have forsaken me, among whom are Phygellos and Hermogenes. May the Lord give mercy to the
house of Onesiphorus !-·— for he often encouraged me, and was not ashamed of my imprisonment; but, arriving in Rome, he eagerly sought for, and found me out. May the Lord grant to him to Bud mercy in the presence of the Lord in that day; while as to how he administered in Ephesus, you especially know well. Qpusinliz Ezarlying. You, therefore, my son, be strength~
ened with the gift-·-that from Christ jesus; and what you have learned from me, with many proofs, deposit with faithful men, who may be com- petent to teach others. Enduro hard- ship like a noble soldier of Christ jesus. A soldier never involves him- self with business affairs; so that he may please his commander. And if any one contends for a prize, he is not crowned unless he contends according to rule. The working farmer ought to be the first to par- take of his crops. Comprehend what I say; for, in all things, God has endowed you with good sense. Re- member that jesus Christ, of the line of David, has arisen from among the dead, as taught by my Good News, for which I suffer trouble, even to im- prisonment, like a criminal ; but the Message of God is not imprisoned. Consequently I endure all this for the sake of the chosen; so that they may alsogain that salvation with the eternal rectification that is in Christ jesus. This Message is sure: for ifwe die to- gether, we shall also live together; if 12 we endure, we shall also reign to- gether ; if we deny, He will also deny 13 us; if we are unfaithful, He Himself continues trustworthy, for He is not able to repudiate Himself. Remind them concerning these; bearing wit- ness in the presence of God not to quarrel over words, useful for nothing except, perhaps, to pervert the
listeners. Exert yourself to stand approved with God, as a skilful work- man, arranging in order the reason for the Truth. But step aside from the foolish phrase-makers: for they will progress to deeper impiety; and their sophistry eats like a gangrene. Hymenaeus and Philetus belong to them; who have missed the mark concerning the truth, declaring that the resurrection has already come, and have overthrown the faith of some. Nevertheless, the firm founda- tion of God stands attested by this assurance: THE LORD xuows ‘:‘HoSR Let every one named by the Name of the Lord turn away from wickedness.’ But in a great house there is not
only gold and silver furniture, but also wooden and earthenware ; andithose, indeed, for distinction, but these for ordinary use. If, however, any one from among these should purify him- self, he will be an article for distinction purified, serviceable for the Master,
ready for any good work. But banish the passions of youth; and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace to- wards those who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart. But forbid foolish and uninstructive discussions, know- ing that they will engender quarrels, and a servant of the Lord ought not to be quarrelsome, but to be mild to all, instructive and forbearing, with gentleness correcting his opponents. F or perhaps God may give to them a change of mind towards an acknow- ledgment of truth ; and on awakening, they may disentangle themselves from the net of the Devil, escaping from under it into His freedom. 16 18 20 21 22 26 Warning against Ghil murkzrs. Know this, however, that in the
last days there are impending terrible times. For men will be lovers of self, avaricious, empty, pretentious, libel- lous, disobedientto parents,ungrateful, senseless; without parental affections; I Nahum I. y. 1230