In Bethlehem IO II I2 ; for it is recorded by the prophet: Amp You, Bmumzuem, }Ur>AH’s LAND, ARE Nor THE LEAST AMONG THB D1s’rR1cTs OF ]Ux>A11; FOR OUT OF YOU SHALL COME THE LEADER, WHO SHALL SHEPHERD MY PEO- PLE ISRAEL. Then Herod, having privately inter-
viewed the Magi, ascertained from them the exact time when the star made its appezunnce. He then sent When you arrive, ascertain very carefully everything about that Child; and when you have discovered all, inform me, so that I may also come and pay Him homage} Having listened to the king, they
accordingly proceeded on their way; and observed that the star which they had aeen at its rising, went before them, until arriving, it rested above the place where the Child was. When they observed the star, they rejoiced with very great delight. And having come to the house, they saw the young Child with His mother Mary; and prostrating themselves, they paid Him homage: and having opened their treasures, they presented Him with gold, frankincense, and myrrh, as a tribute. And having been instructed by a dream not to return to Herod, they accordingly departed to their own country by another road. dbz §F1igI;i iuiu ®g3gpi. After their departure, a messenger
from the Lord also appeared tojoseph Arise! take the child and His mother, and iiy to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you ; for Herod is about to hunt out the Child to murder Him. Arising, he accordingly took the
Child and His mother by night, and removed to Egypt, remaining there until the death of Herod ; so that the statement from the Lord, through the prophet, might be fulfilled, which declared: 1 CALLED MY SON OUT OF Ec;Y1¤r.° I Micah v. 2. 2 Hosea xl. x. Eb: @uss¤rrz nf the Imtnrznis. Then Herod, when he found that he
had been deceived by the Magi, was savagely furious ; and sending to Beth- lehem, he murdered all the male child- ren there, as well as all that were in the neighbourhood, from two years of age and under, so as to include the date which he had ascertained from the Magi. Then was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet jere- miah: 1 HEARD A SOUND OF GR1EF 1N RAMAH, WEEMNG AND GRuAI ANGUISH: RAOHEL WEEPING FOR HER cH1L· DREN: AND SHE CANNOT BE OONSOLED, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT. When Herod was dead, however,
a messenger of the Lord appeared to joseph in a vision, while in Egypt, Arise! take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel; for they are dead who sought the Child’s 1ife.' He then arose, took the Child and
His mother, and came into the land of Israel. Hearing, however, that Archelaus reigned over judea in the place of his father Herod, he was afraid to return there: and having been also warned by a dream, he withdrew into the district of Galilee. And on arriving, he settled in a town named Nazareth; so that the predic- tion through the prophet was fulfilled which said that he should be con- sidered A NAzARENE. Eb: missiuu nf Quint. Some time after this period, john
the Baptizer began to proclaim in the Reforml for the Kingdom of Heaven is near} This man was the one foretold by the prophet Isaiah, where he says: A vo1cE OALLING OUT IN THE DESERT, PREPARE THE ROAD FOR THE LORD, MAKE STRAIGHT THE PATHWAY FOR His FEET. Now john himself had his clothing
of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey. T hen jerusalem, and the people
about judea, as well as the whole neighbourhood of jordan, went to x6 18 20 21 22
jer. xxxl. 15. ’ judges xiii. 7. s Isa. xl. 3. IO5I