john, He began to be agitated and My soul is sick, even to death; you stay Then going a little farther, He fell upon the ground ; and He prayed that if it were possible, that hour might pass away from Him. Abba, Father, all is possible to Yon! take this cup away from Me; not, however, what I will, but what You will. Then returning, He found them
Simon l are you asleep ? Have you not strength to watch a single hour? Watch and pray, that you may not fall into temp- tation. Your spirit is ready, but your And going away, He prayed, uttering the same words. Then returning, He again found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy; and they knew not what to answer Him. Then returning the third time, Sleep on now, and refresh yourselves. It has passed ; the hour comes; now the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Arise, let us go forward ; My betrayer 311haz at mark. And immediately, as He was speak-
ing, judas, one of the twelve, ap- proached, with a great crowd carrying swords and staves, sent by the chief priests, professors, and elders. Now His betrayer had given thematoken, T he one I shall kiss·——that is He; arrest Him at once, and And ap— preaching with all speed, he at once went to Him, saluting Him with and fervently kissed Him. They accordingly arrested Him, and took Him. But one of the bystanders, drawing
his sword, struck the ofiicer of the High Priest, and cut off a part of his ear. jesus, addressing them, however, Have you come out as though against a robber, with swords and staves to arrest Me? I was daily with you, teaching in the temple, and you did not arrest Me; but thus are the Then leaving Him, they all lied. Yet one of them, a young man,
followed Him, with a shawl over him to hide his nakedness. And the lads caught hold of him; but leaving the shawl, he fled naked. W32 Quhzuit ®riul. They now conducted jesus to the
High Priest; and there collected to him all the chief priests, the elders, and the professors. But Peter fol- lowed Him at a distance; and even into the court of the High Priest. And he took a seat with the officers, and warmed himself by the tire. Now the professors and the whole
council sought out evidence against jesus, with the object of condemning Him to death; but they found none. For although many false witnesses came forward, their evidence did not agree. Other liars then came for- ward, asserting that they heard Him I will demolish this hand- made temple; and in three days I will construct another without hand But even in this their evi- dence did not agree. The High Priest, then standing up
among them, questioned jesus, ask- Have You nothing to say in Your defence? What is all this that they charge against You P But He continued silent, answering nothing. T he High Priest again questioned
Are You the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed? ’ and
you shall see the Son of Man seated upon the right of that Power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. T he High Priest thereupon tore his
What need have we of further witnesses? You have heard His blasphemy. How does it appear to you P ’ They all decided that He was liable
to be put to death. And some began to spit upon Him, others to blindfold Him; and, striking Him on thehead, ; while the oliicers struck Him with their staves. whe Sell uf Hztrr. And while Peter was seated at the
back of the court, one of the girls of the High Priest came forward; and noticing Peter warming himself, she you were with jesus of Nazareth! I neither
know nor understand what you say? IIOI 53 54 55 57 59 61 62 68