zglabours P ’ I will then send My bless- 22 ing to you in the sixth year, and make the produce of it for three years. But you may sow in the eighth year, and eat the stored pro- duce in the eighth year until the coming in of products in the ninth year-until its produce comes you must eat what was stored. ‘Thus you shall not sell your
land for ever, for the land is MINE, and you only foreigners and visitors with Me, and with all the land you purchase, a power of redemption for the inheritance shall be given with the land. Restoration nf Quark mag he Qur. 28 rlyazzh bzfnrz the jubilee. ‘ When your brother is reduced to
poverty, and sells some of his inheri- tance, if a relative of his brings the redemption for. it, then the purchaser shall restore it to his brother. But if the person has not the redemption money, but he acquires it, and obtains possession of the amount for its redemption, then the years from its purchase shall be counted, and the balance paid to the person who pur- chased it, and his inheritance shall be restored. But if he cannot attain possession of enough to pay to the purchaser, it shall remain in his possession until the year of _}'UB1LEE, and when the ]UB1LEE comes then he shall return to his inheritance. Wha Enix: nf Real Eztatz in Welles Enhnzs. But if a person sells a dwelling- house in a walled town, then the redemption shall be at the end of a year from its purchase ;—~that shall be the time of its redemption. But if he has not redeemed at the end of the complete year, and the house stands in a town which has walls, he is dispossessed for ever; it shall not return to his posterity at the junuan. ‘ But houses in a court, where
there are not fortilied walls around, shall return with the land of the farm that belongs to them. They shall return with it when the ]UB1LEE comes. @13: isle sf Sirs! ®ststz in Srtritc witiss. But the cities of the Levites, the houses in the cities of the Levites are their inheritance. They shall always be redeemable to the Levites; but when redeemed, it shall be by the Levites, and the purchaser shall quit the house, or village he has acquired at the JUBILEE; for the village homes of the Levites are their inheri- tance in the midst of the children of Israel. But they shall not sell the grazing lands around their villages, for they are a perpetual inheritance for them. W32 3m nf Euzulimtrg. But if your brother becomes poor,
and his hand fails among you, you must help him like a foreigner and settler, and let him live with you. Take no usury or increase from him, but fear your GOD, and let your brother live with you. You shall not lend your money to him at usury, and you shall not lend him food at increase; for I am your EVER- LIVING GOD Who brought you from the land of the Mitzeraim to give you the land of Canan, to be for you from the Evan-Ltvmo. 'Therefore when your brother be-
comes poor with you, and sells him- self to you, you shall not work him as slaves. work. He shall be with you as a hired man, until the year of }UBiLEE, to serve you. Then he shall go from you, he and his chil- dren with him, and return to his family, and to the inheritance of his fathers; for you were slaves in the land of the Mitzeraim when I brought you out. You shall not purchase him as you purchase a slave. You shall not reduce him to slavery, but shall fear your GOD I2! 33 34 35 37 39 43