Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 144

The Five Books of Moses

NUMBERS.- 15-3 15-35 ‘ When you come to your pcrma·

nent country which I will give to you, and you make a gift to the EVER- L1vxNG,···-a burnt-offering, or a sa,cri— {ice to fulfil a vow, ora free-will offer- ing, or in your festivals to make a. pleasant breath to the EvER—L1v1NG with an ox or a. sheep, then approach- ing, present as your gift to the EVER- LxV1NG as a food-offering, a. tenth of fine flour mixed with the fourth of a hin of oil, and of wine for a. drink··offering you shall offer the fourth of a hiu, with the burnt·o&°ering, or the sacri- fice of a single lamb. Or with a ram, youpshall offer as a food-offering a twelfth of fine flour mixed with the third of a. hin of oil, and the third part of a him of wine for a drink- offering, presented as a pleasing breath to the LGRD. ‘And when you offer a hullock as a bumt—offering, or a sacrifice to fulfil a vow, or as a thank—oPfering to

g the Evan-ravine, you shall offer with the bullock, as a. food—offering, three tenths of fine flour mixed with

10 half a hin of oil; and as a drink- offering, present half a hin of wine as a gift of pleasant breath to jzuovlm. ‘And the same shall he done with each ox, each ram, each lamb

12 ofthe sheep, or goats. According to the number which are offered, this shall be done, with each one of the

13 number. Make every presentation in the same way as these, to offer a pleasing breath to the EVER-LIVING.

14 And whatever stranger resides with you, or is settled among your pos- terity, when he makes an offering of a pleasing breath to the EvER·L1v1NG,

:5 he shall do the same as you do. It is a_ common Institution alike for you and the foreigner who resides with you. It is a perpetual Institution for your posterity, both for you and the

16 foreigner before jznovau. There shall be one law, and one rule for yourselves and for the foreigners residing with you} Quin nf Qnrbzst-hum ®fzri¤g¤. 17 The EVER-uvmo also spoke to Moses commanding; Speak to the children of Israel and say to them; ‘ When you arrive at the country where I will bring you,

xg and eat of the bread of the land, you shall lift it up before the EVER-

zo uvme. You shall lift up the first cake from the dough the same as you hold up of your grain ;-—·so shall you hold it up. You must give the first of your grindings to the EvER·-L1v1NG as a lift-offering from your produce. Glfrrings fur £¤iimml Sins. ‘But if you wander from, and do

not practise all these commands which JEHOVAH has dictated to Moses; all that the Evan-Lxvme has commanded to you by the medium of Moses, from the day when the Loan commanded them, to your furthest posterity; or if your Parlia- ment should inadvertently commit an error, then all your Parliament shall offer a bull from the herd as a burnt~offering, for a pleasant breath to the Evan-Llvluo; with its food- oderinganddrink-ofi`ering,asdecreed, and a ram of they goats for a sin- onering; and the priest shall expiate for all the Parliament of the children of Israel, and forgive them their fault, 2r 22 when they bringthe offering to present to juuovglu, and make a sin·offering 26 for their fault. ®Erring¤ for Qzrsmtal Saudis. ‘ But if an individual commits a 27 fault, then he shall present a she- goat of a year old as a sin-offering; and the priest shall expiate for that 28 person for the fault he has inadver- tently committed, before the EVER- LIVING. He shall expiate for it, and shall pardon him for it. There is 29 one law for the native of the children of Israel, and for the foreigners among them, for you to observe regarding faultiness. But the person go who acts with awicked hand, whether a native or a foreigner, in contempt of the Evmt-L1v1l~{G,-—-that person shall be excommunicated from among his people. For he has despised the 31 command of the Loan and broken His decree, by his sin. Ghz Zulu of §al:h¤tl;··l¤rznkiug. While the children of Israel were 32 in the Wilderness, they found a man collecting sticks _on the $abbatl·I day, and those who found him gathering 33 sticks presented him to Moses and Aaron and to all the Parliament, who 34 put him under guard, for they could not decide what to do with him. But 35 the EVER—L1vxNc- said to Moses ;-· 1`he man must diel Let all the


Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0144

The History of the People of Israel