in the belly I knew you, and at the time you came from the womb, I consecrated you, I appointed you a Preacher to Nations} Almighty LGRD, I
know not how to speak! for I am a But the Evan-1.1vmG replied to
Say not ‘I am a youth,' for wherever I send, you must go; and all that I command, you must speak.
8 Fear nothing in their presence, for I am with you, to protect/’ said the
g Loan. Then the Even-1.1vmo ex— tended His hand, and touched my mouth; and the LORD said to me, I have now given your mouth
ro eloquence! See! I have appointed
you to—day over nations, and king- doms; to pull up, and to break down, and to destroy, and to erase; as well as to build, and to plant} Then a message from the EvER·
What do you see, jeremiah? I see the branch of the Watchful tree ! When the EVER-L1v1Nc; answered
Attend to what you see! For I am watchful over My promises to per- form them? But the message of the EvER·
LIVING came to me again to ask, I see a steam-
ing boiler, and its mouth is from the Then the LQRD replied to me,
‘Fro1n the north all the miseries upon the inhabitants of this country shall be vomited. I will call to all the families of the kingdoms of the and they will come, and each one tix its seat before the gates of jerusalem, and opposite all its surrounding bulwarks, and upon all the hills of judah. But I will tell you all my decisions against them, because of their many wrongs in deserting me, and offering incense to other gods, and worshipping the fabrications of their own hands. And for you, gird up your waist, and arise, and speak to them all that I command you, undepressed by their presence, for fear you should be subjected by their station.·—For have I not placed Myself to you to—day as a fortified City, with bars of iron and walls of brass against all the country, against the kings of ]udah,~··against its officers, its priests, and against the x6 18
people of the land ? for they will rg fight against you, but shall not over- said to protect you ! 3 ilzmuustranrz with 3uhnl;. The message of the Evan-L1v1NG 2 afterwards came to me to say: ‘Go, and proclaim in the ears of 2 I‘hus says the EVER-L1v1NG:—-I attended you in