husbands, as is right in the LORD. Let the husbands love their wives, and be not bitter with them. Children should obey their parents in every- thing; for that is pleasing to the LORD. Fathers, dognot irritate your children, and break not their spirits. Slaves, obey your bodily masters in
all; not in false pretence, like Hatterers, but with honesty of heart, fearing the Loran. If you do this, working from your soul as to the Lord, and not to men, youknow that you will from the LORD receive the reward of the inheritance; work for affairs ; whom l have sent to you for 8 this very purpose——so that I may know your circumstances, and that he may console your hearts-—t0gether g with our faithful and beloved brother Onesimus, who belongs to you. They will tell you about everything here. Aristarchus, my companion, sends
regards to you, as well as Mark, the cousin of Barn abas—about whom you have received instructions that if he should come your way you are to receive him—and jesus, called justus, who alone of the circumcised worked with me for the Kingdom of God. They were a comfort to me. Epaphras, a servant of Christ jesus
from yourselves, sends regards to you; he strives always for you in prayer, so that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. For I can witness for him that he has much affection for you, as well as for
the Lord jesus Christ. For the those in Laodicea, and those in wrong-doer, however, there will be stored up the evil which he has done; and there is no partiality. Masters, grant justice and right to your slaves; because you know that you have a Master in heaven. Persevere with prayer, keeping
guard in it, with thanks; praying par- ticularly for us, so that God may open to us a door for the message, to speak the secret of Christ, to which also I am devoted; so that I may display it, as it becomes me to speak. Conduct yourselves with prudence
to those outside, buying the oppor- tunity. Let your discourse at all times be seasoned with grateful salt, knowing how you ought to be dis· tinguished from others. Qzrsmml waiters. '1`ychicus, the dear brother and
faithful minister and fellow-servant in the Lord, will inform you about my Hierapolis. the LORD, that you fulfil it.’ be with yon, O,m,,,,,,$_) Ephesians.——F. F. Demas, and Luke the beloved
physician, send regard to you. Give regards to the brothers in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and to the congrega- tion in his house. And when this letter has been read among you, make it also to be read in the congregation at Laodicea, while you also should read that from Laodicea} And say to Take heed of the min~ istry that you have undertaken from IO II I2 16
By my own hands, the regards of 18 PAUL. Remember my bonds. Grace (ll/`riiten to the Colossians, from Rome,
about 62 A.D., and sent by Tychicus and