Mark - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1086

The New Testament



Because You are the

But He sternly eu- joiued them that they should not make Him known. :6 18 3pp¤iuimzut nf ily: Eiugiiu. He then ascended the hill; and call~

ing those whom He had chosen, they went towards Him. And He ap· pointed twelve, in order that they might be with Him; and that He might send them to preach, and to have authority to cure diseases and cast out demons: namely, Simon, whom He named Peter; james the son of Zebedee, and john the brother of james (these He named Boanerges that is, Sons of Thunder); An-

drew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, james the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaus, Simon the Canaanite, and Judas- Iscariot, who was His betrayer. fzrirzrsiig nf $b1·i¤i’¤ Qnzmizz. 20 21 22 26 They then returned home; where

the crowd again collected, so that they were unable even to eat bread. And His relatives, on hearing it, went out to secure Him; for they said, And the professors who came down from jerusalem He is possessed by Bee}- He casts out demons by means ofthe prince ofthe demons} Then calling them, and addressing

How is Satan able to expel Satan? for if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot exist. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot hold together. And if Satan goes to war against himself, and remains his own enemy, he can-

27 not reign, but be deposed. No one can enter the house of the strong one, and plunder his furniture, unless he 28 first overpowers his strength ; and then he may loot _his house. I tell you indeed, that all the sins ofthe sons of men will be pardoned, as well as the blasphemies with which they may blaspheme; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit has no release in the present age, but is guilty of a --because they said, He is possessed of a foul spirit. Qin mother mth Qrnibzrs. His mother and His brothers came,

and while waiting outside, they sent Him an invitation. And some in the crowd seated round about Him, said, 4-45

‘ See, Your mother and brothers out- side are asking for You. He asked, in reply to them, ‘ are» My mother or My brothers And looking over those who sat round Here are My mother and My brothers l for whoever may do the will of God, the same is My brother, My sister, and Elie §¤r¤1¤1z ni the Solver. At another time, He again began to

teach by the lakeside. And a great crowd collected to Him, so that enter- ing the boat, He took His seat there upon the lake; while all the crowd were upon the shore. And He taught them much in parables, saying to them in the course of His teaching: ‘Listen! The sower went out to

sow ; and it happened that while sow- ing, some seed fell by the roadside, and the birds came and devoured it. _ Another part .fell upon a stony spot, where the soil was shallow; and it at once sprouted, because there was no depth of soil: but as soon as the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered. And some again fell among thistles, and the thistles grew up and choked it, and it produced no grain. Some, however, fell upon good soil, and, 33 34 35 springing up, it produced grain, and increased; yielding, one thirty, one He g Whoever has ears to hear, let him listen l' Ely: ®xpl¤uuiimt nf the §¤r¤1v1z. When He was in private, those

who attended Him, and the twelve, asked Him about the parable. He answered

to become acquainted with the hidden meanings of the Kingdom of God : but to those outside, all is in parables; that seeing, they may see, and. will not perceive; and hearing, they may hear, and will not compre- hend ; otherwise they would turn back, when their sins would be forgiven them. Do you not understand this ’l`hen how will you understand all the parables? The sower sows the message: and these by the roadside are those in whom the message has been implanted; but when i they receive it, Satan immediately comes and snatches up the message which is 1086 IO II I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1086

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