II John - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1253

The New Testament

1-1 · II. ]OHN.


12 expecting and hastening on the ap- pearance of the Day of God !—duri¤g which thc burning skies will be dis- solved, and their constituents melted

13 by heat; yet according to His promise, we look for new skies and a new earth, in which righteousness will dwell. x4 Consequently, friends, seeing that 16 you are expecting these, be in earn est to be found in peace by Him, spotless d anblameless; and you will secure the enduring salvation from our Lord . As also our dear brother Paul, accord- ing to the wisdom granted to him , has written to you; as, indeed, in many letters he has spoken about these subjects—in which are some things diiiicult to understand, which h te ignorant and the fickle distort, as l aso they do the other scriptures to their own destruction. You therefore, friends, knowing

this beforehand, be on your guard; lest, being misled by the error of the l lawess, you fall away from your own standard. But progress in goodness d anknowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With Him is the rectification both now and in eternal life. Amen. THE sncoun Erisrra or THE A1>os1·r.a


1 TH E old man to the Chosen Lady anu ner children, whom I love in truth-and not myself alone, but also all those who recog- nise the truth———for the sake of the truth which dwells in us, and will exist with us in eter- nity: Where will be with us blessing, mercy, peace with God the Father, and with jesus Christ the Son of the Father, in truth and love. 4 I was greatly delighted at having f ound some of your children walking in truth, as fully as we received in-

5 struction from the Father. And now Ibeg of you, Princess, not as if writing anew command to you, but that which we possessed from the beginning that we should love one another

. 6 And this is love-—that we should con- duct ourselves according to His commands. That is the command which you learnt from the first, so

7 that you should walk by it. Because many misleaders have gone out into the world, some not acknowledging jesus Chit rsto have come bodily . This is the misleader and the anta- gonist of Christ. 18 Take care of yourselves, so that you 8 may not lose what we are working b out, ut may receive a perfect reward. Whoever assumes the lead among g you, and continues not in the teaching f h ote Messiah, possesses not God . Whoever continues in that teaching, he possesses both the Father and the Son. If any one comes to you, and to does not bring this doctrine, neither admit him to your house nor wish him success; for whoever wishes him 11 success, himself participates in his wicked doings. Having a great deal to communicate 1 2 to you, I have decided to do so not by paper and ink; but I hope to come to you, and speak by word of mouth, so that your pleasure may be complete. The children of your chosen sister :3 sends you regards. 1 Non.-—For the F irst Epistle of St. [lohn, see the end of his Gospel, where I have restored it to its proper place, it being rea ly the Concluding Address of that Evangelist to his readers.-—F. F. I253

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1253

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