Acts of the Apostles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1169

The New Testament

Acrs. 24,.,


soon as your prosecutors make their selves also expect, that there will be He also ordered him tp a resurrection Aboth of the just and be entertained in the palace of Herod. ‘§2f¤rz fzlix. 24 Five days later, the High Priest Ananias came down together with some senators, and one Tertullus, a barrister, and appeared before the governor against Paul., And on his being summoned, Tertullus opened for the prosecution, saying: ‘ Seeing that under you we enjoy

much tranquillity, and that, through your foresight, this nation prospers always and everywhere, we accept it, most noble Felix, with hearty thank- fulness. Without troubling you with further preface, however. I beg you to listen to us briefly with your usual kindness; because we have found this fellow a perfect pest, an organizer of insurrection among the whole of the jews throughout the empire, as well as a ringleader of

5 the heresy of the Nazarenes: who, moreover, actually attempted to pro— fane the temple. So we apprehended him; and we wished to try him ac- II cording to our own law: but the General Lysias intervening with great violence, took him out of our hands, ordering his prosecutors to appear before you. Now, therefore, you will be able, by personally examining, to ascertain about all those things of The jews also corroborated the charges, anirming their accuracy. §a1t1's Iirsi Qzfzttrz. On the Governor then motioning him to speak, Paul said: ‘ Knowing, as I do, that you have

been a judge of this nation for many years, I answer all the more confi- dently for myself the charges which have been brought against me, It can be proved to you, that not more than twelve days have elapsed since I

iz went up to jerusalem to worship; and neither in the temple did they find me courting discussion with any one, nor creating a disturbance, either in the synagogues, or in the city. Neither are they able to prove to you what they now charge against me. But I do admit this to you, that according to the Way, which they term a heresy, I worship the God of my fathers; believing in everything written in the law and in the prophets; having this hope in God, which they them· unjust. On this account I especially exert myself to have at all times a clear conscience toward God and man in everything. Now, after many years, I came bringing presents to the poor of my nation, as well as sacri- nces; doing which there found me certain Asiatic judeans, while I puri- Hed myself in the temple-·not with a crowd, nor with commotion. Those ought to have been here to prosecute me before you—·~if indeed they had anything against me. Or let these now present declare what fault they found in me when brought up before the senate; unless it be this one exclamation, which, standing in their midst, I cried out, ‘ It is concerning the resurrection from the dead that I am accused this day before you.' Felix, knowing quite well about the

doctrine, then adjourned the hearing, When General Lysias comes He also directed the captain who attended to Paul, to allow him out on parole, and to prevent none of his friends from visiting him. 16 18 21 22 a1t1’¤ Unizrltirln with Izlix mth his ‘?l&ife. But after some days, Felix, at the

request of his wife, Drusilla, who was a jewess, sent for Paul, and listened to him concerning the faith in Christ jesus. But when he discoursed about justice, self-control, and of the future judgment, Felix, becoming terrified, G0 away for the present; and when I have an oppor- tunity I will send for you again} He hoped as well that Paul would

give him money; for which reason he also sent for him the more frequently to converse with him. After the lapse of two years, however, Felix was suc- ceeded by Porcius Festus; and Felix, desiring to ingratiate himself with the jews, left Paul a prisoner. §au1 lrefnrr Status. 26 @2 appeals in Wwsut. Festus therefore having entered into 25 the government of the province, three days afterwards went up to jerusalem from Cmsarea, when the chief priests and jewish senators appeared before him against Paul; and appealed to him, asking as a favour, that he would send him back to ]ex·usalem-··»them- P 2 1169

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1169

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