Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1078

The New Testament

MATTHEXV. 25--43 26--29 gave Me nothing tc eat; I was thirsty,

43 and you gave Me nothing to drink. I was a stranger, and you did not enter- tain Me; naked, and you did not clothe Me; I was sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Mc. Then they too will answer, saying, When, Master, did we see You

hungry, or thirsty, or for1orn,_or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not help You 7 ’ In reply to them He will then say,

‘ I tell you indeed, that since you never did it to one of the least of these, you never did it to Me. ‘ And these He will dismiss into

a long correction, but the well-doers to an enduring life. @32 Qpprnaclying §a¤s¤£mr. Now it occurred that when jesus

had finished all these discourses, He Do you know that after two days the Passover is to be celebrated; and that the Son of Man is now being betrayed to be After this the chief priests, the pro-

fessors, and the elders of the people, assemhled in the court of the High Priest, who was named Caiaphas; and consulted s among themselves as to whether they could arrest jesus by means of a trick, and assassinate Him. Not during the festival, for fear a riot should break out among the people. $1 Simmfs §iu¤zr. 6 When jesus was in Bethany, at the 7 house of Simon the leper, a woman who had an alabaster jar of very valu- able perfume, came and poured it upon

8 His head as He reclined. But the disciples, on seeing her, became in- To what purpose is

g all this waste? for this might have been sold for a good deal, and given to the poor. IO

I1 I2

jesus perceiving it, however, said to

Why do you trouble the woman, seeing that she has acted nobly towards Me P Besides, you have the poor always with you ; but Me you have not always. F or she having poured this perfume upon My body, has done it preparatory to My burial. I tell you indeed, that wherever these glad tidings shall be proclaimed throughout the whole world, what she gas done will be told as a memorial of wb: Grzarbzrg of gunna. Then one ofthe twelve,namedjudas

Iscaxiot, having gone to the chief What are you willing to give me, and I will deliver They accordingly weighed out for him thirty pieces of silver} And from that time he sought a. fitting opportunity to betray Him. Ghz inst Supper. At the first day of the unfer~

mented bread, the disciples came to Where do You wish us to make preparation for You to eat the Passover? ’ to

such an one; and say to him, ‘ Our Teacher says, My time is near: I wish to observe the Passover at your house with My disciples} The disciples accordingly did as

jesus instructed them ; and they made ready for the Passover. When the evening arrived, He

reclined along with the twelve. And I tell you indeed, that one from among you will betray Me. And theywere deeply grieved ; and

I am not the one! Am I, Master ? ’ One who

has dipped his hand with Me into the basin, he will betray Mel The Son of Man will indeed depart, as it was written about Him; but woe to that man by means of whom He is be- trayed I Well would it have been for him if he had never been born !’ udas, the traitor, then answering, lt is not I-! Is it, Master? was His reply. 16 x8 20 21 22

Then, as they were eating, jesus 26 took a loaf; and having offered a blessing, broke it, and distributed it Take it, eat And taking the 27 cup, and offering a blessing, He gave All of you drink of it ; for this is My blood, that of the 28 New Settlement, which is shed for the removal of many sins! I tell you, 29 however, that at present I will not drink of this produce of the vine, until that day when I shall drink it with you 1 About nve pounds. Norn.-—lt should be noted that no fermented wine might be used by the Hebrews during the Passover Week. io78

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1078

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