own husbands, as to the Lord; be- cause a husband is head of the wife as Christ is head of the church——and himself the guardian of her body. Then even as the church is subjected to Christ, thus also the wives should be to their husbands in everything. The husbands should love their wives, as Christ loved the church, and delivered Himself up for her sake, so that she might be made holy, purified in the bath with the water of His message: so that He might Himself present to Himself the rectified church, having neither spot nor wrinkle, nor anything like them ; but that she might be holy and faultless. Thus the husbands should love their own wives as their own bodies. The lover of his own wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own body: on the contrary, he feeds and warms it——just as Christ does the church, because we are parts of His body. THEREFGRE A MAN SHALL LEAVE MGIHER AND 1*A*rHnR, AND Bn UNITED w1‘rH ms WIFE; AND THE Iwo sr-IALL Become ONE BoDY. This is the great mystery; but I speak in regard to Christ and the church. And especially you, every individual, let him love his own wife as himself; and let the wife reverence her husband in the same way. Children, be obedient to your
parents; for that is right. HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER that is the first command with a promise———so THAT soon MAY coma To Yon, AND YOU MAY HAVE Lowe coNT1NnANca oN rua aAn·rn.$ And, fathers, do not irritate your children; X Prov. xxlll. zo. Gen. ii. 24. i Exod. xx. mg Deut. v. x6. but educate them in discipline and knowledge of the Lord. _Slaves, obey younearthly masters 5 with tear and trembling, in frank- heartedness, as to Christ: not with eye service, as if Hattering men ; but like slaves of Christ, doing God’s will, working willingly from your soul as for the Lord, and not for men~—because you know that if any one does any- thing well, he gives pleasure to the Lord, whether he is a slave or a free man. And, masters, do the same to them, abandoning abuse; for you know that both your Master and theirs is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him. Eb: ®nll in frzparz fur tbz 5pirihml Gmtiict. From henceforward strengthen
yourselves in the Lord; and with the power of His might. Put on the com- plete armour of God, so that you may be able to stand against the tactics of the Devil. Because our fight is not against blood and flesh; but against the sovereignties, against the powers, against the commanders of the dark- ness of this world, against the spirits of wickedness in the heavens. Therefore, take up the complete
armour of God, so that you may be able to resist in the day of danger, and having done all your duty, to stand. Stand then, your waist belted with truth, and covered with the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod in readiness for the good news of peace; lifting up over all the big shield of the faith, upon which you will be able to quench all the blazing artillery of the Devil. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the message of God ; but through all, with prayer and supplication, praying at every moment in spirit, and keeping watch in it with steady tenacity: and praying for the holy, and for me, so that eloquence may be given to me when my mouth is opened, to pro- claim with bold freedom the secret of the good news, for which I am an ambassador in captivity; so that I may speak like a free man therein, as I ought to speak. But so that you may know my
affairs, how I do, the dear brother and faith ful minister in the Lord, Tychicus, l2¥5 I0 I I I2 16 18 20 2 {