were, personally, the heathen-—-wh0 are called Uncircumcision by those called Circumcision in flesh made by hand-you were at that time with· out Christ, excluded from the constitu- tion of Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, not having a. hope, and without a God in the universe. But now in Christ jesus, you, who then were far away, have become near by the blood of Christ. For He is our peace, Who made the two one, and removed the dividing veil of enmity, by His own body; makin g void the law of commands by true thoughts, so that from these two He might create in Himself one single
x6 new man, making peace, and recon- ciling the two in one body to God through His Cross; having destroyed
:7 the enmity by means of Himself: and coming, Ha Auwouucan rms ooon NEWS OF PEAc¤ T0 You AFAR 01*1*,
18 AND PEACE 1*0 1‘r—10sB NEAR;1 be- cause through Him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. 19 Therefore now you are no more foreigners and aliens: on the con- trary, youare fe1low—citizens with the saints, and household friends of God;
20 resting upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, jesus Christ
21 being Himself the Angle·stone: into which the structure, harmoniously arranged, rises up into a holy temple
22 for the Lord; and into Whom you are being built for a dwelling-place of God in Spirit. wl]: ®izrxta1 §crr2t of ®¤h iizhznlzh in the Giburrb. Because of this I Paul, the prisoner
of Christ jesus for you heathen, assuming that you have heard of the administration of the gift of God which has been entrusted to me for you ; how that by revelation the secret was made known to me, as I have already briefly related, by which you may be able while reading to perceive my know- ledge in the secret of Christ-—which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as now it has been revealed to His holy apostles I Isa. lvii. rg and preachers in Spirit——that the 6 heathen are heirs, and participators, and shareholders, of the promise in Christ jesus through the gospel; of 7 which I became a minister by the free gift of God, entrusted to me with His powerful energy To me, the very 8 least of all the holy, this gift was en- trusted-—-to be proclaiming to the heathen the good news of the im- measnrable wealth of Christ; and to g throw light upon what is the adminis· tration of the mystery which was hid- den for ages, with God the Creator of all things: so that it might now be made known to the chiefs and authori- ties in the heavens by means of the church, what is the perfectly working wisdom of God, following the in- tention which He had provided in Christ jesus our Lord from the eterni- ties ; by Whom we have free and confident access through His faith. Therefore, I pray, be not depressed by my afilictions for you, since they are your glory. For this I bend my knees in the
presence of the Father, from Whom every family in heaven and upon earth is named : so that He may endow you with His glorious wealth, strengthening you with power, through His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts, through the faith in love; you being rooted and grounded, so that you may be strengthened to comprehend with all the holy, what is the width and ex- tent, and height and depth, and to gain an idea how far the love of Christ exceeds our research : so that you may be perfected with all the perfection of God. But to the Power able to do ali, far beyond what we can ask or think, by means of His power energizing-in us—to Him be the praise in the church, and in Christ jesus, during all the igenerations of t e ages of the eterni- ties. Amen. ®zl;¤rtalimta in ®¤hlitt2ss. Therefore I entreat you—·I, the
prisoner of the Lord-·~to conduct your- selves worthy of the calling with which you are called, with all quietness, and gentleness, and forbearance, support- ing cme another in love; andeavouring to preserve the spirit of unity by the link of peace. One body and one spirit, as you were called to a single hope of your calling; having one Lord, one faith, one baptism ; one God and 12Y3 IO II I2 16 18 20