Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 135

The Five Books of Moses

NUMBERS. 7-·-24 7--73 26 28 33 34 35 37 39 43 44 45 On the third day, the prince of thc

sons of Zcbulon, Aliab, the son of Khelcn, presented a. silver dish of a hundred and thirty shekels, a. silver watering·cam of seventy shekels, by the sacred weights, both full of fine Hour mixed with oil for a food-0i¥er· ing; a. cup made of gold, full of incense, a bullock from the fold, a ram, a. sheep of the year, for a. burnt- oi¥ering; 2. he·g0at for a sin-oHering; and for a sacrifice of thanks two bullocks, five rams, five he—g0ats, five year old sheep——·these were the gift of Aliab the son of Khelon. On the fourth day, the prince of

the sons of Reuben, Aliazer the son of Shadiaur, presented a silver dish of cme hundred and thirty shekels, a. silver watering—ca.n of seventy shekels, by the sacred weights; both full of fine Hour mixed with oil, for a food- offering; a cup made of gold, fullof incense ;‘ a bull from the fold, a mm, a. lamb of the year for a. burnt-offer- ing; a he·goat for at simoffering; and for at sacrisfice of thanks, two bullocks, five rams, five, he—goa.ts, live year old sheep-—-these were the gift of Aliazar the son of Shadiaur. On the fifth day the prince of the

sons of Simeon, Shelumial the son of Tzorishedai, presented at silver dish of one hundred and thirty shekels, by the sacred weight, a. silver water- ing·can of seventy shekels, by the sacred shekel, both full of ine Hour mixed with oil for a food—0ffering; a cup made of gold, full of incense; a bull from the fold, a ram, a year old lamb for a burnt-offering, a he- goat for a sin-offering; and for a sacrifice of thanks, two bullocks, {ive rams, tive he-goats, tive year old sheep—-—these were the gift of Shelu- mial the son of T zori-shadai. On the sixth day the prince of the sons of Gad, Aliasef the son of Rauel presented a silver dish of one hundred and thirty shekels, by the sacred weight, a watering-can of seventy shekels, by the sacred weight, both full of fine flour mixed with oil for a food-offering; a cup made of gold, full of incense, a bull from the stall, a ram, a lamb of one year old for a burnt-offering; and for a sacrifice of thanks, two bullocks, hre rams, five he~goats, five year old sheep—these were the gift of Aliasaf the son of Rauel. the sons of Ephraim, Alishamah the son of Amihud, presented a silver 4g dish of onehhundred and thirty shekels, a silver watering·can of seventy shekels, by the sacred weights; both full of fine flour mixed with oil for a food-offering; a cup made of gold, full of incense; a bull from the fold, a ram, a sheep of a year old for a bumt—oHering; a he·goat for a simoifering; and for a sacrifice of thanks two bullocks, five rams, five he-goats, tive year old sheep—— these were the gift of Aiishamah the son of Amihud. On the eighth day the prince of the

sons of Manasseh, Gamalial the son of Phidhatzur, presented a silver dish of one hundred and thirty shekels, a silver watering—can of seventy shekels, by the sacred weights, both full. of Hue iiour mixed with oil, for a food-offering; a cup made of gold, full of incense; a bull from the fold, alram, a year old sheep, for a burnt~ offering; a he-goat for a sin-odering; and for a sacrifice of thanks, two bullocks, five rams, five sheep of a 53 54 55 57 59 year old. These were the gift of Gamalial the son of Phidhatzur. On the ninth day the prince ofthe 6o sons of Benjamin, Abidan, the son of Gadoni, presented a silver dish of 61 one hundred and thirty shekels, a silver watering-can of seventy shekels, bythe sacred weights, both full of fine Hour mixed with oil, as a food- offering; a cup made of gold, full of 62 incense, a bull from the fold, a ram, 63 a sheep of a year old, for a burnt- offering; and for a sacrifice of thanks, 64 two bullocks, five rams, five year old 65 sheep. These were the gift of Abidan the son of Gadoni. On the tenth day the prince ofthe 66 sons of Dan, Akhiazar the son of Amishadai, presented a silver dish of 67 one hundred and thirty shekels; a silver watering-can of seventy shekels, by the sacred weights, both full of hne iiour mixed with oil, as a food- offering; a cup made of gold, full of 68 incense ; a bull from the fold, a ram, 6g a year old sheep for a burnt-offering, a he-goat for a simofféring, and as a sacrifice of thanks, two bullocks, five rams, five he—goats, five year old sheep. These were the gift of Akhiazar the son of Amishadai. On the eleventh- day the prince of

the sons of Asher, Phanuel the son of

On the seventh day the prince of l Akran, presented a silver dish of one 135 73

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The History of the People of Israel