He has said, I wxu. Nor Lxnvz You
6 xox nvm: x=·oxsAxn You.! By which He encourages us to say, Tun Loma xs MY umm, I wru. Nor FEAR; WHAT cAN MAN D0 I0 ME? 7 Remember your leaders who related h te message of God to you; imitat e their faith, after reflecting upon the result of their way of life . 8 jesus Christis the same yesterday, d ant0—day, and for ever. q Turn not to dilierent and strange thi eacngs; for the heart is ennobled by goodness, not by foods which do not benefit their followers. xo We have a little altar, from which those who serve the Tent are not
xx allowed to eat: for the bodies of those animals sacrificed for sin, of whom the blood was carried by the High Priests into the Holies, were
12 burnt outside the camp. And con- sequently jesus, so that He might sanctify the people by His own blood
, r 3 suffered outsidethegate. Consequent- ly, let us now go out to Him outside the
:4 walls, carrying His disgrace: for we have not a permanent city here; on the contrary, we are in search of a comessmg to uns name. But do not L6 neglect well·d0ing and neighbour- liness; for God is well pleased with these sacrifices. Be obedient to your leaders, and iq orderly; for they watrzh over your souls as having to give an account; so that they may do thisjoyfully, and not sor- rowfully; for that injures yourselves. Pray for us; for we are satisfied that :8 we have a good conscience, wishing to bring benefits to all. And now, espe· 19 ciallI y, beseech you to do this, so that I may be restored to you the sooner- But the God of peace, Who brought so back our Lord jesus from the dead, the Great Shepherd of the sheep , purify you with the blood of an eternal settlement, supporting you in every- 21 hi` tng good to eHect His will, doing i n yourselves the best before Him, through Jesus Christ ; to Whom be the majesty for ever and ever. Amen . But I entreat you, brethren, accept 22 this comforting discourse which I have written to you briefly. Understand 23 h tat our brother Timothy has been set free; with whom, if he comes soon, I will see you. Remembrances to all your leaders 24 and all the holy. Those of Italy send kid nregards. Grace be with you all. 25 A rhnn nu|¤¤• abi, énd Sent 1 Deut. xxxi. 6. 9 Psacxvlii6 . . . Timothy.) nai and in them St. Paul showed th o te World the Christian Faith, in its Intellectual, Social, and Spiritual aspects, so as to enable every class of mind to comprehend Its Eternal and Universa nature. Persistent efforts have been df mae or centuries to upset the Pauline authorship of this Epistle to the Hebrews_but lii ,no man who has studied the mental pecuarties of St. Paul, and what I would call his idiom of thought, can doubt that he wrote lt,——for no other man could have done it. Undoubtedlh had it translated by a Secretary efor his edition of eect Epist1es,,t0 which it orms a splendid crown. Origen, the most ancient Biblical Critic, corroborates that the Hebrew composition was the Brst lssued.—F. F. THE GENERAL EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLE