you not know what David did when he and those with him were hungry; how he entered the house of God, and ate the shew—bread, which it was not permissible for him, nor yet for his atteiiclzmts, to eat, but the priests alone? Or have you not read in the law, that on the Sabbath the sacrific- ing priests may break the Sabbath, and be blameless? But here, I tell you, there is something more impor- tant than the temple. If, however, you had been acquainted with the text, I DESIRE MERGY RATHER THAN sAcR1F1cE,1 you would not have con- demned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath} Then taking His departure, He en-
tered their synagogue; and a man with a paralyzed hand happening to be there, they asked of Him if it was allowable to effect a cure on the Sab- bath? so that they might incriminate Him. But, in reply, He said to them, ‘Who is there among you, that has a single sheep,,and if it should fall into a ditch on the Sabbath, would not get hold of it, and lift it out? By how much does a man differ from a sheep! Therefore it is allowable to do a kindness on the Sabbath} Stretch
He accordingly ex- tended it, and it was restored to soundness like the other one. ; Elm Qpluiting nf ily: Qhlmriszzz. 16 18 The Pharisees consequently con-
sulted together against Him, so as to find out a means of murdering Him; but jesus knowing it, removed from there. And great crowds following Him, He cured them all, and en- joined them not to make Him known; so that the prediction delivered through Isaiah the prophet might be verified: Onsmzvn MY Sou, Wnom I have cH0sEN; MY Bsnovan, ru Whom Mv som. DEL1G1~1:rs! I w11.1. Pur MY Smnxr mro Hm, AND HE SHALL PROCLAIM IUSTICE · TO THE HEATHEN. Hosea vi. 5. HE WILL NEITHER WRANGLE NOR 19 CONTEND; NOR SHALL ANY HEAR HIS SHOUT- ING IN THE STREETS. HE WILL NOT CRUSH A BRUISED 2¢ REED, NOR EXTINGUISH A FLICKERING LIGHT, UNTIL HE LEADS JUSTICE T0 VICTORY. V Ann m His NAME suau. THE 21 NATIONS HOPE. Q. glixth mth @1nnh Eau ®nrzh. 22 They then brought to Him a blind
and dumb demoniac; and He cured him, so that the blind and dumb both spoke and saw. And all the crowd Must not this be the Son of David ?' But the Pharisees, who heard it,
This fellow does not cast out demons, except by the help of Beelzebul, who rules over those Then ]esus,Whoread theirthoughts,
Any kingdom di- vided against itself is desolated ; and no city or house divided against itself can hold together: so if Satan expels Satan, he is divided against himself; how, therefore, can his kingdom hold together? And if I cast out demons through the help of Beelzebul, by whose help do your own followers cast them out? by that they should be your judges! But if I, by a Divine energy, cast out the demons, then the Kingdom of God has burst out above you! How, indeed, can any one enter the house of that strong man, and destroy his armaments, unless he can first overpower his strength? Then he may plunder his dwelling. Qlnspbzing. ‘Whoever is not on My side, is
against Me; and whoever does not gather with Me, scatters. Because of this, I tell you, Every sin and blas- phemy will be forgiven to men; but the blasphemy of the Spirit will never be forgiven to men. And if one gives expression to a thought against the Son of Man, he may be forgiven ; but if one shall speak insuitingly of the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither at the present time, nor in the future. Assume the tree to be good, when its fruit is good ; or assume l Isa. xiii. x--4. 1061 26 28 33