which Moses addressed to all the Children of Israel, before the passage over the jordan, in the dcsert, ex- tending from Suf, between Paran, and Thofel, and Laban, and Khatzroth and Yahb? It was during the fortieth year, in
the eleventh month, upon the first of
1 This Introduction was probably written
by Aliazer, the Hiih Priest, for the Sacred Copy kept in the Ar ofthe C0venant.—F. F. 2 V. 2, infarentheses, is an explanatory note of an ol Hebrew editor.—F. F. 2 (It is eleven days’ journey from Horeb, when marching bythe way of Mount Sair to Kadesh—Barnea.) the month, Moses related to the children of Israel all that the EVER- Lrvme had commanded him for them; after he had defeated Sihon, 4 King of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon, and Og King of Bashau , who lived at Ashtaroth, in Adami, on 5 ! this sideof the ford of the jordan, in the land of Moab, Moses began to publish the law, and said; That is the eastern side. T his geogra-
hicai description proves this Itroduction to
gnave been written before joshua invaded Palestine, and shows the a e of the Orations, g and is an internal proof tat we have them now as Moses wrote and spoke, except for a few inserted explanatory notes which I shall indicate as my version proceedsm-I?. F.