20 No, brother, make me happy in the Lord spontaneously; comfort my feelings in Christ. 2r I have written to you, confident of your acquiescence : for I know that you
22 will do more than I ask. And there- fore, also, prepare me a lodging; for I hope by your prayers to be welcomed by you.
Christ jesus, and my fellow-workers, 24 Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, send regards to you. The blessing of our Lord jesus 25 Christ be with your spirit. (Written to Philemon, from Roma, about
62 or 63 A.D., aridjonveyed through One- SWHMS, 4 d0?!¢¢$N0.} THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL TO THE
and many forms, by the prophets, at last in these times has spoken to us by a Son: Whom He appointed Inheritor of all ; and through Whom He made the ages; Who——being the effulgence of His grandeur, and the representative of His essence, sup- porting all things by His powerful Decree-—-having made a purification from sins,seated Himself in right of the Majesty on high ; thus becoming by so much superior to the Messengers, inasmuch. as He inherited a more distinguished Power than they. For when did He ever say to any of the Messengers? You Axe MY Sou, To—¤av I uavn Bneorrnu You ?* And again, I wim. nn A FATHER to Hm, Ama He seam. an A Sou ro Mn. But when He again introduced the
Creator$ into the habitable world, He says: Now Lx: au. rue Massnuemzs or Gon uouomz Hm. Butasto His Messengers He only says: I-In Maxxs His Mzssnuomzs smxrrs, AND His MINISTERS BURNING Finn! I Psa. ii. 7. $ e Sam. vii. 14.
¤ No·rz.-—In the Greektext,’l‘bv Hpwrérexov, —F.F. 4 Psa. xevlli 7. ¤ Psa. clv. 4. GREAT PRINCE, YOUR THRONB IS FOR EVER AND EVER} AND 'IHE SCEPTRE OF JUSTICE IS THE SCEPTRE OF YOUR KINGDOM.
YOU HAVE LOVED. RIGHTEOUS- NESS, AND HATED LAWLESS· NESS; Tunanronn Gon, Yom: Gon, mis ANo1Nrm> You WITH A DELIGI-ITFUL OIL ABOVE YOUR ASSOCIATES. Arm, You, Loan, Have rouunxn THE EARTH OF OLD, AND THE SKIES ARE THR WORK OF YOUR HANDS; THEY SHALL BE DESTROYED, BUT YOU WILL REMAIN; AND ALL SHALL GROW OLD AS A GARMENT, AND YOU SHALL FOLD THRU AS A CLOAK, AND THEY SHALL BE CHANGED! BUT YOU ARE THE SAME, AND YOUR YEARS WILL NOT BB ¤c1.11>sm>.¤ And when did He say to any of the Messengers: SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I PLACE YOUR ENEMIES A STOOL TO YOUR FEET Are they not all ministering spirits, dispatched to administer for the sake of those who will ultimately inherit salvation ? For this reason we ought especially
to attend to what must be listened to, ¤ Psa. oil. 1 Psa. xlv. 8, 7. 25-47. • Psa. ox. x. 1234 I0 II I2