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Horne says (1846): "Very few copies of Mr. Thomson's work have reached England, and even in America it has become very scarce and dear."
Horne also says: "This translation is, upon the whole, faithfully executed;" and he has given some forty pages, from this translation, of quotations from the Septuagint occurring in the New Testament.*
Michaelis, in speaking of the Septuagint (Greek), says: The style is different in the different books; "but of all the books of the Septuagint, the style of the Proverbs is the best, where the translator has clothed the most ingenious thoughts in as neat and elegant language as was ever used by a Pythagorean sage to express his philosophic maxims."†
Dr. A. Clarke says: "The study of this version served more to expand and illuminate my mind than all the theological works I had ever consulted. I had proceeded but a short way in it before I was convinced that the prejudices against it were utterly unfounded, and that it was of incalculable advantage towards a proper understanding of the literal sense of Scripture."‡
* "Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures," vol. ii. pp. 282-333; vol. v. p. 303 (1846).
† "Introduction to the New Testament," vol. i. pt. i. chap. iv. sec. iii.
‡ Dr. Clarke's "Commentary," vol. i. General Preface, p. xv.
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Purchase The Septuagint Bible.
Purchase Charles Thomson's translation of the Septuagint
You may also be interested in The Apostolic Bible Polyglot, a Greek-English interlinear of the Septuagint(LXX) and the New Covenant(Testament) scriptures.
Images of the title pages of different editions of Thomson's translation
Numerous quotations from the Old Testament are made in the New. In these references, there is frequently an apparent contradiction or difference between the original and the quotation; of which, as in the contradictions alleged to exist in the Scriptures (which are considered and solved in the second part of this volume), infidelity and scepticism have sedulously availed themselves. These seeming discrepancies, however, when brought to the touchstone of criticism, disappear; and thus the entire harmony of the Bible becomes fully evident. The appearance of contradiction, in the quotations from the Old Testament that are found in the New, is to be considered in two points of view, namely, 1. As to the external form, or the words in which the quotation is made ; and, 2. As to the internal form, or the manner or purpose to which it is applied by the sacred writers.
A considerable difference of opinion exists among some learned men, whether the evangelists and other writers of the New Testament quoted the Old Testament from the Hebrew, or from the venerable Greek version, usually called the Septuagint. Some, however, are of opinion that they did not confine themselves exclusively to either; and this appears most probable. The only way by which to determine this important question is to compare and arrange the texts actually quoted. Drusius, Junius, Glassius, Cappel, Hoffman, Eichhorn, Michaelis, and many other eminent biblical critics on the continent, have ably illustrated this topic; in our own country, indeed, it has been but little discussed. The only writers on this subject, known to the author, are the Rev. Dr. Randolph, formerly Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford, the Rev. Dr. Henry Owen, and the Rev. Thomas Scott; but they have treated it with so much ability and accuracy, that he has to acknowledge himself indebted to their labours for great part of his materials for the present chapter. [A list of treatises on the New Testament Quotations, some of them posterior to the time when the preceding sentence was written, may be found in Mr. Gough's useful work, "The New Testament Quotations collated with the Scriptures of the Old Testament," London, 1855, p. viii. The table which follows has been re-arranged and augmented by the present editor.]
Charles Thomson and Sir Lancelot C.L. Brenton both based their Septuagint translations on the Vatican text. The Vetus Testamentum ex versione septuaginta interpretum by Lambert Bos is based on the Vatican text.
The Complutensian Polyglot Bible contains the Greek, Hebrew, and Latin texts of the Old Testament as well as the Greek and Latin texts of the New Testament.