my own works, I will speak righteous things with truth, without considering in an unjust manner things
5 which are unjust. Know then that the Lord, who is mighty in power and wisdom; will not reject the innocent, nor save the wicked : and that he will administer justice to the oppressed.
7 He will not withdraw his eyes from the righteous, but will seat them at last with kings on a throne and they shall be exalted.
8 When they shall be bound with fetters or held with cords of
9 affliction, he will shew them their works and their trans- 10 gressions, that they bear.—But he will hearken to what is
just, and hath ordered them to turn from iniquity. If they hearken and serve; they shall end their days in prosperity and
12 their years in the enjoyment of things convenient. But the impious he saveth not: because they would not know the Lord, and because, when they were admonished, they were disobe-
13 dient, the hypocrites in heart shall incur wrath: they will not
14 cry because he bound them: Let their soul therefore perish in youth and their life be wounded by angels. Because they afflicted the weak and feeble, he will support the cause of the meek.
16 Though the abyss from the mouth of an enemy—the overflow of that from Underneath hath deceived thee; and thy table which was full of fatness hath fallen : yet the cause of the
18 righteous shall not fail. But there shall be wrath against the ungodly, on account of the wicked bribes which they re. ceived for injustice.
1,9 Let not the earnest entreaty of the weak in distress turn aside thee and all those in the exercise of authority. Do not spin out the night that crowds may come to their assistance. But be careful not to do improper things : for by such a con- dtict thouwilt extricate thyself from distress.
22 Behold the Almighty will strengthen with his strength: for who is powerful as he? Or who can examine his works? Or who can say, He hath done unjust things?
24 Remember that his works are greater than what men have attempted. Every man hath seen by himself how many mortals are wounded.
26 Behold the Almighty is multifarious in operations beyond our comprehension.
The number of his years are indeed infinite and by him the particles of rain can be counted.
28 When they are collected into a cloud for rain, the heavens will pour down. But when the clouds cast a shade over the dumb creation he impressed a care on beasts, and they know the order for going to bed. At all these things is not thine undcrstanding confounded ? And is not thy heart starting from the body?
29 Now though the outspread cloud be rushing together, to the whole extent of his pavilion, behold ! with a clap of thunder he will expand it over him. He hath indeed covered the out branchings of the sea ! For with what he judgeth nations he can give food in abundance.'
32 When with his hands he hath covered the light, and hath given provisional orders concerning food; the Lord will warn his friend that there is a portion also for injustice. Therefore
XXXVII. on the account of this my heart was troubled, and moved violently out of its place.
2 Hear the report made by the fierce anger of the Lord 1
3 when a threat shall proceed from his mouth ; as his dominion extendeth over all under heaven, and his light over the wings
4 of the earth; after it he will thunder with a voice—he will thunder with the voice of his indignation. (And should it not make a change in those men when he shall cause his voice to
5 be heard ?) With his voice the Almighty will thunder to our astonishment; for he hath done great things which we cannot comprehend; issuing a command to snow, be tliou on the earth—
6 When the tempest and storms of rain, under his command
7 seal up against the hand of every man, that every man may
8 know his own weakness—when the beasts have entered their coverts, and have gone to rest on their beds ; sorrows issue
9 forth from their chambers, and cold from its lofty summits ; - ID which by the blast of the Almighty produce frost, and govern-
eth the water as he pleaseth.
11 But when a cloud covereth a man of his choice, his light
12 can disperse the cloud : and he at his sovereign pleasure, can cause the revolving agents to return to their works. What
13 things soever he giveth them in charge : these are ordered by him on the earth; and whether they be for correction, or for the benefit of the earth; or for mercy, he is to be found ih them.
14 Hearken, Job, to these things and stand instructed with « regard to the power of the Lord. We know that God hath
disposed his works—that he hath made light out of darkness— That he knoweth the different purposes of clouds, and the
17 miraculous fall of wicked men. Now thy cloathing is warm and there is peace in the land. With him are powerful cordials for inveterate disorders : what an appearance of an infusion!
19 Therefore teach me what we shall say to him. And let us re-
20 frain from much speaking. Have I had a book or a scribe by me, .that by stoppisg the man I could be silent ?
21 Though the light is not visible to all, there is a brightening in the heavens, like that which cometh in clouds from
22 him. From the north the clouds brighten like fulgent gold. For these things great is the glory and honour of the Almighty. As we cannot find another equal to him in majesty; dost thou not think that he who judgeth righteously will hear ?
