I Corinthians - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1189

The New Testament

9-—m I. CORINTHIAN5. I0 II I2 :6 I0 II I2 ron rxosx Lovmc Hm} But God has revealed it to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit investigates all, even the high purposes of God. For what comprehends the human facul- ties, except the indwelling human soul? and thus none comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. And we have not received the spirit

ofthe world, but the Spirit proceeding from God; so that we can distinguish the gifts God has granted to us. And what we speak is not in learned reasonings of a human philosophy; but by spiritual teachings, compar- ing spirituaiities spiritually. But a brutish man does not entertain the thoughts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him ; and he is not able to decide upon them, because they are spiritually investigated. But the spirit- ual man investigates all, whilst HE can be criticised by no one. Fox WH0 KNEW THE Mmn 0F THE LORD ? WH0 couw HAVE TAUGHT Hm? However, we possess the mind of Christ. Yet, brothers, I am not able to

speak to you as to spiritual men; but as to animal-·as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink: not solid food, for you were not able, nor are you yet able, to eat it; for you are animal still. For when there is rage and strife and dissensions among you, are you not rather like animals, than conducting yourselves like men? I am for Paul,' I am for Apo1los,’ are you not merely man—followers? What, then, is Apollosl and what is Paul ?···-·ministers by whom you be- lieved, and each endowed as the Lord decided. I planted, Apollos watered ; but God prospered it. Con- sequently, the planter is nothing, nor the waterer; but God Who pros- pered it. Yet the planter and the waterer are equal; and each will re- ceive his own pay, according to his own work—for we are both God’s workmen. You are God’s farm God’s building. I laid the foundation like a skilful architect, according to the talent given to me, and another built 1 but let every one take care how he builds ; for none can lay a different foundation to what is laid, that is, jesus Christ. But ·if any one builds 2 Isa. xl. x3. 1 Isa. lxlv. 4. upon this foundation gold, and silver, costly stones, wood, hay, straw·the work of each will be made known : for the day will show it when it is revealed by hre; and what the work of each is, the fire will prove. If one man‘s work stands, he will receive pay. If the work of another be burnt up, it will be lost; but he shall be saved, although as from a hre. Do you not know that you are a

Divine temple, and that the Spirit of God lives inyou ? lf any onecorrupts the temple of God, God will waste him away: for the temple of God is holy; whatever you may be. Let no one deceive himself. If any

among you thinks himself to be wise in this age, let him become a fool, so that he may become aphilosopher. For the philosophy of this world is folly compared to God. For it is written: HB GATCHES THB PH1L0.s0PHmts in renin own cnn:} And again: Tun Loan knows rue anou- MENTS 0F THE PmL0s0PHmts, THAT THEY ARE EMPTY. So then let none boast about men: for all are yours-whether Paul, or Apollos, or Kephas, or a ritual; or life, or death, or present, or future, all are yours—but you are Christ's, and Christ is God’s. Let a man regard us as being ser-

vants of Christ, and administrators of the mysteries of God; and for the rest, it is sought in administrators that each should be found faithful. But·for myself, it is quite indifferent whether I am criticised by you, or under any human indictment. Neither, on the contrary, do I criticise my own self; though I am conscious of nothing against myself. However, I am not acquitted on account of that; but the. Lord is myjudge. Therefore, do not decide before the time, until the Lord comes, Who also willthrow light upon the concealments of darkness,and will show the intentions of our hearts ; and then the commendation will come to each from God. But I have transferred these re-

marks to myself,and Apollos,brothers, for your sakes; so that you might learn by us not to go beyond what is recorded, nor to be puding up one against another. For what ennobled you? and what have you that you 16 x8 21 22 have not received as a gift? And if * Psa. xciv. xx. 1 job v. :3 1189

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1189

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