Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 161

The Five Books of Moses

NUMBERS. 29··-·x And in the seventh mouth you shall proclaim the first of the month holy to the EVER-LIVING. You shall do no servilo work. Make it your

2 day of rejoicing to the Loan, and ering delightful to the Evmz—L1vmG a. builock from the fold, a ram, and seven perfect lambs

3 of a year old ; and as 2. bread—oHering three tenths of fine flour mixed with oil for the bullock,——two tenths with

4 the ram, and one tenth with each one 5 of the seven lambs; and a ram of the goats as a sin-offering to expiate for

6 you; beside the burnt-offerings of the xr :2 16 18 month, and the food-offerings, and the perpetua.1 sacrifices, and their bread~offerings, and drink-offerings as decreed, for a pleasant scent to the EvER—L1v1NG. ‘ And you shall proclaim the tenth

of the seventh month holy to the EvER—L1v1NG, when you shall lower your lives, and do no work ; but offer in bumeofferings to the Evmz— LIVING as a sweet perfume, a bullock from the herd ; a ram ; seven perfect lambs of a year old; and as a bread— offering three tenths of Hue Hour mixed with oil for the bullock; two tenths for the ram; the tenth of an asheran for each one of the seven lambs; with a ram of the goats as a simoffering; beside the simofferings of expiation, and the perpetual sacri· fices, and the food—oHex·ings and drink- oiferings. ‘And you shall also proclaim the

fifteenth day of the seventh month holy to you. You shall not do any labourin g work in it, but feast a festival to the EvER~L1v1NG for sevendays. Then you shall present as a burnt—offering of delightful scent to jznovau, thirteen bullocks; two rams; four- teen he-lambs for a year old. They shall be perfect; with their food- offerings of three tenths of fine Hour mixed with oil, to each bullock, of the thirteen bullocks; two tenths to each ram of the two rams; and a tenth of an asheran to each of the lambs, of the fourteen lambs; with a he—goat as a sin—offering; beside the perpetual food—offerings and drink- oherings. ‘ And upon the second day, twelve

perfect bullocks from the herd; two rams; fourteen lambs of a year old; with bread—o&”erings and drink·offer~ ings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs by the rule as 29--39

decreed; with a ram of the goats as a sin-offering, beside the perpetual sacrifices with their bread and drink o§erings; ‘ And upon the third day, twelve

perfect bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of a year old, with bread and drink oii”erings_ with the bullocks, rams, and lambs, according to the rule decreed; and a goat for a sin- olfering; beside the perpetual sacri- fices, and their bread and drink offerings. ‘ And upon the fourth day, ten

perfect bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of a year old; with bread and drink offerings according to the rule decreed; and a he-goat for a sin- olfering, beside the perpetual sacri- fices with their bread and drink offerings. ’And upon the fifth day ;—·-nine

perfect bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of a year old; with bread and drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, accord- ing to the rule decreed; and a he- goat for a sin-offering, beside the perpetual sacrifices, with their bread and drink offerings. ‘And upon the sixth day ;——eight

perfect bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of a year old; with bread and drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, accord- ing to the rule decreed; with a he- goat for a sin-offering, beside the perpetual sacrifices, with their bread and drink offerings. ‘ And upon the seventh day; seven perfect bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of a year old; with bread and drink offerings for the bullocks, the rams, and lambs, according to the rule decreed ; and a he-goat for a sin·offering, beside the perpetual sacrifices, with their bread and drink offerings. _ ‘And upon the eighth day you

shall have a Festival. You shall do no servile work, but present as a sacrifice of delightful scent to the EVER-Livmc a perfect bullock, a ram, and seven lambs of a year old; with bread and drink offerings for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, according to the rule decreed; with a he~goat for a sin~offering, beside the perpetual sacrifices with their bread and drink offerings. You shall sacrifice these to the Evan- L1v1NG in your Festival, beside your 161 20 21 22 26 28 33

34 35 37

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0161

The History of the People of Israel