24 Men therefore ought to fear him. They indeed who are wise
in heart, will fear him. XXXVIII. After Elius had finished his speech, the Lord
from a whirlwind and clouds, said to Job,
2 Who is this who is concealing counsel from me, and who hiding words in his heart thinketh to hide them from me ?
3 Gird up thy loins like a man and I will question thee and an-
4 swer thou me. Where wast thou, when I laid the foundations of the earth? And tell me, if thou hast understanding, who settled the measures of it ? Dost thou know ? Or who stretch-
6 ed the line upon it ? To what are the hooks of it fastened ?
7 And who laid the comer stone thereof? When the stars were
8 made, all my angels praised me with a loud voice. It was I who shut up the sea with gates, when it rushed eagerly from
9 its mother's womb. It was I who made a cloud its cloathing;
10 and thick darkness its swaddling bands. It was I who set
11 bounds to it; surrounded it with bars and gates ; and said to it, Thus far thau shall come and no farther : but in thyself
12 thy waves shall be spent. Was it in concert with thee that I ordered the morning light; and that the day spring knew its
13 appointed time to tinge the wings of the earth—to scare the
14 wicked from it ? Didst thou take clay of the earth and form an animal and place on the earth a creature endowed with
15 speech ? Hast thou withdrawn the light from the wicked, and
16 broken in pieces the arms of the haughty ? Hast thou gone to the head spring of the sea; and walked in the footsteps of
17 the abyss? Are the gates of Hades opened to thee through fear, and are the porters of Hades struck with awe at seeing
18 thee ? Hast thou informed thyself of the breadth of that under
19 heaven ? Tell me then what is the extent of it. In what country doth light make its abode, and of what sort is the place of
20 darkness ? If thou wouldst lead me to their borders, and if
21 thou knewest their paths ; I would know that thou wast then
22 born, and that the number of thy years is great. Hast thou gone to the treasuries of snow, or hast thou seen the treasuries
23 of hail ? Are they stored up for thee, .for a time of enemies—
24 for a day of battles and combat ? From what place doth hoar frost issue, or whence is the south wind scattered over the earth?
25 Who hath prepared a course for the tempest, and a way for impetuous storms to water the ground, where there is not a man— the desart where no man dwelleth—to saturate an untrodden, uninhabited land and cause the bud of the tender herb to spring?
28 Who is the father of rain, and who hath begotten the drops of
29 dew ? From whose womb doth ice proceed, and who in the sky hath brought forth hail Which descendeth like a shower ?
31 Who hath struck with terror the face of the wicked? Dost thou know the band of Pleias, or hast thou opened the hedge of
32 Orion ? Canst thou cause Mazouroth to come forth in his sea-
33 son, or drag out Hesperus by his hair ? Dost thou know the revolutions of heaven, or the things on earth corresponding to
34 them ? Canst thou summon a cloud with thy voice, and will
35 it, with the trembling of a water spout, answer thee ? Canst thou despatch thunders, that they may go, and will they say to
36 thee, Here we are ? Who hath given woman a skill in weav-
37 ing, and a knowledge of the art of embroidering ? Who is it who numbereth the clouds with wisdom, and hath caused the heaven to incline to the earth, when the earth was poured out like dust, and when I have glued the very clod as for a
39 stone? Wilt thou hunt the prey for lions, or satisfy the appetites of dragons ? For they are trembling for fear in their dens,
41 and lying in ambush in their coverts. Who hath provided food for the raven ? For his young have cfied to the Lord, wandering about in search of provisions.
XXXIX. Hast thou known the time of the rock-goat's deli.
2 very, and watched the pangs of hinds in travail? Hast thoa
numbered the months they go with young, and hast thou dis3 missed their pangs ? Hast thou brought up their young, de-
4 void of fear, and wilt thou dismiss their pangs also ? Shall they cast off their young, and be encreased with a new progeny, and shall they go forth and no more return to them ?
5 Who hath sent forth the wild ass free, and who hath loosed
6 his bands ? As I made the desart his habitation, and the salt-
7 ish soil his place of encampment; he scorneth the crowds of a
8 city, and regardeth not the clamours of a driver. The range of mountains he will consider as his pasture, and he searcheth after every thing green.
9 Will the unicorn condescend to serve thee, or to go to rest
10 at thy stall ? Canst thou bind his yoke with thongs, or will he
11 draw thy furrows in the field? Hast thou relied on him be-
12 cause his strength is great ? Wilt thou leave thy labours to him, and trust that he will carry out thy seed, and bring home thy threshed grain ?
