with him :—Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and }uda,h; Issakar, Zebulon, and Benjamin; Dem and Naphthali; Gad and Asher; all the persons pro- ceeding from the loins of jacob, were seventy individuals; joseph was already in Mitzeraim. Now joseph and all his brothers
died, and all their children. But the sons of Israel were fruitful and bred and increased, and became very, very powerful and the land was filled with them. Efnreign (finuqixnrur rules (liggpi null fears 3>;1·:wi. Then la Foreign Conqueror arose
over the Mitzeraim who knew nothing This people, the sons of Israel, are more in number and stronger than ourselves, therefore let us deal skil- fully with them, to prevent them increasing, for it is possible they might turn upon us in war and conquer, for they hate us, and may be Fighting against us and expel us from the land Q T hey consequently placed labour
niasters over them to force them to build, and they built fortresses for Phamh—·~·l’it·hom and Ramasses. But the more they oppressed them the more they increased; therefore they trembled and feared before the sous of Israel. Consequently the Mitzerites endeavoured to crush the sons of Israel, so they embittered their lives by cruel labour, in the forges, and in the brick-kilns, and in every labour upon the land, by every means possible trying to crush them. The king of the Mitzeraim also summoned the midwives of the Hebrews, of whom the name of the chief was Shifra, and the name of her lieutenant Phua, and decreed; When you delivr the Hebrew women examine their children; if let her live But the midwives feared Goo, and
did not do as the king of the Mitzer— aim ordered them, but preserved the children alive. T he king of the Mitzeraim therefore summoned those midwives again and enquired from them, ‘* Why have you not executed the law, but have preserved the children’s lives ?’ When the midwives replied to
Because they are not like Mitzerite women when in labour, but lively, so that before the time the midwives have come to them 16 18
Therefore 20 Gon showed kindness to those midwives. So the people increased and were very strong; and seeing that the mid~ 21 wives were Gon-fearing he imprisoned them. Pharoh then commanded this 22 Every boy that is born throw him into the river, but let the girls live.’ W32 ‘§i1·tl; uf Muses, mth Qlbnptiuu hg Qilljnrulfa Qnnglyizr. But there was a man of the family
of Levi, who married a Levite woman. And his wife conceived and bore a son. When she looked on his beauty, she hid him for three months. But being no longer able to hide him, she made a boat of bulrushes and pitched it with pitch and resin and placed it in the reeds, on the bank of the E4