x7 not be lost, but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son to the world that He might condemn the world; but that He might save the :8 20 2X 22 world through Him. The believer in Him will not be condemned; who- ever does not trust, however, is al- ready convicted, because he has not confeded on the onlybegotten Son of God. And the indictment is this: that the Light came into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, because their prac· tices were wicked. For every one who acts vilely, not only hates the light, but shrinks from it, so thathis doings may not be detected. But he who does right comes to the light, so that his actions may be displayed ; because the origin of his conduct is in God.] Zrsus in §I1tB2n. After this, jesus and His disciples
proceeded to the district of judea, where He resided with them, and baptized. And john was also bap· tizing in Exxon, near Salim, because there was plenty of water there; and
24 they came and were baptized : for john had not as yet been imprisoned.
25 A discussion accordingly took place between some of the disciples of john and a'judean concerning purification.
26 So they came to john, and said to him: ‘ Teacher, the Man Who was with
are omitted by the best and oldest authorities. you on the other side of the jordan, concerning Whom you have yourself given evidence—~—this Man is now also baptizing, and all the people flock to 'A man can obtain no successf
unless it has been granted to him from heaven. You are yourselves witnesses of the fact. that I stated, ‘I myself am not the Messiah, but that I am sent as His forernnner.’ The possessor of the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who standslistening to him, is delighted with delight at the voice ofthe bridegroom. This plea- sure, therefore, which is mine, is now complete. He must increase, but I myself decrease. ‘ He Who comes from above is
above all. The one who originates from the earth is from the earth, and speaks from the earth. He Who comes from the heaven is above all: and He gives evidence of what He has seen and heard; yet His evidence is accepted by none. 28
[Whosoever accepts His evidence 33 is assured that it is Divine truth. For He Whom. God has sent pro- 34 claims the message of God, because He did not grant the Spirit with limitation. The Father loves the 35 Son, and has given all into His hand. Every believer in the Son possesses 36 everlasting life; but whosoever dis- regards the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him.] Eiait iu Samaria. Then when the Lord learned that 4 jesus is securing and baptizing more ——although jesus 2 Himself did not baptize, but only His disciples——He left juclea and returned 3 to Galilee. It was necessary for Him, however, to pass through Samaria. He accordingly approached a town of Samaria, named Sychar, near the estate which jacob gave to his son joseph; and jacob’s well was there. Now jesus, sing wearied by the journey, seated Himself just as He was beside the well. It was then about noon. Win: Samaritan 'Mlutuun. A woman from Samaria then coming
along to draw water, jesus said to her, ; for His dis- ciples had gone to the town to buy {O20