But Who do you say that I am? 16 T hen Simon Peter, replying, said, x8 21 ‘ You are the Messiah, the Sou of the living God You
are happy, Simon Bar—]ona; because flesh and blood have not revealed it to you, but My Father Who is in heaven. And I also tell you that you have said it; and upon that Rock I will build My church, and the gates of the Grave shall not overpower it. And to you I will give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven ; and whatever you may bind upon earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you may dissolve upon earth shall be dis· He then enjoined Hisrdisciples to tell no one that He was the Messiah. {Jelena gilizialtz. From that time jesus began to
show His disciples that He must go to jerusalem, and endure much from the elders, chief priests, and profes- sors, and be murdered, and raised up
22 the third day. But Peter, taking His hand, began to remonstrate with Him, This will never happen to You. 23 Turning round, however, He said to Depart from Me, you enemy! you are a stumbling-block to Me; because you do not reflect upon the thoughts of God, but of men. iimtnnztczutzxti uf $215. 24 Addressing His disciples, jesus then lf any one desires to come after _Me, let him deny Himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
25 But whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it ; and if he should lose his
26 life for My sake, he shall find it._ For what would it benefit a man, if he gain the whole world, but should lose his life ? or what will a man give in exchange for his life? For the Son of Man will come in the future in the majesty of His Father, accompanied by His angels; and then HB WILL Rawaxn EVERY 0NE IN rxoroariou ro ms sorrows.! I tell you indeed, that there are some of those standing here who shall not taste of death, until they see the”Son of Man entering His own Kingdom. I job xxxiv. xx. Wh: Granshgurniinu. About six days afterwards, jesus 17 took Peter, james, and john his brother, and went with them up a high mountain privately; and He was 2 transtigured in their presence. And His face shone like the sun ; while His garments became white like light. And there appeared Moses and Elijah, i 3 conversing with Him. Then Peter, 4 Master, how delightful it is for us to be here! If You wish, we will make three tents ——one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah} While he was still speaking, a
shining cloud suddenly floated around them; and a voice from the cloud This is My Son, My Beloved, in Whom I delight; listen to Him! And the disciples, hearing it, fell upon their faces, and were terrified ; jesus coming, however, touched them, and Arise, and be not in terror} Then looking up, they saw no one, except jesus alone. And coming down from the mourn- 9 Report that vision to no person, until after the Son of Man is risen from the dead. Why xo do the professors then say that Elijah must come first? ’ Elijah indeed will come first, and
but ltell you that Elijah has already been, and they did not recognise him I On the contrary, they did with him what they pleased; and in the same way the Son of Man will be treated by them. The disciples then fully comprehended that He spoke to them about john the Baptizer. hn ®pi12pii: Gurzh. And when they came near to the
crowd, a man approached Him, kneel- Master, have pity upon my son, for he is epileptic, and suffers terribly! He frequently falls into the fire, and often into the water also. And I brought him to Your disciples, but they were not able to cure him. What
an unbelieving and perverted race! How long must I remain with you? How long must I support you ? Bring And jesus reproved him, and the demon departed from him ; and the boy was cured from that hour. 1067 xr I2 16 18