Luke - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1104

The New Testament


LUKE. 1-15 Eb: Qppzarance in the ®1zhm. 14 At last, He was manifested to the eleven themselves,as they were seated together at a meal ; and He reproached them with their unbelief and hard, heartedness, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He was risen. Go out into all parts of the world, and pro- claim the good news to the whole

16 creation. The one who believes and is baptized shall be saved; but the

17 unbelievingshall becondemned. And to the believing these signs shall follow: They shall cast out demons iu My name; they shall speak in

18 new languages; they shall handle serpents; and if they were to drink poison, it. would not in any way injure them; they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and fully restore ]] Ely: Qtsrrnsinn. [Now after the Lord]esus had dis- xg coursed with them, He was taken up into heaven, and took His seat at God's right hand. And they went zo out, and proclaimed it everywhere, the Lord energizing them, and con- iirming the Message by the signs which followed.] ANGTHBR TERMINATION. [But they reported all these events

brieiiy to those about Peter. After that, however, jesus Himself sent out by them the holy and incorruptible proclamation of the Everlasting Sal— vation, from the East to the West.*]] 1 No·I·s.·——St. Mark’s Gospel is almost as entirely historical as St. ohn’s ls doctrinal, and

shows that the ministry of our Saviour had captured the mass of the ewish people, and had not fallen dead and resultless, as so maui irredective writers have asserted. His Divine mission succeeded in every object intended y God, His Sender, and is still doing so.-F. F. THE GOSPEL AS RECORDED BY

Ely: Qzhiraiimt in Elirnplyilus. 1 C INCE several have taken in hand to arrange a narrative concern-

ing the events which have occurred

z among us, exactly as those who were eye-witnesses and assistants of the Message from the first have delivered

3 them to us; I myself also decided, having critically examined all the above, to write it in regular order for

4 you, most noble Theophilus, so that you might ascertain the certainty com tained in the doctrines about which you have been instructed. Ghz forerunner Qnnuntwzh. 5 During the days of Herod, the king of judea, there was a priest named Zacharias of the course of Abijah, who was married to Elizabeth, a

6 descendant of Aaron.- And they were both just before God; walking blame- lessly in all the commands and ob-

7 servances of the Lord. They had no family, however; because Elizabeth What Think Ye of The Gos els by

· the Rev. I. ]. Halcornbe ('I`. & Clark, Edinburgh), upon this preface. was childless, and both of them were advanced in years. And it so happened, that while 8 he was serving in the ranks of his order before God, he was, in accord- g ance with the custom of the priest- hood, elected to the duty of entering the sanctuary of the Lord and offering incense; while all the crowd o_f people 10 outside were praying at the hour of incense. Then a messenger of the rz Lord appeared, standing at the right of the altar of incense. And on 12 seeing him, Zacharias was struck with awe, and gave way to fear. said the 13 because your supplication has been heard ; and your wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son for you, and you shall give him the name of john. And he will be a 14 joy and delight to you, and many will exult at his birth; for he shall be 15 distinguished in the presence of the Lord, and s1—1Ar.1. naiux No wine Moa sraouo nniuxl And he shall be full of a spirit of holiness, even l Num. vi. z·-4. IIO4

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1104

The History of the People of Israel