Ephraim, whose name was Aikanah bon jarkham, ben Aliahah, ben T olcho, ben Tzuf, the Afthrathite; and he had two wives, thc name of the first was Hanah, and the name of the second Peninah, and Peninah had children, but Hanah had none. This man went up yearly from his village to worship, and to sacrifice to the LORD of HGSTS in Shiloh, where two sons of Eli Khofnii and Finikhas were priests to the EvER·L1v1NG. When it was A1kanah’s day for sacrifice, he gave to Peninah his wife, and to all. her sons and daughters, portions, but to Hanah he only gave a single portion, although he loved Hanah, for the Evan-1.1v1No had closed her womb. So she was vexed, anguished, and laboured with rage, because the EvER—L1v1NG shut up her womb. §\1k¤nul;’z Wife §nuuly prays fur n Quit; 7 He did this year after year when he went up to the House of the EvER· L1v1NG; so she was vexed and would
8 not eat. Alkanah therefore said to Wife Hanah, why do you I Hofni.-—F. F. 2 Phineas.——F. F. weep ? Why do you not eat? Why is your heart bad? Am I not better to you than ten sons Hanah however arose after eating
and drinking in Shi1oh,———and Eli the Priest sat upon the chair at the door of the Temple of the Evmz-Lrvme, for her soul was bitter, and she prayed to the EVER-LIVING, and weeping she wept. She also vowed- a vow, and Lonu of Hosts, if You will look on the anguish of Your hand- maid, and remember me, and not forget Your handmaid, but grant to Your handmaid a male child, I will give him to the ‘Evn:R-1.1v1Nc; all the days of his life, and a razor shall not go over his head. But while she continued to pray
before the EvnR~—L1v1NG Eli watched her mouth. Hanah however spoke from her heart, only moving her lips, and no sound was heard , consequently Eli thought she was drunk. Eli there~ Why have you made yourself drunk? Cast the wine No,
my Lord ! I am only a woman of depressed spirit. I have not drunk wine nor strong drink, but I am pour·· ing out my soul before the EVER- LIVING. Do not consider your hand- maid as a daughter of Belial because I speak so much, for I have uttered my many griefs and sorrows so far} Go in 276 IO