our Lord jesus Christ l·——·Who, with His boundless pity, has caused us to be born again into a living hope-by means of the resurrection of jesus Christ from among the dead—of an and unfading, guarded in the heavens for you,by the power of God,—you who look out through faith to a salvation ready to be revealed at the end of time. ceedingly glad; although now, if need be, for a short space of time you are II way will save that soul from death: THE FIRST EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLE 7 grieved by numerous trials : so that the
stray from the truth, and one can turn him back ; let him know that he who turns a sinner from his wandering prevent a mulutude of sins. rectitication, and honour and distinc- tion at the revelation of jesus Christ. Whom having not seen you love ; upon Whomalthough not yethavinglooked, you believe, and rejoice with unspeak- able and anticipating delight, looking out for the object of your faith salvation of souls. Concerning which salvation ,the prophets,prophesying of this gift to you, diligently searched as to Whom, or what period of time, the Spirit of Christ within them pointed, when He testified beforehand the suderings surrounding the Messiah , and the glories after them; to whom it was revealed that not for themselves, but for you, they were messengers of things, which are now proclaimed to you, by those who evangelize you by a Holy Spirit sent from heaven, into which the angels desired to examine. incitement in %uliurss nf `§it`e. Therefore, girding up the loins of
your understanding, perfectly sober, hope for the gift that is to be presented to you at the revealing of jesus Christ. As children of obedience, not con· forming yourselves to your lusts, as you formerly did in your ignorance; but rather as your Commander is holy, you also should become holy in all your conduct. Because it is written, BECOME HOLY, 1*012 I MYSELF AM n0LY.l If then you are commanded by a Father, Who without flattery judges according to the work of each, conduct yourselves for the time of your service in reverence. Knowing that you were not redeemed from the slavery of your ancestral follies by means of corruptible silver or gold; but by means of”the precious blood of Christ, like of an unblemished and spotless lamb; provided. indeed. be- fore the foundation of the world, but manifested at the extremity of the ages for the sake of you, who through Him are believers in God, Who raised Him from the dead and l Lev. xi. 44. l247 20 I2 16 18 2l