crowd on account of Him. And some of them wished to arrest Him; yet no one laid hands upon Him. The ofhcers, however, returned to
the chief priests and Pharisees, who Why have you not brought Him 9 ‘ No one ever spoke like this Man,’ they replied. The Pharisees therefore retorted:
‘ Are you also led astray? Have any of the nobles or of the Pharisees believed in Him? But this mob, that know not the law, are contemptible. Nicodemus, who was one of them·
selves, and who had previously come Wou1d our law convict a man, if it had not Hrst examined about Him, and ascertained what He has done P ’ They retorted, and said to him Q The Pharisees therefore said to Him ‘You are giving evidence about
Yourself; Your evidence is not re- jesus replied, and said to them:
'Although I give evidence about My- self, My evidence is nevertheless re- liable; because I know hom where I ‘Are you also from Galilee? Search, come, and where I go; but you neither know where I come from, nor where I am going. You condemn from a human standpoint; I Myself condemn none. Yet even if I should condemn, My decision would nevertheless be valid; because I am not alone, but I and He Who sent Me. Moreoier, in your own law it is written that the evidence of two men is valid. I am witnessing about Myself; and the Father Who sent Me gives evidence about Me.” they therefore asked Him. You neither know
Me, nor My Father. If you had known Me,. You would have known My Father also. These remarks were made by jesus
in the treasury, while teaching in the temple; and none arrested Him, be- cause His time had not yet come. Wl}: 3alz uf the Hnlizlizhzr.
He, therefore, further said to them: ' I am going away, and you will
search for Me, and will die in your sin. Where I am going, you are un- able to follow. The judeans therefore said: ‘ Is He going to kill Himself ? since
He says, ‘Where I am going, you and see that no prophet has ever cannot follow. sprung from Galilee} 8 myc Eight uf ily: maria. :2 jesus again addressed them, saying : ' I am the Light of the world. My fol- lowers shall not walk in the darkness, but shall go out into the Light of L1fe.’ Zech. xiv. 8. The narrative of the sinful woman (chap.
vii. 53 to chap. vlll. xx) is rejected by the most competent authorities as a spurious interpola- tion. The question will be found fully dis- cussed in the introduction to the larger edition of Westcott and H art'; Greek New Testament (page zgg, section 388); and it is given as their has no right toa place in the Text of the Four Gos- pe s.Y' The language of the MSS. containing thepassage varies considerably ; but the gene- rally accepted reading I have added at the He an-
I am from above: you belong to this world; I am not from this world. I therefore told you that you would die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM, you will die in your sins. they then asked Him. haI
ljesus answered them: Wt to d. you from the beginning; I have much to say and decide about you. But My Sender is reliable, andwhat I 16 18 sx 22 26 have learned from Him, that I declare to the world. d of this Gospel. where lt is Dlaced. BI! , , 88 in Sppélldll {Of 1'B{BtCDCB, bill ROI in 3.11] Why DI s. part of the Sacred Text. IO2'7