INrR0m;c·r<>m· Nora.
The beinninof h
gg Cronicles is not a Hiszory up tothe end of Ch. g, which closes a series of edigrees of noble families in Israel, but as they are not arranged in Chronological orderand afll f ii
, re uorepettons, it is almost impossible to comprehend them as to historical itlh
mpor. Ony ere and there we see curious and interesting historical and etlmologic com- titdiCh
mens nsere, as n . 4, vv. 21-23, 1 Chron. and Ch. 4, v. 3g, Ch. 5, all through, Ch. 7
, vv. 3--5, Ch. 8, vv. 8-%, Ch. g, vv. 1-zo, &c., intimazing that a Negro population preceded the Hbl
erews, ateast in t e S0uth—Eastern part of the country th
d, and allud
ey conquerein to various colonizing expeditions not mentioned in the history of the judges or Kings. gut, owinto thhlil
g e cronoogcaconfusion of the author, it is difficult to Hx the dates. Some were
evidently close after joshua, others in the anarchy after his death till the rise of Samuel and
Saul, and others even after the period of Nebukadnezzafs ravages. Then the Pedigrees
sometimes start at Sinai, and sometimes at the period of Samuel and David; others again in hdf E
te ays ozra, and Nehemiah, as far as I can trace, and at the end of them we hark back to
the defeat of Saul at Gilboa, beginning at Ch. 10, which begins the real History, but of the Hf
ouse oDavid only, not of Israel as a Race.
babl* comiled bone of th
The preceding pedi
grees were propy e Ezras or Nehemiahs to settle the claims to restoration of omces andy properties amongst the returning Transports who
accompanied them back from Babel, and so were never put into chronoloical order, and
gwere copied by thehistorian from _the__Rgords alluded to by the Secon Nehemiah, as‘``
preserved in me casxets 01 the iemple-P. F.
1 ADAM, Sheth, Enosh, Kenan,
2 Malalal, jared; Hanok, Mathu-
3 shaleh, Lamek; Noah, Shem, Ham,
4 jafeth.
5 Sons of jafeth, Gomar, Magog, and
Madi, and loan, and '1`hubal, and
6 Meshek, and Thiran. And the sons
of Gomar, Askenez, and Rifath, and
7 And the sons of Ion Alishah, and
Tharshishah, Kithim, and Rodanim.
8 And the sons of Ham, Kush, and
Mitzeraim, Put, and Canan.
9 And the sons of Kush, Seba,
Khinlah, and Sabtha, and Rama,
and Sabthaka.
And the sons of Ramah, Sheba
and Dedan.
ro And Kush begot Nimrod; he be-
came a Great Hero on the earth.
1 1 And the Mitzeraim begoi: the Ludim,
and the Anamim, and the Lahbim,
tz and the Nafthukim, Pathrusim, and
the Kaslukim, from whom proceeded
the Philistine, and the Kafthorim.
And- Canan begot Zidon, his iirst- r3
born, and Heth, and the jebusi, and
the Amori, and the Ghergashi, and 14
the Hivi, and the Arki, and the Sini; x5
and the Harvadi, and the Zamari, 16
and the Hamathi.
And the sons of Shem,-Ailam, x7
and Ashur, and Arfaksad, and Lud,
and Aram, and Autz, and Khul, and
Gether, and Meshek.
And Arfaksad begot Shelah, and 18
Shelah begot Eber; and to Eber rg
were born two sons. The name of
the first Peleg}-for in his days the
earth was split in two. And the
name of the other was jaktan.
And jaktan begot Almodad, and zo
Shalf and Hatzarmuth, and jarakh, 2:
Split or slit cgi
This probably refers to the splitting of the
American Continents from Europe and Africa.
To commemorate
thegessgngig of the primeval single mass of
an .·—- . .
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