Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 138

The Five Books of Moses

9-16 NUMBERS. x6 x8 20 21 22 Tabernacle of the Hall of Witnesses, and in the evening there was over the Tabernacle like the light of fire until morning. S0 it was always the cloud covered by day, and the light of tire at night. And when the cloud, arose from off the Hall, then the children of Israel marched, and at the place where the cloud settled the children of Israel encamped. The children of Israel marched at the command of the EVER-LIVING, and they encamped at the command of the EvER—L1vxNG every day :·-—they encamped where the cloud rested upon the Tabernacle. But when the cloud rested upon the Tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel watched the Evan-1.1vmG and did not march. And if the cloud re- mained a number of days upon the Tabernacle by command of the EvER·L1v1NG they encamped, and at the command of the EVER-LIVING they marched. But if the cloud remained from evening to morning, and the cloud went up at the m0rn~ ing, then they marched, whether day or night; thus when the cloud went up they marched ; but whenever for days, or a month, or long periods, the cloud rested upon the Tabernacle the Children of Israel encamped, and did not march; but

23 on it going up they marched; By command of the EVER-LIVING they marched. They waited the order of the Evmz-1.1vmG by the hand of Moses. 10 Ely: ®thzr in malt: ®mtgs. The EvER·L1V1NG also spoke to Moses commanding; ‘ Make two silver gongs for yourself.

Make them concave, and use them to call the Parliament, and to prepare the camp for marching, so that when you beat them all the Parliament will know how to come to you at the door of the Hall of Assembly. And if you beat one of them the generals and colonels of the regiments of Israel, will know to come to you. When you beat an Arise, then the divisions of the camp on the east shall march. ‘ When you beat the Arise, a

second time, the divisions of the camp on the south shall march. T hey shall prepare to march at the Arise. But at the call for a Meeting

you shall blow a trumpet, not sound 10--23

an Arise. The sons of Aaron, the priest, shall beat the gongs, and this shall be a perpetual institution for your posterity. ‘ And when you go to war in your

land, to distress those who distress you, terrify them with the gongs, and remember the presence of your EVER- LIVING GOD, and He will encourage you against your enemies. ‘ Also in the days of your festivals,

and in your assemblies, and on the first of the months, beat the gongs with your burnt·of1erings, and with your thanleofferings, and they shall be reminders for you before your Gon; I am the Ev1sn—r.1vme Gon. IO @32 3imt Marr}; frum §izmi in martial Qrrag. It occurred in the second year, in

the twelfth month, that the cloud arose from off the Tent of Witnesses; so the children of Israel marched from the Wilderness of Sinai, and the cloud settled on the Wilderness of Paran. They also marched in divisions by the order of the EVER-LIVING, under the control of Moses. The standard of the sons of ]udah

marched in divisions as an army, and Nakhshon the son of Aminadab was over that army. And Nathaniel the son of Tzoar

was over the army of the tribe of the sons of Issakar; And Aliab the son of Khelon

was over the army of the sons of Zebulon; Then the sons of Ghershon and the

sons of Merari having taken down the Tabernacle marched, carrying the Tabernacle. Then the standard of the tribe of

Reuben marched with their army, and Aliazer the son of Shadiaur was over it. And Shelumial the son of Tzori··

shadai was over the army of the tribe of Simeon. And Aliasaf the son of Daual was

over the army of the tribe of the sons of Gad. Then the Kahathites marched carry-

ing the sanctuary, and they erected the Tabernacle after the advance. Then thestandard of the camp of

the sons of Ephraim marched with their army, and Alishamah the son of Amihud was over that army. And Gamalial the son of Phidatzhur :38 II I2 16

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0138

The History of the People of Israel