there was darkness over all the land until three o'c10ck. And at three 0’c10ck, jesus cried out with a. loud Eloil El0i! lama. sabach— which, when translated, My God! My God! to what have You abandoned Me ? ’ Then some of the spectators, hear-
See! He calls But one of them ran, and iilled a sponge with sour wine; and, placing it upon a cane, offered it Let Him alone ! Let us see if Elijah will come to deliver Him! ' jesus having given utterance to a deep groan, yielded up His spirit. The veil of the temple was then torn
in two from the top to the bottom. And when the captain on guard opposite to Him, saw that He thus This Man was undoubtedly a son of a god! And there were also women looking
on from a distance: among whom were Mary the Magdalene, Mary the mother of james the little, and joses, and Salome; who, when He was in Galilee, were His followers, and min- istered to Him. And many other women also went up with Him to jerusalem. Wh: Qurial. And evening having now arrived,
following which was the preparation, that is, the day preceding the Sabbath, ]oseph of Arirnathaea, a much~es· teemed nobleman, who was` himself expecting the Kingdom of God, came and went boldly to Pilate, and asked for the body of }esus. But Pilate wondered if He were yet dead; and, summoning the captain, he inquired if He were already dead. And, ascer- taining it from the captain, he pre- sented the corpse to joseph: who, having taken it down, wrapped it in a fine linen shroud which he had bought, and placed it in atomb, which he had hewn out of a rock; and he rolled a large stone over the entrance to the
47 tomb. And Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of joses, took note of where it was placed. whe iilzzurrcriiun nf Qzsus.
mother of james, and Salome, bought aromatic spices, so that they might embalm him. And at very early dawn, following the Sabbaths} they came to the tomb as the sun was rising. And they were saying among themselves, ‘ Who will roll away for us the stone from the entrance of the tomb P ' Looking about, however, they saw
that the stone had been rolled back; for it was very large. Then entering the tomb, they saw a youth seated upon the right, attired in a robe of light; and they were awestruck. he said to them; ‘ you search for jesus, the Nazarene, the Crucihed. He is risen; He is not here; look at the spot where they laid Him ! Go, however, tell His disciples and Peter that He will go before you into Galilee; you will see Him there, as He told you. Then, hastening out, they ran from 8 the tomb; for possessed as they were by trembling and ecstasy, they said nothing to any one—they were afraid, {°,.____ • • • • • N O TE .—·The following fourteen verses are omitted from the older MSS. They dwcr greatly in style and language from the rest of the book; and on this account it has been supposed that theywere added M a later hand._ Ayord expresses the £x all probabiliq they formed no part of Mae·k’s original (See also Westcott and Hort’s Greek Testament.) I would suggest that these three so-called endings of St. Mark’s Gospel are simply notes of ancient eopyists or editors.-F. F. Glyn Iirsi tu sez Qim. [However, having risen at the
dawn of the first day following the Sabbath, He first appeared to Mary the Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons. She went and reported it to His com- panions, as they were mourning and weeping. But they,.when they heard that He lived, and had been seen by her, disbelieved it. After this, however, when two of
them were walking along, going out into the country, He was manifested in another form. And they, turning back, reported it to the others; but neither did they believe them. 16 Now when the Sabbath was over, See note on john xx.·x. Mary the Magdalene, and Mary thc 1 103 I0 I! I2