38 afflicted, tormented--the world was not worthy of them E They wandered in deserts, and mountains, and caves,
gg and holes in the earth. And ai} these, bearin g testimony through their faith,
40 enioyed not the promise; God provid- ing something better for us, so that they should not be perfected without us. 12 And, therefore, we having with us such an encompassing cloud of wit- nesses, throwing off all weight, and seductive sin, let us run persistently
2 through our prescribed course; look- ing forward to jesus. the Leader and Trainer of our faith, Who, striving for the reward prepared for Him, endured the cross, despising its shame, 10 II I2 and sits by right on the throne of God. For compare what He endured under sinners libelling Him, so that you may not tail trom exhaustion of your souls; because you have not resisted so far as blood,while striving against sin ; and you have forgotten the exhortation which addresses you as sons : MY s0N, sL1GH1‘ Nor THE LORD’s CORREc'1‘10Ns, NEITHER PAINT UNDER Hts RE- PROOF; FOR THE LGRD c0RREc‘1‘s THOSE Hr: Lovus, AND CHASTISES EVERY s0N IN wHOM HE DELIGHTS. If you endure a correction, God
acts towards you as sons; for what son is there whom a father does not correct? But if you are without cor- rection, of which all have a share, then you are counterfeits, and not sons. Then, if we had corzsctions from our bodily fathers, and obeyed them, how much rather shall we not endure from the Father of our spirits, and live? For they indeed corrected for a few days, according to their judgment; but He to support, to restore us to His purity. Yet all cor- rection for the present seems not to be a pleasure, but a grief; although afterwards it returns a pleasant fruit of righteousness to those disciplined through it. Therefore, strengthen the fallen hands andthe trembling knees;
r 3 and step right out with your feet, so that you may not march lamely, but firmly.
x4 Aboveall, pursue peace and purity, without which no man will see the X Prov. iii. xx, 1:. Lord. Looking forward, lest any one should fall back from the gift of God; lest any thorny plant growing there should disturb, and through it the whole troop be disordered. Let none be a reckless or common man, like Esau, who for a single meal gave up his birthrights. For you know that afterwards, wishing to inherit the blessing, he was not allowed; for he found no place for a change of pur- pose, although he sought it with tears. For you are not come to a tangible
hill, and a burning fire, and to dark- ness, and to gloom, and tempest, and a trumpet blast, and a commanding voice, the hearers of which implored the sound not to approach them : for they could not endure the Command ; and even if a beast touched the hill, it was to be stoned. And so fearful was I am terrified and trembling? But you are come to Mount Zion, and a city of a living God; to a heavenly jeru- salem, and ten thousands of angels; to the full assembly and congregation of the first··born registered in the heavens ; and to a Divine judge of all; and to spirits ofthe perfected righteous, and a New Settlement by means of ]esus, and a sprinkling of blood speaking better than that by Abel. Take heed, that you are not drawn away from what has been spoken! For if they escaped not who rejected the Divine warning on earth, how much less we, if we reject that from heaven above I The voice then shook the earth; but now it is proclaimed, saying, Yer once Mona I win:. SHAKE No': 0NLY *1*1-rn naxtrtz, BU': asso run naavmt.1 But from the the displacement of the shaken is shown, as being tem- porary, so that the unshaken may re- main; Therefore having received a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us be joyful, by which we serve God acceptably with reverence and awe; EOR 0UR GOD Is A c0NsUM1NG MRE. (Krnrrnl ®xh¤ri¤ii¤u¤. Let brotherly love continue. Do not
neglect hospitality; by which means some have unexpectedly entertained angels. Remember the prisoners as fellow- 1 6 1 8 20 2 1 22 26 28