proaches. Therefore be prudent, and watchful in prayer. Above all else, having earnest affection among your- selves; because LOVB moss A MUL- rxruva or sms} Be friendly to one another, without grumbling. Let every one, according to the gift which he has received, employ it for the good of others, as faithful stewards of the manifold gift of God. If any one can speak, let it be of the thoughts of God; if any one can minister, let it be with the power which God has bestowed : so that in all God may be honoured through ]esus Christ, Whose is the rectification and the dominion throughout the eternal ages. Amen. :8 ®l;z fiery Uriul. Do not be astonished, friends, that
a fiery trial has come upon you, as though an unexpected affair had sur- prised you : but rather rej oice that you are sharers in the sufferings of the Messiah: so that at the unveiling of His rectification, you may reioice with exultation. If you are abused for the sake of the name of Christ, you are happy l because that which is the Majesty, and that which is the Spirit of _God, has rested upon you. But let none of you be convicted as
a murderer, as athief, as a profligate, or as a libeller; but if as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but thank God for that name. Because the right place to begin the judgment is at the house of God; and if first at us, what will be the end of those disobedient to the good news of God? And if the right- eous are to be saved with dihiculty, where can the impious and sinful appear ? So then, let those who suffer according to the will of God, while practising what is good, confide their souls to a Reliable Builder. ztzfs Exhnrfaiinn in tl): 5l;zpber¤s. 5 I therefore entreat you old men, as an old man, and a witnex of the 1 How. x. 1a.
sufferings of Christ, and also a parti- cipator of the majesty which is to be revealed, shepherd the Bock of God among which you are exercising the oversight, not unwillingly, but will- ingly ; not for the sake of sordid gain, but from good disposition; not as domineering over the charge en- trusted to you, but making yourselves examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd makes His appear- ance, you shall be rewarded with the unfading crown of honour. In the same way, let the young be
submissive to the old. And be all bound together with gentle·minded· ness; because Gob assists THE HAUGHTY, BUT xubows wuz GENILB WITH A c1r~··r.¤ Humble yourselves therefore under
the powerful hand of God, so that in due time‘He will exalt you; casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He Himself cares for you. Be temperate; be on the alert.
Your adversary, the Devil, roams about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Take a firm stand against him by the faith, know- ing that the same sufferings and dis- cipline have perfected your brethren. And the God of all blessing, Who ro has called you to His eternal majesty in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself perfect, establish, strengthen you. To Him xx the dominion throughout the eternal ages. Amen. whe Wmtrlnsimt. Through Silvanus, who is, I con- :2 sider, your faithful brother, I have briefly written, exhorting and testify- ing that this is a true gift from God. in which you stand. Those in Babylon chosen with you, :3 salute you; as well as Mark my son. Embrace one another with a kiss of :4 affection. Peace be with all those of you in Christ. (This Epistle was probably written from Babylon about 64 or 65 A.1>.) \ Prov. iii. 34. I25O