Make your Generals, Theman, be cowards, So that slaughter may cut off the men from Mount Esau? Shame shall clothe for the wrongs done to jacob your brother, And you shall be cut off for ever. ‘ At that time you stood near when the foreigners captured his army, And the strangers came into his gates, and tossed dice for ]'erusalem, You joined one with them l You looked not, on that day, at your brother, In that day you made him a stranger, You soothed not ]udah’s sons in the day of their loss, Nor opened your mouth in his day of distress; Nor came to the gate of My Race in the day of their grief ; Nor sent to his aid in the day of his sorrow; But you stood at the cross-roads to cut off his flight, And hid not his escaped in their day of defeat. ‘ Butthe day of the Loma will come on every N ation ;~ And as you have done, He will do to yourselves; Your crime will return on your head! As you drank upon My Holy Hill, All the Nations shall drink upon you, Deeply drink and will swallow you down, You will be as if never in life.