in order that you may recognise that you are the possessors of everlasting iife, and that you may believe upon the Name of the Son of God. And this is the privilege which we possess towards Him, that if we ask for any- thing in accordance with His inten- tion, He listens to us; and if we are assured that He hears us, whatever we may be asking, we know that we shall have the requeststhat we askfrom Him. If any one sees his brother sinning
a sin, if not a deadly one, should he ask, then He must grant him life for those not sinning mortally. There is mortal sin; I do not say that he should supplicate about it. All in- justice is sin; and there is sin not mortal. We know that whoever is born from
God, will nottsin; on the contrary, he who is born from God guards him- self, and the Wicked One does not touch him. We know that we are from God ; but the whole world trusts in the Wicked One. We know also that the Son of God has come, and has endowed us with intellect, so that we can recognise the True; and we are in that Truth, with His ·iSon ]esus, the Messiah. This is Divine Truth and Eternal Life. Dear chil- dren, guard yourselves from idolatry. i6 :8 20 21
E¤1ronrAL,_Nore ou Sr. jonufs Gosx·e;..~—-Long and carefidstudy of St. ]gh_n’s Qospel
hasgconvinced me that we have in it a translation of an original Hebrew work of the Apost‘e into Greek, by the Evangelist himself, or under his own eye, in his old age, for use by his Greek converts, after the destruction of jerusalem. To this he clearly has added commentarial notes incorporated by transcribers with the text, and these have led some to imagine it the last instead of the first Gospel.--I have put these Comments into brackets [—] in this edition at the desire of several readers.-—-F . F. Norm on Vmzses 5 ro 8.-~Thls rendering is that of the Evangelisvs thought in his native
Hebrew idiom, as if we put the words back to,Hebrew can be seen according to the use of the word TQ in Moses and elsewhere.-F.F.