‘ Build for me here seven alters, and prepare for me here seven builooks and seven rams. Balak accordingly did as Balaam
said, and Balak and Balaam offered up a bullock and a ram on each altar. Then Balaam said to Balak;
‘ Stand here by your offerings, and I will go yonder to meet the EVER- LIVING to inquire; and whatever He may show me I will report to you. So he went to a. cliff, where Belaam I have built seven aitars, and offered e. bullock and e. ram on each altar} The Evmz-1.1vme then put sa
speech into the mouth of Balaam, and Return to Balak and say So he returned to Balak, who
stood by his offerings ;-—he, and all the Princes of Moab, and he there began his poem and said; §alnnm’¤ Qprcrplyzzg. From Aram, Balak, Moab’s king brought me, From the hills of the East I have Curse for me jacob; insult for me Israel l' How can I curse, whom Goo has not cursed P How can I insult, whom ]BHovA1~1 insults not? Whom I see from the top of the rocks, And from the hills I survey him A People dwelling alone, And not mixed up with the nations I-—— Who can number the dust of jacob P Who can count Israel’s increase? Let my life die the death of the righteous! Let my last days be like to hisl ’ Then Balak exclaimed to Balaam,
‘What have you done for me? I instmcted you to curse my enemies! 23*24 Was 12 it not what the EvER~L1v1NG put into my mouth ?·-·I was obliged to speak it! Balak, however, answered him, :3 ‘Come, then, with me to another place, where you can look and only see a part of the encampment, and not survey the whole ;--~and curse them from there I ’ dbz Seaman Sarrihrz of ‘§aIah mth Qalaain. So he took him to the Field of
Towers, at the top of Pisgah, and built seven alters, and oHered a bullock and a, ram on each altar. Stand here by the offerings and I will go yonder} And the Evan-Lrvme met Balsam and put a speech in his mouth, Return to Balak and So he went to him, and found him standing by his offerings, and the princes of Moab with him, and Balak asked What does the Evan-1.1vmG Then he began his poem and said ; i6 :8 Gil]: Szrmrh §r¤pI;ecg nf Qalaam. Stand up, Balak, and hear! Listen intently, son of Tzifor! GOD is not a man to lie; Or a son of man to change his purpose l HE has said !—-and will HE not do ? And spoken l-—·~will HE not per- form P Blessing, HE ordered me to b1ess,··-· And I cannot reverse itl He perceived no fault in jacob, And saw not in Israel wrong! The LIVING GOD is with him, And a Kingly Cheer is his I GGD brought him up from Mitzer; He is like to a mighty bull l There is no chain for jacob, For Israel no subjector ! In time they will say of jacob and Israel, What wonders Gov has done ! See the People l how it advances !— Like a lion it rears and stands! It lies not down till the preyais devoured, And its thirst is quenched in l