Philippians - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1217

The New Testament


3-6 1--29

cngmy_ under any circumstagcesj Q I jyill still _rejoice_ and cpnggatulato wmcn 1s to mem a. dcmonstratnon oi destruction; but for you, of salvation,

29 and that from God. Because He has shown favour to you, for the sake of Christ; not only to believe in Him,

30 but also to suffer for Him, having the same struggle that you observed in me, and now hear regarding me. Elyrizi, tbz §§¤ilzm uf '§§u1ui1iig. IO II I2 16 If then, there is any encouragement

in Cl1rist,ifany consolation from love, if any community of spirit, if any ten- der feelings and pity, 511 my joy full ; so that you may agree in thought, possessing the same love, intending with united hearts the same object. Never in self~seekin g nor through vain~ glory; but, on the contrary, with good feeling considering others in prefer- ence to yourselves, not each scheming for himself, but rather each for others. 'I`11ink this with yourselves, What was in Christ jesus ?——-Who existing in the beauty of God, considered not His Divine equality an incitement to greed; but forsook Himself, taking the form of a slave; arriving in human appearance; and being found apparently like a man, He humbled Himself, becoming subject to death, yes, a death of crucifixion l Therefore God highly exalted Him, and freely gave Him the Name surpassing every name; so that in presenceof the name of jesus every knee should bend, of celestials, and terrestrials, and sub- terrenes, and every tongue confess that the Messiah, the Lord jesus, exists for a rectification from God. ®xh¤riatimt in 3iBelitg. So then, my beloved, as you have

at all times been obedient, not only when in my presence, but much more now in my absence, wcrk out your own salvation amidst fear and terror; for God is energizing in you both to will and to do for the sake of His ap- probation. D0 all without grudging and disputes; so that you may be- come blameless and pure, beautiful children of God, in the midstof a deformed, degenerate race--among whom you will shine like bright lights to the whole world-»~possessing a reason for life, to my delight in the day of Christ: for thenl shall not have run for nothing, nor have worked in vain. Yet even if I am exhausted in the sacrifice and service of your faith, with you all; and you also be glad 18 and congratulate me. {Gaulle £rssrngzrx Gummrnhzh. But I hope in the Lord jesus soon

to send Timothy to you, so thatll my- self may be encouraged by hearing about you. For I have no other fellow spirit who is so anxious for a know- ledge of your affairs; because they all seek their own business, not that of jesus Christ. But you know his worth; for he slaved with me in the gospel, like a son for his father. I hope, therefore, to send him for this, as soon as I have ascertained about my affairs here. And I am confident in the Lord thatl also shall come soon. I have, however, thought it ne-

cessary to send to you my brother and companion in work and war, Epaphroditus, who was your mes· senger, and attendant to my wants; for he was always longing for you, and was depressed because you had heard that he had been sick, And he was i1l——very near death. But God pitied him; and not only him, but my- self also, so that I might not have sorrow heapezd upon sorrow. T here- fore I have sent him more willingly, so that seeing him again you may be glad, and I may also be more pleased. S0 take him with every pleasure in thc Lord, and hold such as he in honour; because for the work of Christ he approached death, disre- garding his own life, so that he might accomplish your offering to my wants. Ely: $p¤¤il2’s bigl; Qmlriiimz. For the rest, my friends, rejoice in

the Lordil It is no trouble for me to write this to you, but safe for your· selves. Beware of the cynics; beware of

those men of foul life; beware of the concision. For we are the circum~ cision, who worship througha Divine Spirit, and exult in Christ jesus, and do not place confidence in an exter— nal appearance; although I might also have contidence in an external appearance. lf any think well to trust in an appearance, I can much more: in eighth.-day circumcision, of the race of Israel, tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; regarding ri-tual, a Pharisee; as to zeal, perse- cnting the Church; being blameless I217 20 21 22 26 28

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1217

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