13 Why is the wing of the ostrich that of the sportive ? For
14 though it comprehendeth that of the stork and falcon, yet she will commit her eggs to the ground, and hatch them in the
15 dust; not remembering that the foot may crush, and wild
16 beasts trample them. She hardened herself against her young,
17 as if not her's; she laboured in vain without fear; because God had silenced wisdom in her. But did he not impart to
18 her some understanding ? At a suitable occasion she will rear herself aloft; she will laugh to scorn the horse and his rider.
19 Hast thou invested the horse with strength, and clothed his neck with terror? When thou arraycdst him with armour didst
21 thou inspire his dauntless breast with courage? Pawing in the plain he swelleth with pride, and rusheth impetuous to the field.
22 Meeting a king he meeteth him with scom, and turneth not
23 back for fear of the sword. On him the bow and the sword swell with pride; and his rage will cause the ground to vanish,
24 nor will he believe till the trumpet sounds: but at the sound of the trilmpet he saith, Aha, and snufteth the battle from afar, with a bound and neighing.
26 Hath the hawk by thy wisdom poised herself aloft with wings expanded., unmoved, surveying the regions of the south?
27 At thy command doth the eagle soar, and the vulture abide
28 seated on its nest, on the high crag of a rock, and in secret,
29 and continuing there seek its food? Its eyes take an extensive survey, and its young are besmeared with blood. Wherever carcasses are, there are they suddenly found. * .
XL. 15 But behold now the wild beasts around thee, which feed
16 upon grass like cattle—behold that one in particular whose strength is in his loins, and whose power is in the navel of his
17 belly. He hath raised his tail like a cypress, and his sinews are
18 plaited together. His ribs are ribs of brass, and his back bone
19 is molten iron; he is a chief of the Lord's fashioning, made to
20 be insulted by his angels only. When he went up to the craggy mountain, he gave joy to the four footed beasts in the vale.
21 They go to rest under trees of every sort, by the papyrus, the
22 reed and the bulrush: But by him large trees with branches,
23 and the bushes of the field are overshadowed. Should there come a flood he would not regard it; he is confident the Jor-
24 dan ca.» roll into his mouth. Can one look steadily at him, can one craftily bore his nose ?
XLI. Canst thou draw out Dragon with a hook, or put a ban-
2 dage round his nostrils? Or canst thou fasten a ring in his snout,
3 or bore his lip for a jewel ? Will he speak to thee with entrca- 4, ties—with soothing supplications? Will he make a covenant
with thee ? And wilt thou take him for a perpetual servant ?
5 Wilt thou play with him as with a bird, or bind him as a spar-
6 row for a child ? Do the nations feed upon hhn, or the Phceni-
7 cians divide him among them? With their whole fleet they could not carry the first skin of his tail, nor his head in their
8 fishing barks. Wilt thou lay thine hand on him, recollecting
9 the battle made by his mouth ? Do not so again. Hast thou not seen him? Hast thou not been amazed at what is said of him? Hast
10 thou not been afraid that he was prepared against me ? But who
11 is there, who hath risen up against me—or who can rise upagainst
12 me and stand to it? If the whole world is mine, I cannot be put to silence by him. On the account of his power one may pity
13 his equal. Who can strip off his outer robe, or who can come
14 within the folds of his breast plate ? Who can open the doors
15 of his mouth? His teeth are encompassed with terror. His scales are shields of brass; and his ligature, like a smyrite
16 stone. They are glued one to another, so that no air may pass
17 through to him. They are to adhere close to each other; they 18 stick so close that they cannot be torn asunder. At his sneezing lightnings flash: and his eyes have the lustre of the morn- W ing star. Out of his mouth issue as it were burning lamps ;
20 and flaky flames, in appearance, are belched out. From his nostrils issueth the smoke of a furnace, flaming with a fire of
21 burning coals. His animal life is glowing coals; and a flame
22 proceedeth out of his mouth. In his neck, strength maketh
23 its abode ; and destruction runneth before him. The flesh of his body is glued together; it is so abundant that he cannot
24 be shaken. His heart is hard as a stone, and firm as an im-
25 moveable anvil. When he turneth himself about, all the four
26 footed beasts on the earth shrink with fear. Though spears oppose him, they effect nothing ; for with regard to the lance
27 and the breast plate, he considereth iron as straw, and brass
28 as rotten wood. The bow of steel cannot wound him; and
29 stones from a sling he considereth as grass. Battering rams are accounted as stubble ; and he laugheth at the shock of eruptive
30 fire. His bed is sharp pointed obelisks; and all the gold in
31 the sea under him, is but as dirt. He causeth the deep to boil like a cauldron ; and considereth the sea as a pot of ointment.
