Hebrews - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1235

The New Testament


I0 II lest we should over be drawn asido. For if the mwge dalivcrod by Mes- sengers was reliable, and every traus· gression and disobedience received just punishment-—how shall we escape, if we neglect such a great salvation, who Hrst received our in- formation through the Lord, with confirmation to us of what was heard ?—·G0d witnessing with signs, wonders, and various powers, as well as a Holy Spirit apportioned by His will. For He has not subjected to Messengers the empire of the future, about which we speak. And He gives evidence of this where some one says : WHAT IS MAN, THAT YOU SHOULD REMEMBER HIM? OR A SON OF MAN, THAT YOU SHOULD LOOK ON HIM? You Mann Hm ron A snow: rmx LESS THAN THB ANGELS; BUT HAVE CROWNED HIM WITH MAJESTY AND HONOUR, 4 AND SET HIM OVER THB WORKS or Yovx mmns, Hirvme snmncrnn Am. nmmxru Hrs mm'.! Butif He subjectedall, He could

leave nothing unsubjected to him. However, we do not now see all subject to him. But we see jesus-·· depressed for a short time lower than she Messengers, by having su¤`ered death-—-crowned with majesty and honour, since by the kindness of God He tasted death for all. For it became Him, by Whom all are, and through Whom all exist, leading many sons to rectification, to perfect the Chief of their salvation by suffer- ings. For the Puriner and the purified are both from One; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying: I wru. rxocnam Yoon mma ro MY nxornmis, IN run Mxnsr or Inn ASSBMBLY I WILL smc or YOU. And again: I wu.}, rxusr m Hm. And again, Bmronn, I M-Ysnu amy rue c¤1LDREN Wnorr Gon mis Given Me. Since, then, the children share in

blood and desh, He also partook ofthe samerwith them ; so that through death He might abolish him who has the 1 Psa. viii. 4--6. Est. xxl!. aa. ’ Psa. xviii. z. * Isa. viii. 18. dominion of death, that is the Devil: and might release those who through their whole life were subject to slavery through the dread of death. For, indeed, He never descended upon angels, but, instead, He descended upon the Heir of Abraham. It was consequently imperative to be made similar in everything to His brothers; so that, pitying, He might be a merci- ful and faithful High Priest before God, to overshadow with mercy the sins of the people. Foras He Himself suffered when tempted, He is able to encourage those who are tempted. of the heavenly calling, observe that the Apostle and High Priest of our Maker-·—as Moses was-—-·in all His a greater dignity than Moses, by as much as the master of the house has every house is organized by some one; but God is the organizer of all things. his house as a servant, a witness of what was ordered; but ChristasaSon over His own house: whose house we and reliance of our Hope until the end. Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: Ir von wouno usrm: ro His voxcn ro—DAY, Haknmw N0! Youx HEARTS, As ni run mrrzxuzss DUMNG rim rmuob or 1*1uAL IN run Desmvr; Wuxnx Yoon raruxxs Tamb MB, ? Yxaks saw MY woxxs. Tumtxvoxm I was rxovoxxo with THAI GxNmzA1‘10N, AND sam, THR? ALWAYS wANDxx Air HxAx·r; AND. HAV: No': AcxN0wr.xDGnD MY urns: So rr-in I Dzcuxzn rw Mv ANe¤·¤, 'l.`HxY SHALL No': ¤N'rmz INT0 MY ans:} Take care, brethren, lest there

should ever be in any of you a had unbelieving heart, to turn away from yourselves every day, while it is called 16 18

3 British: nf tbz Kiiuals nf ibn Zrhiiiral Zulu, mh their Zulhlmzni in Qzsriuly, the Great lxtii·¢gpz. Therefore, holy brethren, partakers 8

confession, jesus, was faithful to His 2 house. But He is thought worthy of 3 more honour than its steward. For 4 And,Moses, indeed, was faithful in all 5 are if we Brmly possess the conddence a living God. But, instead, exhort 'l`o·day,so that none among you may be

1 Psa. xov. 7-::.

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1235

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