5 And may the supporting and consolin g God grant you to think towards one
5 another as did Christ jesus; so that united with one voice you may praise the God and Father of our Lord jesus Christ. IO II I2 Thus receive one another, as Christ
aiso received us into the rectification from God For I repeat, Christ became a Servant of circumcision for God's truth, in confirmation of the promises to the fathers; but He praises God for His mercy to the heathen. As it is written : Fon rms I wiu. 1>1zocr.A1M You AMON<; run NA‘r10Ns, AND sms 1*0 YOUR NAME. And He repeats: LET Tim HEAIHEN mzyoxcz WITH Hrs PEOPLE ; and further: Pxmss rm: Loan Au. tran HEATHEN; Am) LoUnLY PRAISE Hm ALL THE 1>soi>LE.< And Isaiah proclaims: HE snALL nn run xooT on ]EssE, Ann THE Lnanmz ro covnnu THE NAT10Ns, Tun HBATHEN SHALL Horn IN H1M.¤ And may the God of that hope
perfect you with all joy and peace in believing, to fill you with power of a holy spirit with that hope. 14 But 1 myself am satisfied about you, my brethren, that you are full of benevolence, complete in all know- ledge, and able to advise each other.
15 Therefore I have written more boldly to you, brothers, partly as reminding you, through the gift given me from
16 God, that I am a minister of jesus Christ for the heathen ; conducting the service of the gospel of God, so that the offering of the heathen might be rightly administered, sanctified by a
:7 holy spirit. Therefore I hold this appointment under Christ jesus for
18 affairs relating to God. For I will not dare to speak of what Christ has accomplished through me by 'word
rg and work in conquering nations; by force of evidences and miracles; by 1 Psa. lxix. 9. ’ Psa. xviii. 49. Deut. xxxii. 43. * Psa. cxvii. 1. spiritual power: so that, from jeru- salem and round to Iliyria, I have sup- plied the Good News of Christ. And I have loved to preach like this, where Christ was not named, so as not to build on some other man‘s foundation; but as it is written: THOSE Noir INFGRMED ABOUT HIM sns ; AND rnosz WH0 HAD NOT HEARD UNDERSTAND. Therefore I have often endeavoured
to come to you. However, now I have no more place in these regions: and I have for many years wished to visit you, when I might be proceeding into Spain ; for I hope to see you during the passage, and be sent there from you, after Hrst being refreshed by you. At present I am proceeding to erusalem, to assist the saints; for it 20
make a present to the poor of the saints in jerusalem——yes, they have 27 been pleased, and they are their debtors. For if the heathen have shared in their spiritual possessions, they ought to offer to them their corporeal. When I have accomplish ed and attended to this their affair for them, I shall sail by you into Spain ; and I know that by coming to you I shall come to a full acceptance of Christ. But I request you, brothers, through our Lord jesus Christ, and by the love of the Spirit, strive with me in prayers for me to God: so that I may be delivered from the unbelievers in judea; and that my service in jeru- salem may be well received by the saints, from whom I may come by God’s will to you with pleasure ; and so that I may be refreshed by you. And may the peace of God be with you all. 28 33
arsenal gblzasagzs mth Saluiaiimts. By this I introduce to you Phoebe 16 our sister, who is a servant of the Kenchrean assembly ; so that you may 2 receive her in a way worthy of the holy in the Lord, and support her in her duties which are for your benefit: for she has been a benefactress to many, and to myself as well. Remember me to Priscilla and 3
Aquila, my assistants in Christ, who 4 exposed their own necks for my life; to whom not I only, but all congrega~ tions of the heathen return thanks, 5 I Isa. lil. 15. I 186 Isa. xi. 1, 10.