32 The deepest gulf of the sea he accounteth his captive ; and
33 reckoneth the abyss itself as his parade. Upon the earth there is not his fellow; made to be insulted only by my angels.
34 He beholdeth every thing that is high; and he is king over all that are in the waters.
XLH. Then Job in reply, said to the Lord, I know that thou canst do all things, and that with thee nothing is impossible.
2 Who indeed can conceal counsel from thee ? Though he for-
3 beareth to speak, can he think to hide it from thee ? But who
4 will tell me those things which I did not know—those great and wonderful things which I did not understand. Hear me, O Lord, that I may speak. And let me ask, and do thou teach me.
XL. 6 Whereupon the Lord further said to Job from the
7 cloud, No: but gird up thy loins like a man, and let me ques-
8 tion thee; and do thou answer me. Decline not the trial with me. Dost thou think that I have spoken to thee for any other
9 purpose, but that thou mayst appear justified? Hast thou an arm to contend against the Lord, or dost thou thunder with a
vot. ii. z z
10 voice against him ? Assume then majesty and power, and array
11 thyself with glory and excellence; and send forth angek in
12 wrath, and humble every one who is insolent. Extinguish also the haughty, and turn the wicked into instant corruption.
13 Hide them in the earth together, and cover their faces with dis-
14 honour. Then will I confess that thine own right hand can save
1 thee. Then the Lord God addressing Job, said, Doth be de-
2 clinc a trial with the Almighty ? Surely he who commenceth XL. 3 a suit against God, should support it. Whereupon Job, in
4 reply, said to the Lord, Why should I continue the debate any further ? I stand corrected for commencing a suit against the Lord. On hearing such things, what answer can I, who
5 am nothing, make to thee? I will lay my hand on my mouth. Once I have spoken, but I will not proceed a second time. I heard of thee before, with the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye hath seen thee, therefore I abhor myself, and amready to drop into dissolution, and account myself as dust and ashes.
XLII. 7 Now after the Lord had spoken all these things to Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz, the Thaimanite, Thou hast sinned and thy two friends. For you have not spoken any thing true
8 before me, as my servant Job hath. Now therefore take seven young bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and he will make an offering for you; and my servant Job will pray for yoiu For him only I will accept; for were it not for his sake, I would destroy you, because you have not spoken what is true against my servant Job.
9 So Eliphaz the Thaimanite, and Baldad the Sauchean, and Sophar the Minaian, went and did as the Lord commanded them, and he forgave them their sin for Job's sake. And the
10 Lord increased Job. Upon his making supplication for his friends, the Lord forgave them their sins, and the Lord gave
11 Job twice as much as he had before. When all his brethren and his sisters heard what had befallen him, they came to him, together with all those who were formerly acquainted with him, and having eaten and drank at his house, they comforted him, and expressed their amazement at all that the Lord had brought upon him. And every one presented him a lamb, and
12 a quarter of a drachm of gold bullion. And the Lord bkssed the latter days of Job more than the former ; so that his stock was fourteen tin Hi sand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand
13 yoke of oxen, a thousand breeding asses. And he had seven
14 sons born to him, and three daughters, the eldest of whom he called Hemera, and the second Kasia, and the third Amalthaia-
15 kercs. And in all the land there were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job. And their father gave them an inher-
16 hance among their brothers. And Job lived after this affliction a hundred and seventy years. So that all the years which he lived were two hundred and forty. Arid Job saw his children and his childrens' children, to the fourth generation, and
17 died an old man and full of days. And it is written that he will rise again with them whom the Lord raiseth up.
This is translated out of a book in the Syrian language : for he dwelt in the land of Ausitis, on the confines ofldumea and Arabia. His first name was Jobab, and having married an Arabian woman, lie had by her a son whose name was Ennon. Now he himself was a son of father Zare, one of the sons of Esau, and his mother's name was Bosorra: so that he was the fifth in descent from Abraham. Now these were the kings who reigned in Edom, over which country he also bore ride. The first was Balak, the son of Beor, and the name of his city was Dannaba. And after Balak, Jobab, who is called Job ; and after him, Asom, who was general from the region of Thaimanitis ; and after him, Adad, son of JBarad, who smote Madiam in the plain of Moab; and the name of his city was Gethaim. And the friends who came to Job were Eliphaz, of the sons of Esau, the king of the Thaimanites; Baldad, the sovereign of the Sauchcans, and Sopliar, the king of the Minaians.