Arguments against inspiration of Revelation
Not accepted by the eastern church
Not included in Syriac Peshitta
Late date of writing - 96 A.D.
Question of authorship
Multiplicity and divisiveness of interpretations
Late date of acceptance
List of those who questioned the canonicity of Revelation
Martin Luther
Ulrich Zwingli
Arguments favoring
Widely accepted
Early date of writing - 67 A.D.
Interpretations of the book of Revelation
Typico-Spiritual(Symbolic, Idealist)
Parallel Septenary
Historicist(Continuous Historical)
Origin of interpretations of the book of Revelation
Symbols in the book of Revelation
Two Witnesses, Rev. 11
Lamentations and Woe - in belly, bitter - you are under babylon.
Honey for Sweetness - in mouth, sweet as honey - you will be delivered.
Symbolizes the two messages for Israel.
Takes place during the 1,260 day-years
Ezekiel 1,2, Amos 3
Souls Under the Altar , Rev. 6:9-11
Old Covenant symbol
Genesis 4:10 Abel’s blood cries from the ground. “the voice of thy brother’s blood is crying unto Me from the ground;” Hebrews 11:4 “and through it, he being dead, doth yet speak.”
Under the Altar
Leviticus 4:7 blood poured “out at the foundation of the altar.” Isaiah 53:12
Leviticus 17:14 Life of the flesh is in the blood
Seven Seals
Historicist interpretation
Rome Victorious, A.D. 96-180, Rev. 7:1-2
Civil War, A.D. 185-284, Rev. 6:3-4
Taxation Depression, A.D. 200-250, Rev. 6:5-6
Decay and Death, A.D. 250-300, Rev. 6:7-8
Christian Martyrs, A.D. 303-313, Rev. 6:9-11
Fall of Paganism, A.D. 313-395, Rev. 6:12-17
Seven Trumpets, A.D. 400-1917+, Rev. 8-11
Battle of Armageddon, Rev. 16:16
Mount of gathering - where the carnal mind is destroyed. Old Covenant symbolism - the Israelites gathered at the mountain to receive the Law of God.
Earthquake, Rev. 16:18
Lake of Fire
Where the carnal mind is destroyed.
God is a consuming Fire Hebrews 12:29
City of NewJerusalem
Typico-spiritual interpretation
Walls - fiery law of God Zachariah 2:5, Deuteronomy 33:2
Other symbols pertaining to end time events
Son of Man coming in the clouds - the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost.
External Resources