x9 me, I pray y0u.' A¤0ther_ said,_ ‘ I have bought fxve teams of bullocks; 20 2I 22 26 28 33 and I am going to examine them. Excuse me, I pray you! And another said, ‘ I have married a wife; and owing to this, ·I am unable to attend. ‘ The servant accordingly returned, and reported this to his master. I`hen the master of the house,
being infuriated, said to his servant, ‘ Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the town, and bring in here the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind! The servant returning, said, ‘ What you ordered, sir, has been done; but still thereis room to spare. ‘ T he master therefore said to his
servant, ' Go out into the roads and by·paths, and persuade them to come in; so that my house may be filled. F or to you I declare that none of those who were invited shall taste of my supper. Qimmiing the Muzi. Once when great crowds were travel-
ling with Him, He turned round to them, and said ‘ Whoever comes to Me, and lessens
not his regard for his own father, his mother, his- wife, his children yes, and his own life as well-·—he cannot be My disciple. And who- ever will not carry his cross, and become My follower, cannot be My disciple. ‘ For who among you, wishing to
build a castle, would not first sit down and calculate the cost; so as to ascer- tain whether he has enough for its completion ? For fear that, after hav·· ing laid the foundation, he should be unable to finish it; and all seeing it should begin to ridicule him, ex- I`his fellow began to build, and could not finish! Or again, what lging, going to encounter another king in battle, does not first sit down and consult whether he can with ten thou·· sand men attack the enemy who is advancing against him with twenty thousand ? And if he cannot, he may, while the other is yet at a distance, send an embassy to sue for peace. ‘Thus, therefore, every one of
you who does not bid adieu to all 15 ·— I4
his possessions, cannot be My dis~ ciple. Salt is, however, good; but if 34 the salt becomes saltless, with what can it be itself seasoned? Being 35 useless both for the soil and the manure-heap, they throw it away. He who has ears with which to hear, let him listen. dbz yust Sheep. And all the tax-farmers and the 15 sinners were drawing near to listen to Him; but the Pharisees and profes- sors were grumbling loudly, saying, ‘ This fellow admits sinners, and eats He accordin glyaddressed this parable to them What man among you, possessing
a hundred sheep, and losing one of them, would not leave the ninety~nine in the pasture, and go in search of the lost one until he has found it ? And having found it, he places it with de— light upon his own shoulders; and arriving at home, he calls upon his friends and neighbours to share his joy, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my lost sheep l ’ In the same way, I tell you, there will be more gladness in heaven over a con- verted sinner than over ninety-nine righteous persons who have no need of conversion. dbz dust grarbma. ‘ Or again, what woman, possess~
ing ten drachmas,1 if she should lose one, would not light a lamp, sweep up the house, and search carefully until she has found it? And having found it, does she not assemble her friends and neighbours, saying ?~··‘ Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I lost! ’ Thus I tell you, joy comes in the presence of the angels of God over a single converted sinner. dbz qprnhigal Sm:. There was a man
who had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father, ‘ Father, let me have the portion ofthe property to which I am entitled.' And he divided the estate between them. Not many days after, however, the younger son collected the whole, and went off to a distant country; and there he squan- dered his wealth in a life of de- I0
Drachma, a Greek coin, equal in valdete about a Horin. tr26