investayl Him_withrecti6ca.tiog,s£>t1{a.t‘ I calleg ypq gut of darkness into your xann anu nope mxgnt be in God. Rmmns fn: a Early §ifz. Having purified your lives by your
obedience to the truth, with sincere brotherly affection love one another earnestly from the heart ; having been regenuernted, not from a corruptible source, but from an incorruptible, by means of a message from aliving and enduring God. For ALL Fuzsu is Lum GRASS, AN!) ALL rrs GLGRY Lxxn run FLOWER 0F GRASS:
Tim GRASS WIIHERS, AND THE FLOWER Farms; BUT THE PURPGSE or IH: Loan ENDURES Fon EVER. And this purpose is that which has been proclaimed to you as good news. Consequently, abandoning all vice,
and deceit, and pretence, and envy, and all elandering, crave like new- born babes the rational, unadulter rated milk, so that by it you may be growing up to salvation ; if you have tasted that the Lord is good ; to Whom coming-—a living Stone, re— jected indeed by men, but approved, distinguished in the presence of God yourselves also should be built up
like living stones into a spiritual house, into a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through jesus Christ. Because it is said in Scripture 2 Loon! I wiu. pracn in Zion A CHOSEN s1‘0NE, A Pmzciovs ANGLE·x>01N1‘. AND WHOEVER TRUSTS 0N -I‘1‘ SHALL NEVER BE ASHAMED. For those of you, therefore, who trust, He is the Distinguished; but to the unbelieving, A Srona wmcu Ins srm.DERs REJEGTED, THAI HAS BECOME THE HIGHEST Az·xox.¤—rom·r, and, A STONE or STUMBLXNG, AND A Rocx 01* 0FFENcE ; Being careless, they stumble at the message for which they were intended. But you are A sELEc’r Racx, A
Rovar. i=R1E·s·1‘Ho0D, A nor.? NA*r1oN, A PEOPLE FoR Ac‘r10N ; * so that you may display the virtues of Him Who 1 Isa. xl. 6--8. i lea. xxviii. 16. * Psa. exviil. 22. Isa. vllf. 14. * Exod. xix. 5, 6. wonderful light; who once were Nor A PEOPLE, but are now A PEQPLE or Gon; who wana nN1>¤·rmn, but have Now szcmmu coMPAssx0N. I implore you, friends, as ledgers
and travellers, to refrain from sensual desires, which war against the soul; keeping the course of your life bright among the heathen; so that although they slander you as profiigate, they may, attracted by your brilliant con- duct, praise God whilst witnessing it. Ely: guiizx nf Eitigznslyip. Be subject to every human institu·
tion for the sake ofthe Lord : whether to a king, as supreme; or to governors, as sent by him for the punishment of criminals, and for the approval of the welhconducted. Because this is the intention of God, to check by means of well-doing the senselessness of ignorant men. As free men, however, though not using your freedom as a pretext for vice, {but like servants o God. Honour all; love the brotherhood; reverence God; honour the king. Ely: Quin nf Krrlrnni:. Domestics should obey their
masters with all respect; not only the benevolent and considerate, but also even the perverse. For this is pleasing, if through a consciousness of God, any one endures pain, suffering it unjustly. For what honour is it, if when you do wrong, and are punished, you bear it patiently? If, however, when you do right, and yet suffer, you bear it patiently, this brings honour to God. I0 ll 12 16 :8 zo ®l3risl the Examplr nf tbz 'ijzlirlrzr. For you were chosen for this pur·
pose: and Christ also suffered-for you, leaving a pattern for you, in order that you might follow in His footsteps: Who paacrtsnn No sm; Nnxruaa was THERE DEcmT FOUND IN Hts mourn ; Who, when insulted, inwlted not in returngwhile sudering, He never threatened. but surrendered Himself to the righteous judge; Who Himself carried our sins in His own body upon the tree, so that, abandoning those sins, we might live for righteousness; BY WHOSE w0¤NDs you WERE HEALED. For 1 Hos. t. g, re. 1248 21 22