the Hall of Assembly, inthe first month, in the second year ofthe years after coming from the land of the Mitzeraim, commanding; Record the names of all the chiefs of the children of Israel by the families of their ancestors in the Register of Names; each man from
3 his own roll; from twenty years old and upwards, all who can. go to war of the children of Israel-- you and Aaron organize them into their own
4 regiments. They must be assigned each to his own tribe,-—-each to the captain of the house of his ancestors.
5 And these are the names of the men you shall appoint over them. 'I`o Reuben, Alizur the son of Shadiaur; To Simeon, Shemulial, the son of Tzurishadai ; 'I`o judah, Makshan, the son of Aminadab; To Issakar, Nakishan the son of Tzoar; To Zebulon, Aliab, the son of Khilon; To the sons of joseph ;·——'1`o Ephraim, Alishamar, the son of Amihud; ‘To Manasseh, Gamalial the son of Phidatzur; To Benjamin, Abidan the son of Ghidoni; To Dan, Akhiazer the son of Amie shaddai; To Asher, Phanuel the son of Aknan, To Gad, Aliashur the son of Rauel; To Naphthali, Akhira the son of Ainan; I have nominated these to be chiefs to bear the sta.ndardsof the _ tribes of their ancestors. They are the princes of the regiments of Israel? Moses and Aaron therefore took 17 these men who wereindicated to them by name, and they summoned all the 18 chiefs of families on the first of the second month, and they produced to them their records of the houses of their fathers, from the Books of Register, fromt twenty years old and upwards by their records ;-—as the 19 EvEn—L1v1NG commanded to Moses, and appointed in the desert of Sinai. And these were descendants of the 20 sons of Reuben, the oldest son of Israel, according to the registers of their ancestral houses in the records of names on their heads;——-all males of twenty years old and upwards; all capable of army-service, regimented 21 under the standard of Reuben, forty- six thousand, five hundred. Of the men descended from Simeon, 22 by the register of the house of their fathers, arranged from the records of nameson their heads, all males of twenty years old and upwards,-·~—all capable of army—service,-regimented under the standard of Simeon, fifty- nine thousand, and six hundred. Of the men descended from Gad,
from the registers of their ancestral houses by the record of names, from twenty years old and upwards,-—al1 capable of army-service, ~—— regi- mented under the standard of Gad, forty-five thousand, six hundred and fifty. Of the men descended from judah,
by the register of their ancestral houses, by the record of names, from twenty years old and upwards,-··all capable of army—se1·vice,mregimented under the standard of judah, seventy- four thousand, six hundred. a. A L ZL::; xm 26