Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 158

The Five Books of Moses

NUMBERS. 26——3¤ 26--57 33 35 39 From Khelag, the families of the Khelagitesg From Asrial, the families of the Asrialitas; Fmm Shekem, the families of the Shckemites; From Shemida., the fa.mi1.ies of the Shsmidaites ; From Khefer, the families of the Khcfcrites; From 'l`zilafkad,tl1e som of Khixir,

there were no sons, but only daughters, and the names of the daughters of Tzilafkad were Makhlah, and Noah, Khagiah, Mil- kar and Thirtzah. These were the families of Manas-

seh enrolled, fifty—two thousand and seven hundred. These were the sous of Ephraim by their families; From Shuthlakh were the families of the Shuthlakhites; From Beker, the families of the Bekerites; From Thakhan, the families of the Thakhauites; And these were the sous of Shuth- lakh; From Aran, the families of the Arauites; These were the families of the sons

of Ephraim, by enrolment, thirty—two thousand, five hundred. These were the sous of joseph by their families. The sous of Benjamin by their families were; From Bola, the families of the Bolites; From Ashbel, the families of the Ashbelites; From Akhirm, the families of the Akhirmites ; From Shifafam, the families of the Shifafamites ; From Khofam, the families of the Khofamites ; 4o And there were sous of Bola, Arad, and Naman; From Arad, the families of the Aradites; From Naman, the families of the Namaxfites; These were the sons of Benjamin

by their families, by enrolment, forty—5ve thousand, six hundred. These were the sons of Dan by their families; From Shukham, the families ofthe Sh ukhamites ; These were the families of Dan by

their families, all the families of the Shukhamites, by- enrolment, were sixty·four thousand, four hundred ; The sons of Asher by their families were; From Imna, the families of the Imnites; From Ishua, the families of the Ishuites; From Beriah, the families of the Beriahites; From the sons of Beriah; From Kheber, the families of the Kheberites; From Malkiel, the families of the

Malkielitesw-and the name of the daughter of Asher was Sarakh. These were the families of the sons

of Asher, by enrolment, fifty thou- sand, four hundred. The sons of Naphthali, by their families, were ; From Yakhzal, the families of the Yakhzalites ; From Guni, the families of the Gunites; From Itzri, the families of the Itzrites; From Shilam, the families of the Shilamites ; These were the families of Naph-·

thali, by their families, by enrol- ment, forty—live thousand, four hundred. These were enrolled of the sons

of Israel, six hundred and one thou- sand, seven hundred and thirty (6¤r.7s¤)· Qihisimt nf ily: Fanh nrilzrzh. The EVER·L1vING afterwards spoke to Moses and said, ‘ You shall divide the country into

estates for them according to the number of the names. To the more numerous you shall increase the portions, and to the lesser lessen the portions; each according to the enrolment shall be given their possessions. You shall distribute the portions ofiland by lots. 1 They shall 44 45 47 49 53 54 55 inherit by the names ot the tribes of their fathers! El): £¤hlz Famiiizs of ight. These also, were the chiefs of 57 Levi, by their families; From Ghershon, the families of the Ghershonites; From Kahath, the families of the Kahathites; From Merari, the families of the Meraiites;


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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0158

The History of the People of Israel