3 tml Houses. Who went with Solomon and the Parliament of his People, to the Moundwhat was in Gibaon, where the Hall of Assembly of GOD was, which Moses the Servant of the EVER—L1v1NG had made in the Desert.
4 David, however, had brought the Ark of God from Krith-Yarim to David’s structure for it ;—-for he had pitched a Tent for it at jerusalem. 5 T he Brazen Altar however, which ' Bazalal·ben—Auri—ben·Hur, had made, was there! before the Tabernacle of the EvER—L1v1NG, so Solomon and the Parliament went down to it.
6 And Solomon offered Sacrifice before the.EvER··L1v1NG upon the Brazen Altar, which was in the Hall of Assembly, and offered as his sacrifice a thousand Burnbofferings. ®nD'¤ qllrunzisz in §¤1¤mmz. 7 In that night GOD appeared to Ask what I shall give you.' You showed great kindness to my father David, and have made me King after that is at Gibaon, not jerusalem.—F. F. him; therefore Evan-Lzvmc; Gon, g confirm Your promise to my father David, for You have made my Empire over People as numerous as the dust of the earth,——·-so give me wisdom ro and Knowledge, to conduct myself before these People. For who can Govern this Great People of Yours? ’ When Gon answered Solomon, 11 ‘ Because this has been in your heart, and you have not asked wealth, treasures, and honour, nor the life of your enemies, nor have asked great length of days,,but have asked wisdom and Knowledge, by which you may Govern My People, over whom I have given you the Empire,—Wisdom and 12 Knowledge shall be given to you, and I will also give wealth, and treasures, and honour, such as have not been with the Kings who were before you, and there shall not be such after you.' Solomon then returned from the 13 Mound of Gibaon to jerusalem, from the Hall of Assembly, and reigned over Israel. Salomon its-nrgnuigzz tbz Qrmg. Solomon then collected Chariots :4 and Horsemen, and possessed one thousand four hundred Chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, whom he stationed in Chariot Barracks, and with the king in jerusalem. The King also made silver and 15 gold in jemsalem to be like stones; and planted Cedars like Sycamores that are on the slopes for number. But the horses that Solomon pos- 16 sessed were brought out of Mitzeraim. *· ~L` “‘ss, “ “ .. ‘s. \$r s, “$.. “ s, m$` ~#~ e..._.