II Peter - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1251

The New Testament

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®l;z <!9lrj2ci nf ibm Qiiriuz Qrnmizzs. 1 QIMON PETER, a servant and apostie of jesus Christ, to those equaiiy honoured with us to share a. faith in righteousness from our God and, Saviour jesus Christ:

2 May blessing and peace be abun- dant to you, with knowledge of God, and of jesus our Lord. 3 Seeing that His Divine power has presented to us everything for the pur- pose of life and piety, through the knowledge of Him who called us to

4 His own majesty and virtue ; through which He has endowed us with the greatest and most honourable pro- mises; so that through these you might become perticipators of a Di— vine nature, having escaped from that corruption which exists in the world

5 owing to depraved desire, Therefore , for this reason, use every effort, having enlisted, to drill yourselves by the faith in virtue, and by the virtue in

5 intelligence; and by the intelligence in self—restraint; and by the self- restraint in obedience: and by the

7 obedience in piety; and bythe piety in brotherly kindness; and by the bro-

8 therly kindness in love. For if you possess and progress in these, you will neither be dilatory nor ineffective when reviewed by our Lord jesus

g Christ. For whoever is not disci- plined in these, is blind, short—sighted, choosing to forget the pruning he has received from his old errors. xo Consequently, brothers, earnestly k worto make your calling and enrol- ment sure: for having done these things, you will never at any time

rr falter; for thus you will be fully equipped for your march into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour jesus Christ. liziieraizh Zhrmmriiinxrs. :2 I will in consequence be careful at all times to remind you about these things, although you are instructed and stand firm in the revealed truth

. r3 Yet _I consider it right, as long as I into a remembrance; knowing that 14 h te striking of my tent is near, as our Lord jesus Christ disclosed to me . Therefore, I will also endeavour to 15 have each one of you, after my departure, to be made to remember these matters. Because we were not following 16 cunninglydevised fables when we in- formed you of the power and revela- tion of our Lord jesus Christ; but, on the contrary, we were eye·witnesses of His grandeur. For having received 17 f rom God His Father honour and splendour, a Voice was sent to Him This is My Son, My Beloved, in And we 18 heard this Voice coming from heaven when we were with Him upon the holy hill. And we possess in this rg prophetic message a firm support, to which you will do well to pay attention, as to a lamp shining in a gloomy place, until the day dawns, and the Morning Star arises in your hearts; recognising, in the Erst place, that 20 no prophecy of Scripture is of a single meaning. For prophecy was 2: never a result of human design; on the contrary, men spoke under the influence of a Holy Spirit sent from God. Elie Qlzrlaitr Enum nf ily: Miriam. But false prophets also came among 2 the people, just as there will be false teachers among yourselves, who will shuffle in destructive errors, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Many also will follow 2 them in their debaucheries, on ac- count of whom the Way of the truth will be defamed; and in greed they 3 ill wtrade upon you with a fine How of delusive reasons. Their convic- tion, long recorded, will not be deferred; and their destruction will not be postponed. For if God did not 4 spare sinning angels, but remitted them to chains of blackness of dark am in this little tent, to arouse you I ness, to await judgment; and did not 5 I25l

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1251

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